Originating from the base Berry - A fleshy indehisent pulpy, succulent fruit with immersed seeds Bipinnate - Doubly or twice pinnate (Bipinnately compound) Blade - The broad, flat part of a leaf Bract - Modified leaf, generally associated with an inflorescence Bracts may resemble normal leaves or be reduced and scalelike in appearance; they are sometimes large and brightly colored
In plants that form rosettes, the basal leaves are those that arise directly from the crown of the plant, and which often differ from leaves arising from the stem
especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem; "basal placentation"; "radical leaves"
A collection of student texts and workbooks, teacher's manuals, and supplemental materials for developmental instruction; used chiefly in elementary and middle school grades; i e , a basal reading program