
listen to the pronunciation of bipinnate
Englisch - Türkisch
çift tüylü
çift tüyl
bipinnate leaf
çift tüylü yaprak
Englisch - Englisch
Pinnate and having leaflet that are themselves pinnate
of a leaf shape; having doubly pinnate leaflets (as ferns)
twice pinnate
Leaves divided and re-divided into regular segments
leaf formed of several leaflets set on either side of the petiole
A type of leaf structure that is divided twice
Twice pinnate (as in honey-locust leaves)
Doubly pinnate, as of a leaf consisting of a central axis and lateral axes to which leaflets are attached
Pinnate, with pinnate leaflets
twice-divided in a pinnate structure; generally on ferns (see pictorial glossary)
Having two rows of lateral branches, appendages, or other parts along an axis which are themselves again divided into two rows along an axis
A pinna with free pinules (i e, When a pinna is subdivided into leaflets that are free to the pinna rachis)
refering to a leaf: doubly pinnately compound, the leaf being pinnately divided into pinnae which are divided themselves into leaflets The leaves of Jacaranda mimosifolia is bipinnate
bipinnate leaf
having pinnate leaflets; as ferns