A bonfire is a fire that is made outdoors, usually to burn rubbish. Bonfires are also sometimes lit as part of a celebration. With bonfires outlawed in urban areas, gardeners must cart their refuse to a dump. a large outdoor fire, either for burning waste or for a party (bonfire (14-17 centuries), from bone + fire)
a large group of people who celebrate bonfire night on the 5th of November by processing through the streets of their town or village and do other smaller events throughout the rest of the year
Bonfire Night is the popular name for Guy Fawkes Night. = Guy Fawkes Night. November 5th, when people in Britain light fireworks and burn a guy on a large outdoor fire = Guy Fawkes' night
() From Middle English bonefire, bonefyre, banefyre (“a fire in which bones were burnt”), equivalent to bone + fire.“” in the Online Etymology Dictionary, Douglas Harper, 2001 Cognate with Scots banefire (“bonfire”). More at bone, fire.