ayak vuruşu

listen to the pronunciation of ayak vuruşu
Türkisch - Englisch
To apply postage stamps to

I forgot to stamp this letter.

A single dose of lysergic acid diethylamide
{n} an instrument to make an impression, thing stamped, legal mark, cut, form, value
To step quickly and heavily, once or repeatedly
Generic term used to describe any kind of marking equipment or process
A stamp is a small block of wood or metal which has a pattern or a group of letters on one side. You press it onto an pad of ink and then onto a piece of paper in order to produce a mark on the paper. The mark that you produce is also called a stamp. a date stamp and an ink pad You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may
a type or class; "more men of his stamp are needed"
{i} postage stamp; imprint, seal; tool for stamping out words or symbols, die; mark, characteristic; type, kind; act of striking the ground or floor with one's foot
If you stamp somewhere, you walk there putting your feet down very hard on the ground because you are angry. `I'm going before things get any worse!' he shouted as he stamped out of the bedroom = stomp
to crush by the blow of a heavy stamp, as ore in a mill
destroy or extinguish as if by stamping with the foot; "Stamp fascism into submission"; "stamp out tyranny"
To strike beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward
An act of stamping the foot, paw or hoof
The which stamps; any instrument for making impressions on other bodies, as a die
The mark made by stamping; a mark imprinted; an impression
An offical mark set upon things chargeable with a duty or tax to government, as evidence that the duty or tax is paid; as, the stamp on a bill of exchange
Object with raised or incuse lettering, wording or design, in reverse, used to impress or print the said device
a block or die used to imprint a mark or design machine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing ores a symbol that is the result of printing; "he put his stamp on the envelope"
A picture cut in wood or metal, or made by impression; a cut; a plate
ayak vuruşu