büyük öğrenciye hizmet eden alt sınıf öğrencisi

listen to the pronunciation of büyük öğrenciye hizmet eden alt sınıf öğrencisi
Türkisch - Englisch
The worst part or end of a thing
Term used in UK public schools for a younger student acting as a servant for senior students
A homosexual person
For a younger student to act as a servant for senior students in UK public schools
An annoying person

Why did you do that, you fag?.

{n} to worst part of loose end
A jerk, an asshole
To labor to wearness; to work hard; to drudge
A derogatory term used to describe gay men A term of endearment between gay men Also see: gay, homosexual, queer
A knot or coarse part in cloth
The ragged end of a line
A chore; an arduous and tiresome task
{f} tire, become tired; work as a drudge; serve an older student (British Slang); compel to serve an older student (British Slang)
exhaust or tire through overuse or great strain or stress; "We wore ourselves out on this hike"
To act as a fag, or perform menial services or drudgery, for another, as in some English schools
A fag is a homosexual. A cigarette. Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man
m: enemy, foe, party to a blood feud 811
Forced air gas furnace
To tire by labor; to exhaust; as, he was almost fagged out
To become weary; to tire
büyük öğrenciye hizmet eden alt sınıf öğrencisi