biyol. değişinim, değşinim, mutasyon

listen to the pronunciation of biyol. değişinim, değşinim, mutasyon
Türkisch - Englisch
{i} mutation
Any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material
a mutant
A change in a gene that can occur randomly (naturally) or that can be deliberately caused in the laboratory by scientists
a change or alteration in form or qualities
(genetics) any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism
Gradual definitely tending variation, such as may be observed in a group of organisms in the fossils of successive geological levels
Change; alteration, either in form or qualities
A permanent structural alteration in DNA that can be transmitted from one generation to the next Changes in DNA either have no effect or cause harm Occassionally a mutation can improve an organism's chance of surviving and passing the beneficial change on to its descendants
Change in the structure of a gene or chromosome
Change of the hereditary information resulting in a change in the sequence of the nucleotides in the DNA
A term introduced in the late-nineteenth century to refer to large scale phenotypic change but which was appropriated by modern genetics to mean any genetic change, large or small A 'point mutation' is the single substitution of one base A 'translocation' is the reshuffling of a long sequence An 'inversion' is the inverting of a long sequence, and so on
an alteration or change
Any inheritable change in DNA sequence
Any heritable change in the base-pair sequence of genetic material, namely DNA (or RNA in the case of some viruses)
A permanent structural alteration in DNA In most cases, DNA changes either have no effect or cause harm, but occasionally a mutation can improve an organism's chance of surviving and passing the beneficial change on to its descendants 1
The occurrence of mutations, and the hereditary transmission, under some conditions, of the characters so appearing, are well-established facts; whether the process has played an important part in the evolution of the existing species and other groups of organisms is a disputed question
Alteration in the genetic material of a cell that is transmitted to the cell's offspring. Mutations may be spontaneous or induced by outside factors (mutagens). They take place in the genes, occurring when one base is substituted for another in the sequence of bases that determines the genetic code, or when one or more bases are inserted or deleted from a gene. Many mutations are harmless, often masked by the presence of a dominant normal gene (see dominance). Some have serious consequences; for example, a particular mutation inherited from both parents results in sickle-cell anemia. Only mutations that occur in the sex cells (eggs or sperm) can be transmitted to the individual's offspring. Alterations caused by these mutations are usually harmful. In the rare instances in which a mutation produces a beneficial change, the percentage of organisms with this gene will tend to increase until the mutated gene becomes the norm in the population. In this way, beneficial mutations serve as the raw material of evolution
n (myoo-TAY-shun) Change in a gene or chromosome resulting in a new trait or characteristic that can be inherited Mutation can be a source of beneficial genetic variation, or it can be neutral or harmful in effect
Any nucleotide change in DNA sequence
An error in replication or other alteration of the nucleotide base sequence creating a change in the sequence of base pairs on a DNA molecule If the change occurs in the DNA of a somatic cell, the mutation may cause a change in the organism's phenotype (leading, for example, to cancer) but will not affect the organism's offspring; only mutations in the germ cells can cause heritable changes in the offspring
biyol. değişinim, değşinim, mutasyon