
listen to the pronunciation of bas
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) iaşe bedeli, tayin bedeli; tabur yardım istasyonu (basic allowance for subsistence; battalion aid station)
alçak kabartma
yarım kabartma
bas relief
baş rölyef
bas relief
yarım kabartma
Türkisch - Türkisch
Sesi böyle olan sanatçı
En kalın erkek sesi
Basınçlı suyla tuvaletin yıkanmasını sağlayan aygıt
En kalın sesli orkestra çalgısı
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Cem' etmek, toplamak
bas bariton
Basın çıkamadığı ince tonlara çıkabilen, buna rağmen basın indiği kalın ve tok tonlara inemeyen sesi olan sanatçı
bas bas
Bağırmak fiili ile kullanılarak "yüksek sesle bağırmak" anlamına gelen bas bas bağırmak deyiminde geçer
Englisch - Englisch
extension for a BASIC language file (Computers)
plural of BA
Officers and enlisted personnel with BAS authorized on tour orders will automatically be paid BAS for each day of active duty
Business Activity Statement
Server used to manage data transport in ATM mode for ADSL-based Internet access offerings Each BAS on the France Télécom network is connected to approximately 10 DSLAMs (q v ) and groups the traffic handled by those devices Consequently, the area covered by a BAS is referred to by France Télécom as a platform Two ATM circuits, one "incoming" and one "outgoing", are put in place between the client and the BAS to which he or she is connected
Basic source code file
Battalion Aid Station
Basic Allowance for Subsistance
battlefield automation systems
Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards
British Antarctic Survey (you should know this one!) BASMU - BAS Medical Unit BAT - British Antarctic Territory BC - Base Commander BGA - Base General Assistant BGS - British Geological Survey BI - Bird Island (station code) BSD - Biological Sciences Division
Beef Assurance Scheme
Medieval category of soft instruments, used principally for indoor occasions, as distinct from haut, or loud, instruments
Block Acquisition Sequence
Business Application Services A function of the CICSPlex System Management (SM) product which manages CICS resource definitions and the CICS installation process
Broadband Access Server A device that provides connectivity between customer-provisioned DSL services and Network Access Provididers; ie it is the interface between Network Access Providers and Network Service Providers
bas relief
Refers to any aspect of sculpture which is flat or in the bas relief style
bas relief
A low or mostly-flat sculpture which is carved into a wall, or is in the form of a tile mounted flat to a wall, rather than a fully three-dimensional, free-standing figure
bas reliefs
plural form of bas relief
Alternative spelling of bas relief
A kind of sculpture in which shapes are carved so that they are only slightly higher than the flat background
BAS extension
extension for a file in the BASIC programming language
bas relief
a sculptural relief in which forms extend only slightly from the background; no figures are undercut
In digital photography, this refers to an effect produced with a Photoshop filter, which makes an image appear to be slightly raised off the surface
(N) -relief sculpture in which the figures project slightly from the background
  See Relief
sculptural relief in which the projection from the surrounding surface is low
A three-dimensional sculpture in which the figures project slightly from the background Also called low relief
(aka low-relief) A low relief sculpture that projects only slightly from its two dimensional background
A bas-relief is a sculpture carved on a surface so that it stands out from the background. columns decorated with bas-reliefs. a style of art in which stone or wood is cut so that shapes are raised above the surrounding surface high relief (bas + relief ). or low relief Sculptural form in which figures are carved in a flat surface and project only slightly from the background rather than standing freely. Depending on the degree of projection, reliefs may also be classified as high or medium relief
Sculpture in which the carved forms project only slightly from the background
(pron BAH relief) Sculpture in which the figure projects only slightly from the background
A sculptural carving on a flat surface in low i e not raised relief It was used by the Egyptians as decoration
Sculpture in which part of the surface projects from a flat plane
{i} low relief, sculpture in which the carved images project slightly from the background surface (Art)
A sculptural relief technique in which the projection of the forms is relatively shallow
Low relief, stone-carving technique in which the figure stands out from the background
Low relief; see relief
decoration which is slightly raised from the surface or background
Low relief; the partial carving of figures upon a background
Bas-relief is a technique of sculpture in which shapes are carved so that they stand out from the background. a classic white bas-relief design
(Italian bassorilièvo) A carved relief projecting only slightly from its background
Carving or sculpture raised above a background plane
Türkisch - Englisch
{i} bass

Tom doesn't know how to play the bass guitar. - Tom nasıl bas gitar çalacağını bilmiyor.

I play bass guitar in a guitar ensemble. - Bir gitar topluluğunda bass gitar çalarım.


Are you still playing the bassoon? - Hâlâ bason çalıyor musun?

flush mechanism of a toilet
bass; bass guitar, bass
bass guitar

I quit playing the bass guitar. - Ben bas gitar çalmayı bırakıyorum.

Tom wants to buy a bass guitar, but he doesn't have enough money. - Tom bir bas gitar almak istiyor ama yeterli parası yok.

bass voice
{f} press

The press is interested in his private life. - Basın onun özel hayatıyla ilgileniyor.

He has to have his blood pressure taken every day. - O, her gün kan basıncı ölçtürmek zorundadır.

{f} overwhelming
{f} print

This book is out of print. - Bu kitabın baskısı tükendi.

Tom finds it difficult to read small print. - Tom küçük baskıyı okumayı zor buluyor.

{f} published

We finally published the book. - Sonunda kitabı bastık.

The first edition was published ten years ago. - İlk baskı on yıl önce yayınlandı.

{f} pressed

He pressed the brake pedal. - O, fren pedaline bastı.

She pressed her lips firmly together. - Dudaklarını sıkıca birbirine bastırdı.

{f} pressing

The union is pressing for a ten-percent pay hike. - Sendika yüzde on oranında ücret zammı için baskı yapıyor.

Time is pressing, and quick action is needed. - Zaman baskı yapıyor ve acil eylem gerekli.

bull fiddle
{f} printing

Mistakes in the printing should be pointed out at once. - Baskıdaki hatalara derhal dikkat çekilmelidir.

This textbook, having been printed in haste, has a lot of printing mistakes. - Bu ders kitabının, aceleyle basıldığı için, bir sürü hatası var.

{f} print out

He walked on tiptoe so that nobody would hear him. - O, kimse onu duymasın diye parmak uçlarına basarak yürüdü.

bas gitar
Base guitar
Bas git!
Hop it!, Buzz off!
bas bas
at the top of on's voice
bas bas bağırmak
to shout, yell, holler, bellow, or bray at the top of one's voice or lungs
bas bas bağırmak
to bawl
bas bas bağırmak
bas bas bağırmak
bas davul
bass drum
bas sesli
bas sesli yaylı çalgı
bas sesli üflemeli çalgı
bas sesli üflemeli çalgı
bass horn
(Muzik) pull-push
derin bas hoparlör
(Muzik) subwoofer
bas agrisi
mii. a. direnek, üs, köprü-bas
mii. a. direnek, bases, bridges-pressing
en bas sesle söylenen ezgi
ground bass
harbi bas
slang Scram!/Take off!
otomatik bas
(Muzik) auto bass cord section