bilgi sistemleri

listen to the pronunciation of bilgi sistemleri
Türkisch - Englisch
(Askeri) information systems
plural form of information system
The unit of LA which manages all computer and media systems, including closed circuit television, within the Capitol Formerly known as "OLIS," but not to be confused with the OLIS 2000 computer system
The function within a business organization that facilitates data processing and enables the resulting information to be made available to employees who need it Also known as information technology
the entire infrastructure, organization, personnel, and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, disseminate, and act on information (Joint Pub 6-0)
(p 522) Technology that helps companies do business; includes such tools as automated teller machines (ATMs) and voice mail
Technology that helps companies do business; includes such tools as automated teller machines (ATMs) and voice mail
The general term for computer systems in an organisation that provide information about its business operations
Assumed to mean computer-based information systems, which are combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data; this term is also used to represent the field in which people develop, use, manage, and study computer-based information systems in organizations
An organized method of transforming data into information that can be used for decision making
The kind of software developed for use in general business operations, such as payroll software, accounting software, and billing software Compare Applications programs, Real-time software, Shrink-wrap software, and Systems software
Carnegie's data processing/computer department
Work that involves developing, delivering, managing, and maintaining HR information systems when the paramount knowledge requirement is human resources management, rather than information technology
Computer and communications hardware and software used to supply information rather than, for example, control machines Often used interchangeably with information technology
The unit of LAC which manages all computer and media systems, including closed circuit television, within the Capitol Formerly known as "OLIS," but not to be confused with the OLIS 2000 computer system
A structured, interacting, complex of persons, machines, and procedures designed to produce information which is collected from both internal and external sources for use as a basis for decision-making in specific contract/procurement activities
Bilgi Sistemleri Ve Hizmetleri Başkanlığı (DIA); doğrudan destek; doktrin sponso
(Askeri) Directorate for Information Systems and Services (DIA); direct support; doctrine sponsor
bilgi sistemleri güvenlik teşkilatı
(Askeri) information systems security organization
Avrupa Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Ağı
(Askeri) Defense Information Systems Network - Europe
Bilgi Yönetimi Muharebe ve İstihbarat Sistemleri Sözlüğü
(Askeri) Warfighting and Intelligence Systems Dictionary for Information Management
Milli Güvenlik Muhabere Ve Bilgi Sistemleri Güvenlik Komitesi
(Askeri) National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee
Müttefik Bilgi Sistemleri Karşılıklı İşlerlik Ajanlığı
(Askeri) Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency
NATO Muhabere Ve Bilgi Sistemleri Ajansı
(Askeri) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Communications and Information Systems Agency
NATO Muhabere Ve Bilgi Sistemleri Komitesi
(Askeri) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Communications and Information Systems Committee
Savunma Bakanlığı istihbarat sistemi bilgi sistemleri ilavesi
(Askeri) Department of Defense intelligence system information system extension
Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Ağı
(Askeri) Defense Information Systems Network
Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Ağı İdare ve Harekat Merkezi
(Askeri) Defense Information Systems Agency Network Management and Operations Center
Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Dairesi
(Askeri) Defense Information Systems Agency
askeri komuta kontrol ve bilgi sistemleri çalışma grubu
(Askeri) military command, control, and information systems working group
entegre bilgi sistemleri
integrated information systems
özel bilgi sistemleri
(Askeri) special information systems
bilgi sistemleri