büyük okyanusun güneydoğusunda, şili'ye ait bir ada, paskalya adası, rapanui

listen to the pronunciation of büyük okyanusun güneydoğusunda, şili'ye ait bir ada, paskalya adası, rapanui
Türkisch - Englisch
(Coğrafya) easter island
büyük okyanusun güneydoğusunda, şili''ye ait bir ada, paskalya adası, rapanui
Easter Island Known locally as Ra·pa Nu·i (räpə nç).An island of Chile in the southern Pacific Ocean about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) west of the mainland. Inhabited by Polynesians since the fifth century A.D. and discovered by Dutch explorers on Easter Day, 1722, the island is famous for its hieroglyphic tablets and colossal heads carved from volcanic rock. The ancient remains have inspired many legends and theories, though it is now generally accepted that they were produced by the Polynesian inhabitants during a period from roughtly 1000 to 1600
büyük okyanusun güneydoğusunda, şili'ye ait bir ada, paskalya adası, rapanui


    bü·yük ok·ya·nu·sun gü·ney·do·ğu·sun·da, şi·li'·ye a·it bir a·da, pas·kal·ya a·da·sı, ra·pa·nu·i