For finding information about the universe and everything in it, computers have been very instrumental Keeping track of things, organizing, photographing Almost everything can be done on a computer now!
An electronic device that performs such actions as high-speed calculations and processing of information Will computers in labs be part of the curriculum? If so, how many students can be expected to share one computer The computers can be along the periphery of the lab, at stations in an area within the lab, or adjacent to or on the lab benches Ideally there should be multiple ports for laptops or cabling so future ports can be provided Don¹t forget that computers or laptops might be used in project and prep space
A big Goth like Many, many Goths work in computers; there is a huge Goth presence on the Web and the Goth newsgroups attract more new posters every day (frequently to the despair of the regulars- please see the FAQs for more information about newsgroup etiquette)