büken şey

listen to the pronunciation of büken şey
Türkisch - Englisch
A person who twists
A crook, a villain
The party game Twister, usually capitalized, or a variant
{n} one who twists
A girder
Just like it sounds, the configuration of this type of coaster is varied and has multiple turns in different directions The Coney Island Cyclone, the Georgia Cyclone and the Texas Giant are good examples of a twister You can expect the unexpected A good twister will disorient you!
The inner part of the thigh, the proper place to rest upon when on horseback
small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer than doughnuts
A slang term used in the United States for a tornado
A twister is the same as a tornado
In life insurance, an informal term that refers to an agent who, by misrepresentation, induces an insured to lapse or surrender a policy he or she holds and to replace it with a new policy (See also: twisting )
A coaster with lots of direction changes and crossovers A good twister should disorient you
a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground
A maneuver in which the skier turns the body in one direction and the skis in the other
{i} person who twists, that which twists; swindler, scoundrel; whirlwind, tornado (Informal); ball with a spin (Baseball, Cricket); perplexing problem
A ride that follows no special path These rides are always the most surprising to ride
A tornado
One who twists; specifically, the person whose occupation is to twist or join the threads of one warp to those of another, in weaving
The instrument used in twisting, or making twists
büken şey