
listen to the pronunciation of beine
Deutsch - Türkisch
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von beine im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Burada kısa süre dinlenelim. Bacaklarım yorgun ve ben daha fazla yürüyemiyorum. - Let's take a short rest here. My legs are tired and I can't walk any more.

Masanın bacakları sallanıyor. - The legs of the table are shaky.

Deutsch - Englisch
The drops that inch up the inside surface of a glass above the wine and slowly run back down Also known as "tears" (Image availabe)
On his legs Mr So-and-So is on his legs, has risen to make a speech On its last legs Moribund; obsolete; ready to fall out of cognisance To set on his legs So to provide for one that he is able to earn his living without further help To stand on one's own legs To be independent: to be earning one's own living Of course, the allusion is to being nursed, and standing “alone ” (See Bottom )
staying power; "that old Broadway play really has legs
The portions of the intersecting streets or roadways that are within close proximity to the actual intersection
When the market trades in one direction, then reverses itself, and then reverses itself again, resuming the initial trend Each reversal time period is known as a "leg" of the trend In spread trading involving two contracts, one long and one short, each position (long or short) is known as a "leg" of the spread
staying power; "that old Broadway play really has legs"
The viscous droplets that form and ease down the sides of the glass when the wine is swirled Tears are formed more readily by higher alcohol wines
Two interpretations Term used when referring to the liquid rivulets that form on the inside of a wineglass bowl after the wine is swirled in order to evaluate the alcohol concentration present Usually the higher the alcohol content, the more impressive the rivulets appear because of reduced surface tension effects (Some still cling to the erroneous belief that glycerin content causes these rivulets) Valuable technique when used in "blind" tasting competitions Alternatively, is used by some as a near synonym for "balance" as in "This wine has _legs_", ie: underpinnings Indicates the wine has all the basic characteristics looked for in when making an initial assessment
The viscous droplets that form and ease down the sides of the glass when the wine is swirled
third-person singular of leg
Used when referring to the liquid rivulets that form on the inside of a wineglass after the wine is swirled in order to evaluate the alcohol concentration present Usually the higher the alcohol content, the more impressive the rivulets appear because of reduced surface tension effects
The viscous rivulets that run down the side of the glass after swirling or sipping, a mingling of glycerin and alcohol
plural of leg
Axle support brackets which extend down from the horn base of a swivel caster or the mounting plate of a rigid caster
Term used when referring to the liquid rivulets that form on the inside of a wineglass bowl after the wine is swirled in order to evaluate the alcohol concentration present Usually the higher the alcohol content, the more impressive the rivulets appear because of reduced surface tension effects (Some still cling to the erroneous belief that glycerin content causes these rivulets) Valuable technique when used in "blind" tasting competitions
Side masking curtains, part of the cyc set Frequently called side legs or tormentors, although tormentors properly are part of a front curtain set
Wine appreciation term referring to the colorless "tears" which continually form along the inside wall about an inch above the surface of wine in a wine glass Tears are formed more readily by higher alcohol wines than by lower -- the cause being related to alcohol content
All Members in a First-generation Director's organization to unlimited generations
beine (pl)
legs (pl)
Beim Sitzen reichen ihre Beine nicht bis zum Boden.
When she is sitting, her feet don't reach the ground
Arme und Beine von sich strecken
to settle down into a sprawl
Die Beine in die Hand nehmen.
to make a quick getaway
Er hat mir einen Knüppel zwischen die Beine geworfen.
He put a spoke in my wheel
Er reißt sich keine Beine aus.
He won't set the Thames on fire
Freiheit für die Beine
Lügen haben kurze Beine.
Lies don't travel far
Lügen haben kurze Beine.
A lie has no feet
Lügen haben kurze Beine.
Lies have short legs
Lügen haben kurze Beine.
A lie never lives to be old
Mach dir um Greg keine Sorgen. Er fällt immer wieder auf die Beine/Füße.
Don't worry about Greg. He always lands/falls on his feet
Man kann sich die Beine abfrieren vor Kälte.
It's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
Meine Beine kribbelten.
I had pins and needles in my legs
Mir werden die Beine schwer.
My legs grow heavy
bandy legs
Pendeln der Beine
pendulousness of the legs
Strampler ohne Beine
Strampler ohne Beine
Strampler ohne Beine
Syndrom der unruhigen Beine
restless legs syndrom /RSL/
Wir müssen uns auf die Beine (Socken) machen.
We must make tracks (be off)
knock knees
auf die Beine gestellt
auf die Beine gestellt
auf die Beine stellend
auf die Beine stellend
auf gesetzliche Beine gestellt
auf gesetzliche Beine gestellt
auf gesetzliche Beine stellend
auf gesetzliche Beine stellend
die Beine anziehen
to tuck your legs under yourself
die Beine hochlegen
to put one's feet up
die Beine in die Hand nehmen
to take to one's heels
die Beine in die Hand nehmen
to leg it
die Beine kreuzen
to cross your legs
die Beine über dem Wasser baumeln lassen
to dangle your legs over the water
die Beine übereinanderschlagen
to cross your legs
etw. auf die Beine bringen
to get something going
etw. auf die Beine stellen
to organise something
etw. auf die Beine stellen
to get something up and running
etw. auf die Beine stellen
to launch something
etw. auf die Beine stellen
to organize something
etw. auf gesetzliche Beine stellen
to regularise something
etw. auf gesetzliche Beine stellen
to regularize something
immer wieder auf die Beine/Füße fallen
to always land on your feet
immer wieder auf die Beine/Füße fallen
to always fall on your feet
jdm. einen Arschtritt geben (jdm. Beine machen)
to give somebody a kick up the arse
jdm. einen Knüppel zwischen die Beine werfen
to put a spoke in somebody's wheel
jdm. einen Knüppel zwischen die Beine werfen
to throw a spanner into somebody's works
lange, schlanke Beine
long slender legs
schnell wieder auf die Beine kommen
to bounce back (from something)
schnell wieder auf die Beine kommen
to recover (from something)
seine Beine überschlagen
to cross one's legs
sich die Beine ausreißen
to extend yourself
sich die Beine ausreißen
to work your fingers to the bone
sich die Beine ausreißen
to work your socks off (for somebody)
wacklig auf den Beine sein
to be unsteady on one's feet
wieder auf die Beine kommen
to get back in shape
wieder auf die Beine kommen
to bounce back
wieder auf die Beine kommen
to pick yourself up
wieder auf die Beine kommen
to get back on your feet
wieder auf die Beine kommen
to get back on one's feet
wieder auf die Beine kommen
to recover one's legs
Lügen haben kurze Beine
(Atasözü) You can not get far by lying. A lie has no feet. Lies have short legs. Lies don't travel far