
listen to the pronunciation of brauchen
Deutsch - Türkisch
(Gramer) ihtiyacı (muhtaç) olmak(akk.alır)
gereksemek, ihtiyacı olmak, muhtaç olmak; zorunda olmak; kullanmak, yararlanmak, faydalanmak
v. 'brauhın kullanmak, yararlanmak: ihtiyacı olmak, gereksinmek
{'brauhın} kullanmak, yararlanmak: ihtiyacı olmak, gereksinmek
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von brauchen im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Büyük bir ordu ve donanmaya ihtiyaç olacaktı. - A large army and navy would be needed.

Amerikalıların Çin'e seyahat etmeleri için bir vizeye ihtiyaçları var. - Americans need a visa to travel to China.


Sanırım benim yardımıma gereksinimin var. - I think you need my help.

Fabrikamızın birçok makineye gereksinimi var. - Our factory needs a lot of machinery.

{i} lüzum
(İnşaat) ihtiyaç olmak
(isim) ihtiyaç, gereksinim, gerek, lüzum, yoksulluk, muhtaçlık
-e ihtiyacı olmak
{f} gerekmek

Dünya'nın petrol yerine yeni enerji kaynakları geliştirmesi gerekmektedir. - The world needs to develop new energy sources in place of oil.

Bizim karşılıklı sorunumuza bir çözüm bulmak için birlikte çalışmamız gerekmektedir. - We need to work together to find a solution to our mutual problem.

{i} 1. gereksinim, gereksinme, ihtiyaç; gerek, gereklik, gereklilik, lüzum: What are your needs? İhtiyaçlarınız nedir? a need for money para
{f} ihtiyacı olmak

Fakir olmak az şeye sahip olmak değil fakat çok şeye ihtiyacı olmaktır. - To be poor is not to have little, but to need much.

ihtiyaç duyma

Avrupa hiç kimseye ihtiyaç duymaz. - Europe doesn't need anyone.

Tom ihtiyaç duymadığı birkaç şey satın aldı. - Tom bought a few things he didn't need.

ihtiyaç hissetmek

Biriyle konuşman gerekirse istediğin zaman beni ara. - If you need to talk to someone, call me any time you want.

Tom gerekirse bilgisayarımı kullanabilir. - Tom may use my computer if he needs to.

gereksinim duymak
gereksemek istemek
need ihtiyaç duy
gereksinim, gereksinme, ihtiyaç; gerek, gereklik, gereklilik, lüzum: What are your needs? İhtiyaçlarınız nedir? a need for money para
Deutsch - Englisch
to lack
to take something
to be in need (of)
to want

Children need a lot of sleep. - Kinder brauchen viel Schlaf.

As we need fresh air, so fish need clean water. - So wie wir frische Luft brauchen, so brauchen die Fische sauberes Wasser.

Auslauf brauchen
to need outdoor exercise
Das ist genau das, was wir brauchen.
That's just what the doctor ordered
Dazu brauchen wir Schulungszentren in jeder Region.
In order for that to happen, we need training centres in every region
Der ist endgültig hinüber und ich werde eine Krone brauchen.
This one is a definite goner and I'll need a crown
Du wirst es nicht brauchen, glaube es mir.
You won't need it, believe me
Erholung brauchen
to need a rest
Etablierung (von Bräuchen, Fremdwörtern)
introduction (of customs, foreign words)
Ich kann es nicht brauchen.
I can't do anything with it
Ich werde etwas Zeit brauchen, um mich nach meiner Krankheit zu erholen.
I'll need some time to recoup after my sickness
Kinder erfassen die Darbietung sofort, während Erwachsene länger brauchen, um si
Children grok this show immediately, while adults take longer to get it
Kinder, zumal kleine, brauchen viel Zuwendung.
Children, particularly small ones, require a lot of attention
Langhaarige Hunde brauchen viel Körperpflege.
Long-haired dogs need a lot of grooming
Manche Wahrheiten sollen nicht, manche brauchen nicht, manche müssen gesagt werd
Some truths should not, some need not, some must be told. (Busch)
Platz brauchen
to require space
Platz brauchen
to space
Ruhe brauchen
need rest
Sie brauchen diese Fragen nicht zu beantworten
You're not obliged to answer these questions
Sie brauchen sich nicht zu rechtfertigen.
You needn't justify yourself
Sie brauchen unsere Unterstützung, nicht nur unsere Anteilnahme.
They need our assistance, not just our commiseration
Stell die Pflanzen naher ans Fenster, sie brauchen mehr Licht!
Put the plants closer to the window, they need more light!
Säuglinge brauchen ständige Betreuung.
Babies need constant attention
Umgelegt auf zusätzliches Personal - wie viel werden wir brauchen?
In terms of extra staff - how many will we need?
Vielleicht kann ich es noch einmal/irgendwann einmal brauchen.
It may come in handy again (some time)
Was wir brauchen sind mehr Polizisten auf der Straße.
What we need is more policemen on the beat
Wenn wir die Kostenfrage einmal beiseite lassen, brauchen wir eigentlich ein Zwe
Leaving aside for a moment the question of expense, do we actually need a second car?
Wir brauchen dafür mindestens 10 Jahre.
We'll need 10 years at a/the minimum
Wir brauchen ein Krankenhaus, das einen großen Teil von Wales versorgt.
We need a hospital which serves a large area of Wales
Wir brauchen eine Umweltbehörde mit großer Schlagkraft.
We need an environment agency that really has teeth
Wir brauchen nähere Angaben.
We need fuller details / more background information
Wir brauchen sozialen Zusammenhalt, um sicherzustellen, dass niemand außen vor b
Social cohesion is needed to ensure that no one is left behind
Wirf das nicht weg - das kann man vielleicht noch brauchen.
Don't throw that away - it might come in handy
Zeit brauchen
to take time
Zu den vorgeschlagenen Änderungen brauchen wir, glaube ich, mehr Informationen.
Apropos of the proposed changes, I think more information is needed
anderen das vorenthalten, was man selbst nicht will oder brauchen kann
to be a dog-in-the-manger
dringend brauchen
want badly
einen Arschtritt brauchen
to need a kick up the arse
etw. brauchen
to require something (person)
etw. brauchen
to be in want of something
etw. brauchen
to need something
etw. dringend brauchen
to be in desperate need of something
etw. dringend brauchen
to be gagging for something
etw. dringend brauchen
to be desperate for something
etw. sein, das man gut (ge)brauchen kann
to come in handy
ganz dringend brauchen
to be in dire need of
regelmäßig einen Tritt in den Hintern brauchen
to need a kick up the backside regularly
Ältere Autos brauchen viel Benzin.
Older cars are heavy on petrol