Babam 1941'de Matsuyama'da doğmuş.
- My father was born in Matsuyama in 1941.
Japonya'da doğmuş olmayı tercih ederdim.
- I would rather have been born in Japan.
Doğmak, evlenmek ve ölmek, her zaman para getirir.
- Be born, get married, and die; always bring money.
Adam fakir olarak doğmaktan utanıyordu.
- The man was ashamed of being born poor.
Şubat ayında doğanlar diğer aylarda doğanlardan ayın daha yüksek yüzdesini doğum günlerini kutlayarak harcarlar.
- People born in February get to spend a higher percentage of the month celebrating their birthdays than those born in other months.
Benim doğum günüm 12 Haziran. Magdalena, benimle aynı günde ve yılda doğdu.
- My birthday is June 12. Magdalena was born on the same day and year as me.
Ebeveynlerim ben doğmadan önce evlendiler.
- My parents have been married since before I was born.
Adam fakir olarak doğmaktan utanıyordu.
- The man was ashamed of being born poor.
Kojin Kudo bir doğuştan şairdir.
- Kojin Kudo is a born poet.
Tom doğuştan kör değildi.
- Tom was not born blind.
Ben Showa döneminde doğan bir insanım.
- I'm a person who was born during the Showa era.
Şubat ayında doğanlar diğer aylarda doğanlardan ayın daha yüksek yüzdesini doğum günlerini kutlayarak harcarlar.
- People born in February get to spend a higher percentage of the month celebrating their birthdays than those born in other months.
29 haziran 1979 da zonguldakta doğdu.
İsa, Meryem'in bir çocuğu olarak doğdu.
- Jesus was born of Mary.
1988'de York'ta doğdum.
- I was born in 1988 in York.
Doğmak, evlenmek ve ölmek, her zaman para getirir.
- Be born, get married, and die; always bring money.
Yapabileceğimiz tek şey ona katlanmaktı.
- The only thing we could do was to bear with it.
O, Marilyn Monroe'ya acayip bir benzerlik taşımaktadır.
- She bears an uncanny resemblance to Marilyn Monroe.
Bu mektup bir yabancı damgası taşımaktadır.
- This letter bears a foreign stamp.
Ben çocukken, komşuları korkutmak için bir evcil kahverengi ayım olsun istedim.
- When I was little, I wanted to have a pet brown bear to scare my neighbors.
Benjamin, bir ayıyı tüfekle vurdu.
- Benjamin shot a bear with a rifle.
Yeniden doğmuş olsaydın hangi cinsiyeti seçerdin?
- If you were born again, which gender would you pick?
Onlar Tayland doğumlular.
- They were born in Thailand.
Sami evlilik dışı olarak Mısır'da doğdu.
- Sami was born out of wedlock in Egypt.
O buralı değil. O, ülke dışında doğdu.
- She's not from here. She was born out of country.
Ona karşı hiçbir kötü niyet taşımıyorum.
- I bear him no malice.
O, Marilyn Monroe'ya acayip bir benzerlik taşımaktadır.
- She bears an uncanny resemblance to Marilyn Monroe.
Tom'un sineye çekmekten başka seçeneği yoktu.
- Tom had no choice but to grin and bear it.
Doğmak, evlenmek ve ölmek, her zaman para getirir.
- Be born, get married, and die; always bring money.
Zengin olmak için kesin bir yöntem, zengin doğmuş olmaktır.
- A sure method to be rich is to be born rich.
Tom'un ya sabır çekmek dışında bir seçeneği yoktu.
- Tom had no choice but to grin and bear it.
A tree bears leaves in spring.
O, büyük sinema güzelliklerinden biri olan Ingrid Bergman'a şaşırtıcı bir benzerlik taşımaktadır,
- She bears a striking resemblance to Ingrid Bergman, one of the great cinema beauties.
Tom'un sineye çekmekten başka seçeneği yoktu.
- Tom had no choice but to grin and bear it.
I ought really to have called him my sergeant. He's a born sergeant. That's as much as to say he's a born scoundrel.
Phone at a symphony concert? I'd ask if these people were born in a barn, but that would disrespect the animals.
No surprise really for followers of Jesus, who after all was a rural dweller himself, born in a barn.
Neither bothered to lock or shut the house's front or back doors. It was like they had been born in a barn, she says.
A born loser and high school dropout from Lufkin, Texas, McClure had been rejected by the Army and Air Force.
He was never in the service, but he acts like he was born on the Fourth of July.
No one had had any experience of an emperor like Commodus, a Caesar born to the purple.
He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and probably never had to work a day in his life.
He proclaimed himself a born-again Christian during a church retreat.
To many people a born-again philosophy is a fundamentalist philosophy.
After not picking up a shovel for twenty years, she finally saw the beauty in flowers and declared herself a born-again gardener.
I am Texas-born.
He was a low-born rascal.
Compared to me, you were born yesterday..
Bears look for over-priced securities to sell short.
You rang me last night but it was bear late and I didn't answer.
The jury could see he was bearing false witness.
The great bear market starting in 1929 scared a whole generation of investors.
The harbour bears North by Northeast.
Irving is further required, as a matter of practice, to spell out what he contends are the specific defamatory meanings borne by those passages.
I've never seen such an ugly man in all my born days.
Ran on the green-sward.
Stephen Ward, a winger converted to emergency left-back two months ago, now looks to the manner born.
... being in front of 50,000 fans screaming, "I was born this ...
... >>Marissa Mayer: And so I imagine -- I imagine that Born ...