boyun fıkra kemiklerinin birincisi, birinci omur, atlas

listen to the pronunciation of boyun fıkra kemiklerinin birincisi, birinci omur, atlas
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) atlas
A detailed visual conspectus of something of great and multi-faceted complexity, with its elements splayed so as to be presented in as discrete a manner as possible whilst retaining a realistic view of the whole

Finally, Subsol et al. reported on a method for automatically constructing 3D morphometric anatomical atlantes which is based on the extraction of line and point features and their subsequent non-rigid registration.

A sheet of paper measuring 26 inches by 34 inches
A collection of top-dimensional subspaces, called charts, each homeomorphic to Euclidean space, which comprise the entirety of a manifold, such that intersecting charts' respective homeomorphisms are compatible in a certain way
A bound collection of tables, illustrations, etc. on any subject
An atlas is a book of maps. in Greek mythology, one of the Titans (=the first gods who ruled the universe) . After the Titans were defeated by Zeus, Atlas was forced to hold the sky on his shoulders forever. In art, however, Atlas is usually shown holding the world on his shoulders, not the sky. a book containing maps, especially of the whole world road atlas (Atlas giant in an ancient Greek story who had to hold up the sky; because his name was used as the title of a 16th-century book of maps). In Greek mythology, the strong man who supported the weight of the heavens on his shoulders. He was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the nymph Clymene (or Asia) and the brother of Prometheus. According to Hesiod, Atlas was one of the Titans who waged war against Zeus, and as punishment he was condemned to hold aloft the heavens. Collection of maps or charts, usually bound together. The name derives from a custom initiated by Gerardus Mercator in the 16th century of using the figure of the Titan Atlas, holding the globe on his shoulders, as a frontispiece for books of maps. Abraham Ortelius's Epitome of the Theater of the World (1570) is generally thought to be the first modern atlas. Atlases often contain pictures, tabular data, facts about areas, and indexes of place-names keyed to coordinates of latitude and longitude or to a locational grid with numbers and letters along the sides of maps. Male figure used as a column to support an entablature, balcony, or other projection, originating in Classical architecture. Such figures are posed as if supporting great weights, like Atlas bearing the world. The related telamon of Roman architecture, the male counterpart of the caryatid, is also a weight-bearing figure but does not usually appear in an atlas pose. Atlas Mountains Atlas rocket Atlas Charles
A rich kind of satin manufactured in India
A book of maps Healey Library's atlas collection is located on the library's 4th floor
A volume of maps, plates, engravings, tables, etc with or without descriptive letterpress It may be an independent publication or it may have been issued to accompany one or more volumes of text
A book of maps An atlas of the United States has maps of all 50 states and the U S territories
a computer-controlled instrument which measures the Staple Length, Staple Strength and Position of Break of individual staples In operation, a continuous belt conveys each staple between an array of lights and an array of photocells, which detects the ends of the staple and enables the length (in millimetres) to be measured The staple is then grasped by two sets of jaws and broken The force required is measured in Newtons The two pieces of the broken staple are individually collected and weighed and, from the masses, lengths and core test yield, the staple linear density (thickness) is calculated and expressed in kilotex; the Staple Strength is expressed as Newtons/kilotex (N/ktex) The masses of the two pieces are also used to calculate the Position of Break
{i} collection of geographical maps; first vertebra in the neck (Anatomy)
a figure of a man used as a column; telamon
one who supports a heavy burden; mainstay
A bound collection of maps
One who sustains a great burden
the computerized catalog of books, periodicals, and media materials owned by the TTU Library
a collection of maps
An early liquid-fueled rocket, used by US astronauts and still in use for unmanned launches Because of its lightweight construction it uses no staging, but only drops two of its engines
A collection of maps in a volume A volume of plates illustrating any subject
boyun fıkra kemiklerinin birincisi, birinci omur, atlas


    bo·yun fık·ra ke·mik·le·ri·nin bi·rin·ci·si, bi·rin·ci o·mur, at·las

