all-terrain vehicle. all terrain vehicle a vehicle which is designed to be ridden on rough ground where there are no roads. ATVs have one seat, no roof, and three or four large wheels
ATV allows you to preset the maximum travel of a servo to either side from its neutral position Such settings help tailor control action to suit your flying or driving style
All Terrain Vehicle, usually a light 3 or 4 wheeled open vehicle with motorcycle seating and controls, and often only vaguely 'street legal'
A radio transmitter feature that allows the user to adjust the maximum travel (or throw) of a servo Also referred to as EPA (Endpoint Adjustment), it usually allows the user to adjust the throw for each side of neutral independently (although ATV may indicate having a single adjustment which affects both ends of the servo evenly)
An adjustment on many transmitters that allows you to adjust the maximum throw of a servo This is used to avoid binding See binding
All Terrain Vehicle CFR Code of Federal Regulations EA Environmental Assessment NOA Notice of Availability NOI Notice of Intent OHV Off Highway Vehicle PA Planning Analysis
Adjustable Travel Volume Used on many radio transmitters to limit, or extend, maximum throw of a servo ATV can indicate having a single adjustment which affects both ends of the servo (known as AST) or one adjustment for each end of the servo throw (known as EPA)