
listen to the pronunciation of between
Englisch - Türkisch

Tom Mary ve John'un arasına sığışmaya çalıştı. - Tom tried to squeeze in between Mary and John.

Birisiyle ilk kez karşılaştığında, kendinle arkadaşın arasına konulan mesafeye kesinlikle dikkat et. - When meeting a person for the first time, be sure to pay attention to the distance placed between yourself and your partner.


Japonya ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri arasındaki bir savaşın patlak verdiği Aralık 1941'de henüz doğmamıştım. - I was not yet born when a war between Japan and the U.S. broke out in December 1941.

Facebook ve Twitter arasındaki fark, Twitter'ın bir mikroblog servisi olmasıdır. - Difference between Facebook and Twitter is, Twitter is a microblogging service.


Biz ev sahibesine kirayı ödersek, yiyecek için hiç paramız olmayacak; iki arada bir derede. - If we pay the rent to the landlady, we won't have any money for food; we are between the devil and the deep blue sea.

İki arada bir derede. - Between a rock and a hard place.

in between sallantıda
{e} arasında: between Kadıköy and Üsküdar Kadıköy ile Üsküdar arasında. between the two of them ikisi arasında
Xbetween arada
{e} arasında, ilâ: between

Amerika kıtasının fethi 60 ila 70 milyon cana mal oldu. - The conquest of America cost between 60 and 70 million lives.

Akşam yemeği saat 9 ila 12 arasında servis edilir. - The evening meal is served between 9 and 12.


Japonya ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri arasındaki bir savaşın patlak verdiği Aralık 1941'de henüz doğmamıştım. - I was not yet born when a war between Japan and the U.S. broke out in December 1941.

Onlar arasındaki aralık daraldı. - The gap between them has narrowed.


İki erkek çocuk yemeklerini kendi aralarında pişirdi. - The two boys cooked their meal between them.

Bill ve Joan şekeri aralarında paylaştırdılar. - Bill and Joan divided the candy between them.

between arasında
few and far between nadiren

Onun İlk askeri deneyimleri İngiliz sömürge imparatorluğu ve bağımsızlık arayan Boerler arasındaki savaşta yer aldı. - His first military experiences took place in the war between the British colonial empire and the Boers, who sought independence.


İki ülke arasında her an bir ticari sürtünme ortaya çıkabilir. - Trade friction might arise between the two nations at any moment.

İki ülke arasında bir diplomatik kriz ortaya çıktı. - A diplomatic crisis arose between the two nations.


Taksiler sağanak sırasında seyrekti. - Taxis are few and far between during a rainstorm.

between you and me söz aramızda
(Bilgisayar) tarih aralığı
(Bilgisayar) bu arada
between the devil and the deep blue sea
(deyim) aşağı tükürsen sakal yukarı tükürsen bıyık
between and
ile arasında
between sessions
oturumlar arasında
between the lines
satırlar arası
between us
söz aramızda
between you and me
laf aramızda
between you and me
aramızda kalsın
between you and me and the bedpost
aramızda kalsın
between now and then
şimdi ve sonra arasında
between pages
sayfalar arasında
between the rock and the hard place
iki arada bir derede kalmak
between the two countries
iki ülke arasında
between time
saat arasındaki
between you and me and the gatepost
söz aramızda
between you and me and the lamppost
k. dili söz aramızda
between decks
(Askeri) ARKA GÜVERTE, GLADORA: Herhangi iki güverte arasındaki saha
between the devil and the deep sea
iki arada bir derede
between the lines
satır aralarını
between the lines
gizli anlamı
between the lines entry
beles giris
between them

Tom ve Mary parayı kendi aralarında paylaştılar. - Tom and Mary divided the money between themselves.

Aralarında karıştırma tehlikesi var. - There is danger of confusion between them.

between you and me
laf/söz aramızda
between you and me

Aramızda kalsın, Tom'un fikri bana pek cazip gelmiyor. - Between you and me, Tom's idea doesn't appeal to me very much.

Aramızda kalsın, onunla ilgili fikrin nedir? - Between you and me, what is your opinion of her?

between you and me and
{k} söz aramızda
between you and me and the bedpost
laf aramızda
between you and me and the lamppost
laf aramızda
between you and me and the lamppost
be between a rock and a hard place
(caught) "k. dili iki ateş arasında kalmak; iki arada kalmak; iki cami arasında kalmış beynamaza dönmek; iki arada bir derede kalmak
be between a
(caught) k.dili. iki ateş arasında kalmak; iki arada kalmak; iki cami arasında kalmış beynamaza dönmek; iki arada bir derede kalmak
be few and far between
nadir rastlanmak; çok seyrek olmak
be in between
aralığında olmak
betwixt and between
ikisinin ortası
betwixt and between
(isim) o ne bu, ikisinin ortası
betwixt and between
ne o ne bu
betwixt and between
ne bu ne o
in between
difference between
(Fiili Deyim ) aralarında farklılıklar olmak
in between
in arasında
read between the lines
satır aralarını okumak
read between the lines
bir yazıdaki kapalı anlamı keşfetmek
read between the lines
(deyim) bir yazidaki veya sozdeki kapali anlami kesfetmek; bir durumun ic yuzunu bilmek
read between the lines
denmek isteneni anlamak
read between the lines
gizli anlamı çıkarmak
read between the lines
altındaki anlamı çıkarmak
anytime between
(Bilgisayar) bu tarihler arasında
caught between two fires
iki ateş arasında kalmak
choose between
ikisinden birini seçmek
choose between
ikisinden birini seç
divided between
-arasında bölünmüş
few and far between
(deyim) az
few and far between
(deyim) bazı bazı
few and far between
(deyim) ara sıra
in between
in between
arada aradan
in between
in between
ranging between
arasında değişen
relationship between
arasındaki ilişki
smooth things over between
stir up trouble between people
müzevirlik etmek
vary between
arasında değişmek
varying between
arasında değişen
as between
i seçmek gerekirse
come between
araya gir
come between
aralarına girmek
draw a parallel between
few and far between

Taksiler sağanak sırasında seyrekti. - Taxis are few and far between during a rainstorm.

few and far between
tek tük

Bu nehirde balıklar tek tük. - The fish in this river are few and far between.

few and far between
ara sıra olan
from between
in arkasından
go between
aracılık yapmak
have nothing between one's ears
ağzı açık ayran budalası olmamak
have one's tail between one's legs
kuyruğunu kısmak
mean time between failure
arıza arası ortalama zaman
meantime between failures
arızalar arası ortalama zaman
read between the lines
kapalı anlamını bulmak
There is no love lost between them
k. dili Birbirlerini hiç sevmezler./Birbirlerinden nefret ederler
buy s.t. between themselves
bir şeyi ortaklaşa satın almak: They bought the house between them. Evi ortaklaşa satın aldılar
compare between limits
sınırlar arasında karşılaştırmak
discussions between senior members
kıdemli üyeleri arasında tartışmalar
draw a parallel between
-i benzetmek, -i karşılaştırmak
draw a parallel between
paralel arasındaki berabere
fight between members of a family
Bir ailenin üyeleri arasında kavga
from between
-in arkasından
have nothing between the ears
(Argo) Akılsız olmak, aptal olmak
in a soil, the fine spaces between soil particles
Bir toprak, toprak parçacıkları arasındaki ince boşluk
intermediate between extremes
üç arasındaki ara
intermediate to; common, shared
için ara;, paylaşılan ortak
plying between New York and London
New York ile Londra arasında işleyen (gemi/uçak)
relationship between cousins
kuzenler arasındaki ilişki
rose between two thorns
ikisi arasında dikenler gül
smooth things over between
(people) k. dili -in aralarını bulmak/düzeltmek; -i barıştırmak
stand between
Arabuluculuk yapmak, hakemlik etmek
swim between two waters
ikisi arasındaki sularda yüzmek
torn between
arasında bölünmüş
Yaşı 9-13 arasında olan kişi,çocuklukla ergenlik arasındaki kişi

A lot of tween girls love the Jonas Brothers.

voice between soprano and contralto
soprano ve kontralto arasında ses
whatever lies between two nodes
her ikisi arasındaki düğüm yatıyor
with one´s tail between one´s legs
k. dili süklüm püklüm
as between
-i seçmek gerekirse
buy s.t. between
bir şeyi ortaklaşa satın almak: They bought the house between them. Evi ortaklaşa satın aldılar
can we settle the matter between ourselves
bu sorunu kendi aramızda çözebilir miyiz
choice between
(Fiili Deyim ) iki şeyin arasında seçim yapmak
comparsion between
(Fiili Deyim ) ikişeyi birbiryle kıyaslamak
contact between
(Fiili Deyim ) temasa geçmek , görüşmek
distinguish between
(Fiili Deyim ) ayırmak , bölmek
far between
seyrek olarak
few and far between
çok nadir
few and far between
mean time between maintenance
(MTBM) bakimlar arasi ortalama sure
relationship between
(Fiili Deyim ) akraba olmak , münasebet olmak
switch between
birinden ötekine geç
take the bit between one's teeth
söz dinlememek
Englisch - Englisch
Combined (by effort or ownership)

We've only got £5 between us.

In the position or interval that separates (two things), or intermediate in quantity or degree. (See the Usage notes below.)

I want to buy one that costs somewhere between forty and fifty dollars.

One of (representing a choice)

You must choose between him and me.

In transit from (one to the other, or connecting places)

The shuttle runs between the town and the airport.

Shared in confidence

Let's keep this between ourselves.

in between; "two houses with a tree between" in the interval; "dancing all the dances with little rest between
{p} in the middle, common to two or more
betwixt, amid; in the middle
{e} intermediate to; common, shared
in between; "two houses with a tree between"
be·tween In addition to the uses shown below, between is used in a few phrasal verbs, such as `come between'
If you must choose between two or more things, you must choose just one of them. Students will be able to choose between English, French and Russian as their first foreign language
A SQL comparison operator that determines whether an item falls between two values Often useful for dates
With relation to two, as involved in an act or attribute of which another is the agent or subject; as, to judge between or to choose between courses; to distinguish between you and me; to mediate between nations
If something stands between you and what you want, it prevents you from having it. His sense of duty often stood between him and the enjoyment of life
If people or things travel between two places, they travel regularly from one place to the other and back again. I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford
When you introduce a statement by saying `between you and me' or `between ourselves', you are indicating that you do not want anyone else to know what you are saying. Between you and me, though, it's been awful for business Between ourselves, I know he wants to marry her
entre èntre of de de for para paara
If something is between two amounts or ages, it is greater or older than the first one and smaller or younger than the second one. Amsterdam is fun -- a third of its population is aged between 18 and
An SQL command phrase used in a SELECT command to list the outer limits of a range of values to be selected Example: BETWEEN 50 AND 100 means to select all values that are greater than 50 and less than 100
If people or places have a particular amount of something between them, this is the total amount that they have. The three sites employ 12,500 people between them
If someone or something is between two people or things, they are in the middle of them
If something is between two things or is in between them, it has one of the things on one side of it and the other thing on the other side. She left the table to stand between the two men Charlie crossed between the traffic to the far side of the street
In determining routing for accrual or award travel, "between" indicates that travel may originate on either end of a route For example, a roundtrip award that allows travel between Mexico and the U S means that travel can originate in either the U S or Mexico Conversely, roundtrip travel to Mexico from the U S means that travel is restricted and must originate and terminate in the U S
6. If something happens between or in between two times or events, it happens after the first time or event and before the second one. The canal was built between 1793 and 1797 Between is also an adverb. a journey by jetfoil, coach and two aircraft, with a four-hour wait in Bangkok in between
When something is divided or shared between people, they each have a share of it. There is only one bathroom shared between eight bedrooms. = amongst
in the midst of two, as in: The two younger ones decided between themselves to clean the kitchen
A relationship, discussion, or difference between two people, groups, or things is one that involves them both or relates to them both. I think the relationship between patients and doctors has got a lot less personal There has always been a difference between community radio and commercial radio
in the middle of -- "Determine which decimals below are between 3 528 and 3 825: " (38)
Used in expressing motion from one body or place to another; from one to another of two
In intermediate relation to, in respect to time, quantity, or degree; as, between nine and ten o'clock
Intermediate time or space; interval
Belonging in common to two; shared by both
in the interval; "dancing all the dances with little rest between"
in the interval; "dancing all the dances with little rest between
ad in the space or time that separates; from one to the other ("talks between two nations")
Belonging to, or participated in by, two, and involving reciprocal action or affecting their mutual relation; as, opposition between science and religion
prep antara 2 in between prep di antara (antara)
In the space which separates; betwixt; as, New York is between Boston and Philadelphia

The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do what is right. - The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do the right thing.

The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do the right thing. - The difference between you and me is that I'm actually interested in trying to do what is right.

{e} betwixt

The Rhine runs between France and Germany. - The Rhine flows between France and Germany.

It is not good to eat between meals. - It isn't good to eat between meals.

{e} 'twixt
between Scylla and Charybdis
Similar in meaning to between a rock and a hard place
between a rock and a hard place
Having the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options; in a predicament or quandary

If Washington Mutual needs to raise capital quickly, it will very likely find itself between a rock and a hard place, because credit markets have all but closed their doors to troubled banks.

between decks
Steerage on a passenger ship in which people who cannot afford a cabin travel
between decks
The space between any two decks of a ship
between jobs
between the ears
In the brain or in the mind
between the ears
On the head
between the ears
Inside the head
between the hammer and the anvil
Having the choice between two unpleasant or distasteful options; in a predicament or quandary

Yet for a time the nation was again placed between the democracy of the levellers and the despotism of the Stuarts, — between the hammer and the anvil.

between the jigs and the reels
eventually, despite all the confusion
between the pipes
Between the goalposts; with respect to or playing the position of goaltender

he Finns might just have the best goaltending in the 12-team tournament.

between you and me
In confidence, please keep secret

Let’s keep this conversation between you and me.

between you, me, and the bedpost
between you and me

Between you and me and the bed-post – young master’s quarrelled with old master.

between a rock and a hard place
between a difficult situation and one that is even more difficult, no simple answers, no easy choices
between and between
between, neither the one nor the other, in a middle position
between decks
in the space between decks, on a ship
between hammer and anvil
in a very difficult or precarious position, between a rock and a hard place
between hangovers
temporarily sober, not drunk
between husband and wife
private business of a husband and wife
between life and death
neither alive nor dead
between ourselves
between the two of us, involving only the two of us, just for you and me to know (as of a secret)
between the devil and the deep blue sea
caught in a difficult position, between a rock and a hard place
between the devil and the deep sea
caught in a difficult position, between a rock and a hard place
between the lines
underneath the obvious, beyond what is apparent
between the shepherd and the wolf the lamb is lost
the innocent always get the worst of an argument, the innocent always suffer in a war (Biblical)
between times
at intervals, during intervals
between two fires
in a tight spot, in a difficult place
between whiles
at times, occasionally
between wind and water
caught in a difficult position, between a rock and a hard place
between you and me
between the two of us, in truth, cross my heart
between you and me and the bedpost
in absolute confidence (asking a person to keep secret)
between you and me and the lamppost
in absolute confidence (asking a person to keep secret)
between you me and the gatepost
just between the two of us, do not tell anyone else what I'm telling you
betwixt and between
Neither here nor there
betwixt and between
Neither one thing nor the other
betwixt and between
halfway between one thing and another, neither here nor there
caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
Having a choice between two alternatives, both undesirable
fall between two stools
To fit into neither of two categories and, hence, be neglected or fail
fall between two stools
To attempt two roles and fail at both, when either could have been accomplished singly

As your chances of mega-success increase so do your chances of falling between two stools, and if you get it wrong, you could end up with a dog’s dinner that satisfies no one.

few and far between
Rare and scarce
An intermediary or middleman

She's the go-between for engineering and manufacturing, so you'll have to ask her if you need to coordinate between the groups.

in between
in between
between them
in between
in the space between
in-between hop
A bounce larger than a short hop and smaller than a long hop, often difficult to field

Errors are more frequent when the play happens on an in-between hops.

mean distance between failure
A measure of reliability that expresses the average distance travelled by a type of lorry, bus, rolling stock, etc, before preventative or reparative maintenance is required
read between the lines
to infer a meaning that is not stated explicitly

If you read between the lines a little, you will realize that he has deeper motives.

tail between one's legs
A reaction to a confrontation, specifically one with excessive shame and hurt pride
A number in the twenties, or from 23 to 32
A person who is in his twenties. (Derived from German zwanziger.)
A person who is neither a young child nor an adolescent, one of an age in the range of 8 to 12 years old or a similar range
a cross between
A mixture or compromise of two things
have nothing between the ears
(Argo) Be stupid
torn between
(deyim) If you are torn between two possibilities, you find it very difficult to choose between them
Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
{i} PEBCAK, the user is the problem, the computer operator is the source of the malfunction (said by technical supporters)
Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
the user is the problem, the computer operator is the source of the malfunction (said by technical supporters), PEBKAC
War between the States
the American Civil War. This expression is used mainly by people in the South of the US
came out with his tail between his legs
went in a hero but came out a coward, went in yelling but came out silent
choose between
decide or prefer between, select one or the other
distinguish between right and wrong
know the difference between what is right and what is wrong
few and far between
very scarce, very few, rare
go between
intermediary; matchmaker; arbitrator
in between
Used in the context of general equities Priced higher than the bid price but lower than the offer price See: In the middle
in between
in the middle, in the center
being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series; "adolescence is an awkward in-between age"; "in a mediate position"; "the middle point on a line
love between women
lesbianism, sexual attraction between women
put between a rock and a hard place
place in a dilemma, put in a difficult situation
read between the lines
detect the underlying or hidden meaning
A child between middle childhood and adolesence, usually between 8 and 12 years old. between
To generate intermediate frames in an animated sequence so as to give the appearance of smooth movement
{e} short for between (involving, connecting, combining, from one point to another, etc.)