One of the most popular forms of the Goddess, portrayed as an ugly 10 armed hag, dripping with blood and garlanded with skulls, destroyer of hypocrisy and selfishness Sometimes she is offered blood sacrifices of goats
bushy plant of Old World salt marshes and sea beaches having prickly leaves; burned to produce a crude soda ash
A form of Devi; a goddess associated with destruction and rebirth A form of Devi; a goddess associated with destruction and rebirth
The Black; terrible form of Devi commonly depicted with black skin, dripping with blood, surrounded by snakes and wearing a necklace of skulls
The Kali spirit of the age of wickedness (BV-10) Kali or wickedness can have sway only through 1) the incompetence of the ruler, 2) the loss of self-reliance among the people and 3) the decline in the earning of Grace, (BV-15), the spirit of the Age of Wickedness (BV-36)