bir başkası hakkında kötü ve aşağılayıcı konuşma

listen to the pronunciation of bir başkası hakkında kötü ve aşağılayıcı konuşma
Türkisch - Englisch
trash talk
Trash-talk is a form of boast or insult commonly heard in competitive situations (such as sports events). It is often used to intimidate the opposition, but can also be used in a humorous spirit. Trash-talk is often characterized by hyperbolic, figurative language, e.g., "Your team can't run! You run like honey on ice!" Puns and other wordplay are commonly used. However, citing information about a rival's weaknesses would not be characterized as trash-talk, but could be described as a "discussion topic" (which might foster a trash-talk situation)
Disparaging, often insulting or vulgar speech about another person or group
bir başkası hakkında kötü ve aşağılayıcı konuşma


    bir baş·ka·sı hak·kın·da kö·tü ve a·şa·ğı·la·yı·cı ko·nuş·ma

