British poet and critic whose poems, such as "Dover Beach" (1867), express moral and religious doubts. His Culture and Anarchy (1869) is a polemic against Victorian materialism. British educator and historian who as headmaster of Rugby School (1827-1842) introduced classes in mathematics, modern languages, and modern history into the classical curriculum. Arnold Benedict Arnold Henry Harley Hap Arnold Arnold Matthew Arnold Thomas Doctor Arnold Bax Sir Arnold Edward Trevor Bennett Enoch Arnold Böcklin Arnold Dolmetsch Eugène Arnold Douglas Stephen Arnold Geulincx Arnold Newman Arnold Abner Palmer Arnold Daniel Schoenberg Arnold Franz Walter Schwarzenegger Arnold Toynbee Arnold Joseph Zweig Arnold
United States general and traitor in the American Revolution; in 1780 his plan to surrender West Point to the British was foiled (1741-1801) English poet and literary critic (1822-1888)