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Englisch - Englisch
Definition von be hardened im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
made tough by habitual exposure; "hardened fishermen"; "a peasant, dark, lean-faced, wind-inured"- Robert Lynd; "our successors may be graver, more inured and equable men"- V S Pritchett
Pertaining to the condition of a facility with protective features that enable it to withstand destructive forces, such as explosions, natural disasters, or ionizing radiation (188)
{s} made hard; strengthened; reinforced; secured as to survive a nuclear weapons attack; made tough; experienced an emotional manner as to have become apathetic about something that most people would find difficult or disagreeable
If you describe someone as hardened, you mean that they have had so much experience of something bad or unpleasant that they are no longer affected by it in the way that other people would be. hardened criminals. hardened politicians