
listen to the pronunciation of area
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} alan

O, alanı elininin arkası gibi bilir. - He knows the area like the back of his hand.

Son 100 yılın bilim ve teknoloji ve topluluğun diğer alanlarındaki gelişmeler hayat kalitesine hem avantajlar hem de dezavantajlar getirdi. - Advances in science and technology and other areas of society in the last 100 years have brought to the quality of life both advantages and disadvantages.


Bir inşaat şirketinde on beş yıldan sonra, Bill Pearson'a sorumlu bölge müdürü pozisyonu verildi. - After fifteen years at a building firm, Bill Pearson was given the responsible position of area manager.

Bu bölgede çok az kitapçı var. - There are few bookstores in this area.


Ürünlerin için bir konferans salonu sahası kurmak istiyorsan lütfen bana hemen bildir. - Please let me know immediately if you would like to set up an area of the conference room for your products.

Bu alan, bir futbol sahası kadar büyük. - This area is as big as a football pitch.


Gördüğüm kadarıyla bu civarda yaya trafiği pek yok. - There is not a lot of foot traffic in this area so far as I have seen.

Bu civardaki en başarılı askerin adını biliyor musun? - Do you know the name of the most successful military man from this area?

(Matematik) yüzölçü
{i} 1. alan, saha; bölge, mıntıka; civar, yöre: We will use that meadow as a parking area. O çayırı park alanı olarak kullanacağız. There are a
{i} harekât bölgesi
(Anatomi) alan,saha örn: area poplitea
{i} bodrum girişi
alan, saha; bölge, mıntıka; civar, yöre: We will use that meadow as a parking area. O çayırı park alanı olarak kullanacağız. There are a
(Askeri) BÖLGE; ALAN: bkz: "advisory area (air traffic); aircraft dispersal area, aircraft marshalling area; air defence action area; alighting area; amphibious vehicle launching area; area control center; assembly area; closed area; concentration area; control area; danger area; defensive coastal area; embarkation area; fire support area; homogeneous area; impact area; initial approach area; key area; landing area; maneuvering area; maritime area; naval support area; objective area; prohibited area; runup area; signal area; staging area; submarine patrol area; summary area; terminal control area; transit area". Ayrıca bakınız: "zone"
(Politika, Siyaset) faaliyet alanı
(Politika, Siyaset) konu

Bu konuda yapılan araştırma oldukça şüpheli. - Research in this area is somewhat equivocal.

Arabulucular iki taslak metin üzerinde anlaşmaya vardı, ama hala anlaşma sağlanamayan birçok konu var. - Negotiators have agreed on two draft texts, but there are still many areas of disagreement.

(Kimya) meydan
(Tıp) area

Tüm oturma yerleri tutulmuş. - All the seating areas are taken.

Uzak bir yerde yaşıyorum. - I live in a remote area.

area supervisor
(Askeri) alan amiri
area work
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) alan çalışması
area chart
alan grafiği
area code
bölge kodu
area of precipitation
yağış alanı
area ratio
alan oranı
area search
alan araştırması
area study
yerinde inceleme
area unit
yüzölçümü birimi
area code number
alan kod numarası
area development agreements
bölge geliştirme anlaşmaları
area maganer
bölge sorumlusu
area of expertise
uzmanlık alanı
area of grassland
cayır alanı
area of usage
kullanım alanı
area pellucida
(Tıp, İlaç) Yumurta hücresi zarının nüzerinde bulunan saydam yapılı tabaka
area rug
alan hali
area to area
alandan alana
Area Joint Blood Program Office
(Askeri) Bölge Müşterek Kan Programı Bürosu
area (region)
area (region)
area 1
bölge 1
area 2
bölge 2
area 3
bölge 3
area address
alan adresi
area agreement
toplu sözleşme
area air defense commander
(Askeri) BÖLGE HAVA SAVUNMA KOMUTANI: Denizaşırı bir birleşik komutanlık, ast birleşik komutanlık ve müşterek görev kuvveti içinde, komutan hava savunmasının bütün sorumluluğunu tek bir komutana verecektir. Normal olarak, bu Hava Kuvvetleri kısım komutanı olacaktır. Dahil edilen diğer sınıfların temsil edilmesi, hava savunma komutanının karargahındaki bölgede uygun olan şekilde sağlanacaktır
area air defense commander
(Askeri) hava savunma bölge komutanı
area air defense control center
(Askeri) BÖLGE HAVA SAVUNMA KONTROL MERKEZİ: Aktif bir hava savunma bölgesinde, bütün hava araçlarıyla hava savunma topçu ve haber verme ve ikaz faaliyetlerini koordine eden ve karada üslenen, başlıca müşterek hava savunma merkezi
area air defense plan
(Askeri) hava savunma bölge planı
area ambush
(Askeri) Bölge pususu
area assessment
(Askeri) BÖLGE KIYMETLENDİRMESİ (GERİLLA): Bir bölgenin, harekata elverişlilik bakımından incelenmesi
area authority
(Askeri) BÖLGE YETKİSİ: Belirli bir mevkideki harekatın sevk ve idaresi veya kontrolu için bir asta verilen emir ve komuta yetkisi; Bir komutan tarafından, bir asta, belirli bir bölge içinde nüfuza sahip olabilmesi için verilen vekalet yetkisi
area bell
bodrum girişi zili
area bombing
(Askeri) SAHA BOMBARDIMANI: Küçük bir hedef veya nokta hedefinden çok genel bir sahayı ifade eden bir hedefin bombalanması
area chart
alan grafik
area clearance
(Askeri) BÖLGE TEMİZLENMESİ: Bir bölgenin infilakla veya başka usullerle mayınlardan temizlenmesi
area code
telefon kodu
area command
(Askeri) BÖLGE KOMUTANLIĞI: Silahlı kuvvetlerin, belirli bir coğrafi bölgede faaliyetle bulunmakla görevli ve tek bir komutan emrine verilmiş, bir veya daha çok müşekkel unsurlardan meydana gelmiş bir komutanlığı. Örneğin; birleştirilmiş (unified) bir kuvvetin komutanı, bölge komutanı. Ayrıca bak "command"
area communications electronics capabilities
(Askeri) bölge muhabere elektronik imkan ve kabiliyetleri
area communications operations center
(Askeri) bölge muhabere harekat merkezi
area control
(Askeri) BÖLGE TRAFİK KONTROLÜ: Bak. "area traffic control"
area control center
(Askeri) BÖLGE HAVA TRAFİK KONTROL MERKEZİ: Yetkisi altındaki kontrol bölgelerinde kontrollü uçuşlara hava trafik kontrol hizmetini sağlamak üzere kurulan bir birlik. Ayrıca bakınız: "air traffic control center, flight information region"
area coordination group
(Askeri) BÖLGE KOORDİNASYON GRUBU: Yerel askeri, milis ve diğer devlet dairelerinin temsilcileri ile bunların dahili savunma ve geliştirme harekatlarından sorumlu ABD'li subayları içeren karma bir teşkilattır
area damage control
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROLU: Hasar olasılığını azaltmak ve onun etkilerini asgari kılmak üzere, düşman faaliyeti veya tabi felaketler veya insan yapımı felaketlerden önce, sonra veya bunlar esnasında alınan önlemlerdir. Ayrıca bakınız: "damage control; disaster control"
area damage control center
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL MERKEZİ: Bölge hasar kontrolünün yapıldığı merkez
area damage control party
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL MÜFREZESİ: İdari destek sağlayan birlik ve tesislerde, sadece bölge hasar kontrol faaliyetlerinde bulunmak üzere, kolordu, sahra ordusu, bölge komutanlığı ve lojistik komutanlık dahilinde kullanılan geçici bir özel görev birliği. Geri bölgede kütle tahrip taarruzuna veya tabii afete maruz kalan bir birliğe gönderilir. İdari desteği yeniden. kurmak veya birlik ya da tesisin vazifesini üzerine almak gibi hususlardan sorumlu değildir
area damage control plan
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL PLANI: Bölge hasar kontroluna ait işlerin yürütülmesine esas olmak üzere hazırlanan ve uygulanan plan
area damage controller
(Askeri) BÖLGE HASAR KONTROL UNSURU: Bir bölge hasar kontrol merkezinin bütün işlerini idare kudretine sahip şahıs
area defense
(Askeri) BÖLGE SAVUNMASI: Bölge savunması; savunma birliklerinin, düşman taarruzlarını hayati önemdeki münferit tesislerden, endüstri topluluklarından veya meskun merkezlerden uzakta ve bunlar dikkate alınmadan önlenecek şekilde yerleştirilmeleri anlayışını icap ettirir
area density
(Nükleer Bilimler) see mass per unit area
area depot
(Askeri) BÖLGE DEPOSU: Belli bir yerde kullanılacak ikmal maddelerini muhafazaya yarayan depo
area depot
(Askeri) bölge deposu
area drain
alan drenajı
area evacuation
(Askeri) BÖLGE TAHLİYESİ: Ticari gemilerin, tehdit altındaki genel bir bölgeden, deniz komutanlığı kontrolu altında, daha emin mahallere intikali. Ayrıca bakınız: "movement of shipping (in the early days of war) "
area evacuation of shipping
(Askeri) GEMİLERİN BÖLGE TAHLİYESİ: Ticari gemilerin, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı kontrolu altında, tehdit altındaki genel bir bölgeden daha emin mahallere intikali. Ayrıca bakınız: "part evacuation of shipping"
area fire
(Askeri) Kaba tanzim atışı
area fire
(Askeri) KABA TANZİM ATIŞI: Ateş cephesinin ortası hedefe gelmek şartıyla, uygun derinlikte, mesafece bir çatal yapmak veya isabetler elde etmek için yapılan atış
area forecast
(Askeri) BÖLGE HAVA RAPORU: Bir harekat bölgesinde veya coğrafi bir bölgede, Hava tahmini yapılmış belirli bir süre içindeki muhtemel hava şartlarının genel bir özeti
area frequency coordinator; automatic frequency control
(Askeri) bölge frekans koordinatörü; otomatik frekans kontrolü
area group
(Bilgisayar) alan grubu
area id
(Bilgisayar) alan kimliği
area joint medical regulating office
(Askeri) bölge müşterek sağlım düzenleme ofisi
area load
alansal yük
area monitoring
(Nükleer Bilimler) alan kontrolu
area monitoring
(Nükleer Bilimler) alan ölçüm
area name
alan adı
area navigation
(Askeri) saha seyrüseferi
area of concern
(Ticaret) iştigal konusu
area of fire
(Askeri) Ateş bölgesi
area of influence
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK NÜFUZ SAHASI: Komutanın, normal olarak komuta ve kontrolü altında bulunan manevra veya ateş destek sistemleriyle harekatı doğrudan etkilemeye muktedir olduğu bir coğrafik bölge
area of influence
(Askeri) komutanlık etki sahası
area of influence
(Askeri) Etki alanı
area of intelligence influence
(Askeri) istihbarat etki sahası
area of interest
(Askeri) ilgi sahası
area of interest
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK İLGİ SAHASI: Komutanı yakından ilgilendiren ve komutanlık nüfuz bölgesi ile buna komşu sahaları ve düşman arazisinde cari ve planlanmış harekat hedeflerine kadar uzanan yerleri içine alan saha. Bu saha, görevin başarılmasını tehlikeye düşürebilecek düşman kuvvetleri tarafından işgal edilen bölgeleri de içermektedir
area of interest
(Askeri) İlgi alanı
area of limitation
(Askeri) tahdit bölgesi
area of military significant fallout
(Askeri) ASKERİ ÖNEMDE SERPİNTİ BÖLGESİ: Askeri birliklerin normal görevlerini yerine getirmelerini etkileyecek radyoaktif serpinti bölgesi
area of northern operations
(Askeri) KUZEY HAREKAT BÖLGESİ: Kuzey yarım küresinde, 10°C (50°F) eş sıcaklık çizgisi kuzeyinde bulunan, değişik genişlikte bir bölge. Eş sıcaklık çizgisi, ortalama ısının yılın en sıcak 4 ayında 10°C yı aşmadığı bir hattır. Bu bölge dışındaki dağlık bölgeler, aynı ısı şartlarının mevcut bulunması şartıyla bu harekat kategorisine dahil edilmektedir
area of operational interest
(Askeri) Harekat ilgi bölgesi
area of operational interest
(Askeri) HAREKAT İLGİ BÖLGESİ: Hava savunmasında, önemi haiz karşılıklı konuşma yollarının kimlik ve mahal gibi belirli ölçütlere dayanarak komşu bir mevkiye sağlandığı bölge
area of operations
(Askeri) HAREKAT BÖLGESİ: Çatışma bölgesinin askeri harekat için gerekli olan kısmı. (Not: NATO tanımı conflict kelimesi yerine war kelimesini kullanmaktadır)
area of responsibility
(Askeri) sorumluluk sahası
area of responsibility
(Askeri) SORUMLULUK SAHASI: 1. SINIRLARI BELİRTİLMİŞ BİR KOMUTANLIK BÖLGESİ: Bu bölgedeki tesislerin geliştirilmesi ve bakımından, emri altındaki birliklerin bölge içinde hareket ve intikalleri ile taktik harekatının sevk ve idaresinden bu bölgenin komutanı sorumludur. 2. Denizcilikteki kullanımında ise, destek vazifesi gören gemilerin, bilinen veya meydana çıkan yada gözetleme ile tespit edilen hedefleri ateş altına almaktan sorumlu oldukları, önceden sınırlanmış bir bölge
area of separation
(Askeri) ayrılma bölgesi
area of seperation
tecrit alanı (çatışmaya taraf olan 2 devlet ya da örgütün askeri güç yerleştirmeme konusunda anlaşmaya vardıkları hatlar)
area of war
(Askeri) HARP ALANI: Harp harekatı ile ilgili veya ilgili olması muhtemel kara, deniz ve hava sahası
area operations
(Askeri) SAHA HAREKATI: Denizcilikteki kullanımıyla, coğrafik bir bölgede yürütülen ve özel bir kuvvetin korunmasıyla ilgili olmayan harekattır
area pattern
alan örüntüsü
area petroleum officer
(Askeri) BÖLGE AKARYAKIT SUBAYI: Petrole ve petrolün dağıtımına ait meselelerde ehliyeti haiz bir subay. Bu subay; bir harekat alanındaki petrol ürünlerinin, ilgili coğrafi bölge dahilinde kullanılmasından sorumlu büronun başında bulunur
area radar prediction analysis
(Askeri) BÖLGE RADAR TAHMİNİ ANALİZİ: Radar hedef tahminlerinin hazırlanmasında kullanılması için önemli radar bilgilerini sağlamak üzere tasarlanan radar hedef istihbaratı çalışması
area ratio
satıh oranı
area reserve
(Askeri) BÖLGE İHTİYATI: Bir bölge komutanlığı tarafından ihtiyat olarak tutulan personel veya ikmal maddeleri. Ayrıca bak. "theater reserve". AREA SEARCH (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU) (DOD, IADB): BÖLGE ARAMASI: Sınırlı ve belirlenmiş bölgelerin optik keşfi
area sampling
alan orneklemesi
area search
(Askeri) (NATO) BÖLGE ARAMASI: Genel veya özel durumlar ve/veya faaliyetler hakkında yeni veya güncelleştirilmiş bilgi sağlamak üzere özel bir bölgenin araştırılması veya söz konusu bölgede keşif faaliyetlerinin yürütülmesi
area service unit
area signal center
(Askeri) BÖLGE MUHABERE MERKEZİ: Sorumlu bulunduğu coğrafi bölge dahilinde, kuruluşlarında, kendi muhabere merkezlerini kuracak tesisler bulunmayan bütün birliklere muhabere desteği temin eder
area support group
(Askeri) alan destek grubu
area target
(Askeri) BÖLGE HEDEFİ: Tek bir noktadan ziyade bir bölgeyi ifade eden hedef
area traffic control
(Askeri) BÖLGE TRAFİK KONTROLÜ: Belirli bir bölge içinde cereyan eden veya bu bölgeden geçen bütün trafiğin, ilgili bölge komutanı tarafından konulmuş prensipler dahilinde, dış kontrolu. Buna eskiden "area control" denirdi. Ayrıca bakınız: "traffic control post"
area training
(Askeri) BÖLGE EĞİTİMİ: Öğrencilere; bir milletin veya coğrafi bölgenin örf ve adetlerini, geleneklerini, coğrafyasını, tarihini ve idare şeklini tanıtmak üzere, çok defa yabancı dille birlikte gösterilen öğretim
area wage and classification office
area work
alan calismasi
army service area
(Askeri) ORDU HİZMETLER BÖLGESİ: Kolordu geri hududu ile muharebe sahası geri hududu arasında kalan arazi parçası. Ordu idari kuruluşları ve hizmet kıtalarının büyük çoğunluğu genellikle bu bölgede bulunur. Ayrıca bakınız: "rear area"
artillery manoeuvre area
(Askeri) topçu manevra bölgesi
work area
çalışma alanı
working area
çalışma alanı
Controller Area Network
(Antika) Kontrol Alan Ağı: Otomotiv otomasyonunda kullanılmak üzere Bosch firması tarafından geliştirilen bir seri ağ teknolojisidir
Wildlife protection area
yaban hayatı koruma sahası
adjacent area
(Kanun) mücavir alan
agricultural area
tarımsal alan
aptitude area
(Askeri) kabiliyet sahası
aptitude area score
(Askeri) kabiliyet notu
assembly area
toplanma alanı
blind area
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gölgeli bölge
borrow area
(Askeri,İnşaat) ariyet alanı
building area
(İnşaat) inşaat alanı
column area
(Bilgisayar) sütun alanı
combat area
(Askeri) muharebe sahası
construction area
(İnşaat) şantiye
construction area
(İnşaat) inşaat alanı
construction area
(İnşaat) yapı alanı
content area
(Bilgisayar) içerik alanı
controller area network
(Otomotiv) kontrolör alan ağı
coverage area
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kaplam alanı
cultivated area
ekilen alan
cultivated area
tarım alanı
depressed area
(Coğrafya) azgelişmiş alan
desktop area
(Bilgisayar) masaüstü alanı
dish washing area
(Gıda) bulaşıkhane
disposal area
boşaltım yeri
division support area
(Askeri) tümen ağırlıklar bölgesi
engagement area
(Askeri) angajman bölgesi
equal area projection
(Askeri) eşit alan projeksiyonu
exception area
(Çevre) istisna alanı
execution area
uygulama alanı
exercise area
(Askeri) eğitim sahası
extension area
gelişme alanı
fill area
(Askeri) dolgu alanı
filter area
(Askeri) süzme bölgesi
filter area
(Bilgisayar) süzme alanı
flood area
(Coğrafya) taşkın bölgesi
floor area
kat alanı
flow area
(Otomotiv) akış alanı
flow area
(Otomotiv) akış kesit alanı
fortified area
(Askeri) tahkimli bölge
fortified area
(Askeri) müstahkem mevki
fortified area
(Askeri) müstahkem bölge
fringe area
(Bilgisayar,Televizyon) girişim alanı
gery area
(Coğrafya) gri alan
green area
(Turizm) yeşil alan
grey area
boz alan
host area
(Çevre) radyasyon güvenli alan
infected area
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) virüslü alan
infected area
(Bilgisayar) virüslü alan disk
influence area
tesir sahası
influence area
etki alanı
inner defence area
(Askeri) iç savunma bölgesi
less favoured area
(Tarım) az tercih edilen bölge
lodgement area
(Askeri) beachhead
magazine area
(Askeri) cephanelik sahası
marsh area
bataklık alan
nature reserve area
tabiatı koruma alanı
number area
(Bilgisayar) sayı alanı
output area
çıkış alanı
overflow area
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) taşma alanı
pasture area
mera alanı
plot area
(Bilgisayar) çizim alanı
pressure area
basınç alanı
print area
(Bilgisayar) yazdırma alanı
protected area
koruma alanı
protected area
sit alanı
protection area
(Turizm) koruma bölgesi
radiation area
(Çevre) radyasyon alanı
reduction in of area
alanın küçültülmesi
remote area
(Dilbilim) uzak alan
remote area
sapa yer
remove print area
(Bilgisayar) yazdırma alanını kaldır
rendezvous area
(Askeri) buluşma sahası
residential area
(İnşaat) oturma bölgesi
restricted area
(Havacılık) tahditli saha
row area
(Bilgisayar) satır alanı
row drop area
(Bilgisayar) satır bırakma alanı
safe area
güvenlikli alan
scenic area
(Turizm) görmeğe değer manzara
screen area
(Bilgisayar) ekran alanı
select area
(Bilgisayar) alan seç
shelf area
(Denizbilim) sahanlık alanı
specific surface area
özgül yüzey alanı
specific surface area
(Tıp) spesifik yüzey alanı
strict protected area
mutlak koruma alanı
strict wilderness area
mutlak koruma alanı
surface area
swept area
(Denizbilim) taranan alan
test area
(Bilgisayar) sınama alanı
transfer area
(Askeri) amfibi aktarma bölgesi
transient area
(Askeri) geçiş bölgesi
transition area
(Denizbilim) geçiş alanı
Türkisch - Türkisch
Bitkilerin yayılış alanları
Englisch - Englisch
penalty box; penalty area
Figuratively, any extent, scope or range of an object or concept

My guts are a bit sore in that area.

A particular geographic region
A measure of the extent of a planar region, or of the surface of a solid; it is measured in square units
An open space, below ground level, between the front of a house and the pavement
Any particular extent of surface, especially an empty or unused extent

The photo is a little dark in that area.

{n} the superficial contents of a thing
Icon Editor: A selected portion of the drawing pane in the Icon Editor primary window
Total area is the sum of all land and water areas delimited by international boundaries and/or coastlines Land area is the aggregate of all surfaces delimited by international boundaries and/or coastlines, excluding inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers) Comparative areas are based on total area equivalents Most entities are compared with the entire US or one of the 50 states The smaller entities are compared with Washington, DC (178 sq km, 69 sq mi) or The Mall in Washington, DC (0 59 sq km, 0 23 sq mi, 146 acres)
A group of contiguous networks within an OSPF autonomous system OSPF areas reduce the size of the link state database and provide the ability to summarize routes See also autonomous system; link state database
A major section of the bibliographic description, comprising data of a particular category or set of categories
On a football pitch, the area is the same as the penalty area. = box see also catchment area, disaster area, grey area, penalty area
The area of a surface such as a piece of land is the amount of flat space or ground that it covers, measured in square units. The islands cover a total area of 625.6 square kilometers
The extent of a surface, measured in units of length squared For example, the area of a rectangle is the product of its length and breadth Area-minimizing Principle A soap film contained by any fixed boundary will acquire its minimum free energy when it reaches equilibrium As the free energy of a film is proportional to its area, the area also will be minimized
The number of square inches (or feet) of the wing It's the wingspan multiplied by the wing's chord The area of a tapered wing is the wingspan multiplied by the average chord
The area of a flat, or plane figure is the number of unit squares that can be contained within it The unit square is usually some standard unit, like a square meter, a square foot, or a square inch So, if you are trying to find the area of a sheet of paper that is 9 inches by 11 inches, and the unit square you want is the square inch, then there are 9 X 11 = 99 square inches in that sheet of paper In this 4 inch by 3 inch rectangle, each little square is a square inch Count the little one-inch squares and find the total area Is it the same as multiplying the width of the rectangle by the height?
a subject of study; "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include
The AREA element specifies destinations for regions of an image via an HTML encoding system It has the ability to specifythe dimensions of a geometric shape within an image along with a hyperlink destination to be used when the shape is activated by the user
An extent of surface; a tract of the earth's surface; a region; as, vast uncultivated areas
A description of the dimension or content of a polygon
Any plane surface, as of the floor of a room or church, or of the ground within an inclosure; an open space in a building
A measure of squared distance
Area is the amount of surface of a figure
the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area"
A major section of the bibliographic description, comprising data of a particular category or set of categories See also Element
a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function; "the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants"
a particular environment or walk of life; "his social sphere is limited"; "it was a closed area of employment"; "he's out of my orbit"
a subject of study; "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include "
Extent; scope; range; as, a wide area of thought
The number of square units needed to cover a surface (cf Length, Area, and Perimeter Lesson)
the surface enclosed within a closed plane figure; the measure of the surface, expressed in equivalent square units, such as square inches
a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country
a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"
Your area is the part of a town, country, or region where you live. An organization's area is the part of a town, country, or region that it is responsible for. Local authorities have been responsible for the running of schools in their areas If there is an election in your area, you should go and vote
The sunken space or court, giving ingress and affording light to the basement of a building
The superficial contents of any figure; the surface included within any given lines; superficial extent; as, the area of a square or a triangle
When capitalized, it's a Brodmann Area, a subdivision of cerebral cortex based on the relative thickness of the six layers Area 17 is better known as primary visual cortex; it seems to be a functional unit but Area 19 comprises at least six major functional units A territory or work space is an area occupied temporarily by active patterns of cloned hexagons
The measure of the amount of space a two-dimensional figure takes up Example: Area=length*width
This entry includes three subfields Total area is the sum of all land and water areas delimited by international boundaries and/or coastlines Land area is the aggregate of all surfaces delimited by international boundaries and/or coastlines, excluding inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers) Water area is the sum of all water surfaces delimited by international boundaries and/or coastlines, including inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers)
Cross-sectional area of flow in the unsteady-flow computations The unsteady- flow results are printed from upstream to downstream in the output
The area, A of a rectangle is the product of the length, l, and the width, w (i e A=l w) Compare the definition of area with the definition of perimeter
{i} region; geographical region of boundary having no set limits; domain; sphere, area of activity or interest, field; surface area, physical size of a 2-dimensional surface contained within a border; branch of studies; section of a house or structure that has a certain particular function or characteristic (E.g.: "The spacious bathroom area has plenty of room for installing a jacuzzi"); section of the cerebral cortex that has a specific function (Anatomy)
A rectangular section of a plane Defined by the TQ3Area data type
1 A homogeneous extent of the Earth bounded by one or more arc features (polygon) or represented as a set of polygons (region) Examples: states, counties, lakes, land-use areas, and census tracts 2 The size of a geographic feature measured in unit squares ArcInfo stores an area measure for each polygon and region
You can use area to refer to a particular subject or topic, or to a particular part of a larger, more general situation or activity. the politically sensitive area of old age pensions
A particular area is a piece of land or part of a building that is used for a particular activity. a picnic area. the main check-in area located in Terminal
4. An area is a particular place on a surface or object, for example on your body. You will notice that your baby has two soft areas on the top of his head
An area is a particular part of a town, a country, a region, or the world. the large number of community groups in the area 60 years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas
" a particular geographical region of indefinite boundary (usually serving some special purpose or distinguished by its people or culture or geography); "it was a mountainous area"; "Bible country
A distinct section of the ClearStation site; each area has a "stop" on ClearStation's navigation bar Areas include About Us, 3-Point View, Help, Tour, and Customize (on the top line of the nav bar), and Focus, Portfolio, Watch List, Tag & Bag, Recommend, Education, Markets, and Trade (on the main line of the nav bar) (See: Top Line and Main Line)
A clearly defined 2-dimensional geometric region, having length and width, but not height or depth For example, a census division, lake, or province (any geographically defined surface) A measurement in square units of a closed surface (See polygon)
a measurement of a surface
The inclosed space on which a building stands
a part of a structure having some specific characteristic or function; "the spacious cooking area provided plenty of room for servants" the extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary; "the area of a rectangle"; "it was about 500 square feet in area" a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region" a subject of study; "it was his area of specialization"; "areas of interest include
A spot or small marked space; as, the germinative area
The measure of a bounded surface, like the top of a table, or the floor of a room Area is measured in square units
With respect to flags, the amount of surface as measured in square units such as square feet, square meters, etc For example, a flag measuring 3 feet by 5 feet would consist in 15 square feet of area
Area 51
A military base in Nevada, rumored to be where the US government hides extra-planetary alien visitors
area code
A prefix appended to a telephone number indicating the geographical area
area codes
plural form of area code
area of influence
A geographical area wherein a commander is directly capable of influencing operations by maneuver or fire support systems normally under the commander’s command or control
area rug
a rug that only covers part of the floor of a room; a carpet
area rugs
plural form of area rug
area rule
a process used in aerodynamics to reduce drag, typically by narrowing the fuselage at the wing roots
Referring to devices, typically weapons, intended to prevent an adversary from occupying or traversing a certain area of land

An area-denial mine might not kill a soldier, but will severely restrict, slow down, or endanger a tank. Most area-denial weapons can also pose long-lasting risks to anyone also entering the area, specifically to civilians, even years after they were first set up.

area pellucida
(Tıp, İlaç) The transparent more or less elastic noncellular outer layer or envelope of a mammalian ovum that is composed of glycoproteins
area and volume length
Dimensional measures of one-, two-, and three-dimensional geometric objects. All three are magnitudes, representing the "size" of an object. Length is the size of a line segment (see distance formulas), area is the size of a closed region in a plane, and volume is the size of a solid. Formulas for area and volume are based on lengths. For example, the area of a circle equals times the square of the length of its radius, and the volume of a rectangular box is the product of its three linear dimensions: length, width, and height
area bombing
{i} carpet bombing, extensive bombing over a specific area in order to completely destroy it, process of dropping many bombs over a specific area (in order to completely destroy it)
area code
The area code for a particular city or region is the series of numbers that you have to dial before someone's personal number if you are making a telephone call to that place from a different area. numbers you use before a phone number when you phone someone in a different area of the country
area code
A code for the area where a container is situated
area code
  See access code, code, country code, NXX code
area code
A three-digit prefix used to indicate the destination area for long distance calls Also known as Numbering Plan Area (NPA) You can use the area code to classify calls into call types You can also define geographical regions that are collections of area codes
area code
A number dialed before the desired telephone number that allows the subscriber who is outside a specific area to connect directly with the desired number
area code
Indicates which of the Numbering Plan Areas (NPAs) in North America you want to call
area code
The first three digits of a 10-digit telephone number in the North American Numbering Plan See also NANP
area code
Assessor assigned code that represents the subpolitical jurisdiction that receive the tax dollars The first two digits represent the school district, the next two digits represent the city or town and the last two digits represent special districts
area code
The three-digit numbering plan area code in North America which permits direct distance dialing on the telephone system [The first digit is never 1 or 0, and the second digit is always 1 or 0 ] Synonym: Numbering Plan Area (NPA)
area code
a three-digit code of a toll center in the North American Numbering Plan; to call outside of your toll center, you first dial 1, then the area code of the toll center you wish to call
area code
Data Segment Position ID Transaction Set Data Element
area code
This is the 3 digit Area Code of the company's phone number
area code
a number usually of 3 digits assigned to a telephone area as in the United States and Canada
area code
As part of the North American Numbering Plan, area codes designate a certain area within a state for geographical call routing The official telecommunications term is NPA or Numbering Plan Area
area code
The three digit code representing a specific geographic area, used in routing calls (see also NPA)
area code
This argument determines the area code for which the entry is to be defined This can either be the area code of the destination node, a prefix of an area code or an asterisk (``*'') The asterisk represents any area code COMPOSIS(R) supports the mechanism of prefix matching for area codes That is, if an area code searched for in the routing table is not matched exactly, the routing entry with the longest area code which is a prefix of the code searched for is returned It is not allowed to make an routing entry for the area code of the source node
area code
This is the standard prefix you must dial to make a national call e g 0208 (London) or 0131 (Edinburgh)
area code
Previously called Area Code (AC), the Number Plan Area (NPA) is a three-digit code within which telephone numbers are grouped geographically
area code
A three-digit telephone number prefix assigned to a calling area
area code
A three digit telephone number prefix assigned to a calling area
area code
telephone code belonging to a specific area
area graph
graph which plots two or more quantities over a period of time
area line
{i} line that defines the area of a gate, sixteenth line (Soccer)
area of cardiac dullness
a triangular area of the front of the chest (determined by percussion); corresponds to the part of the heart not covered by the lungs
area of dispute
region which is the subject of controversy
area of influence
The area within the cone of depression of a discharging well or the cone of impression of a recharging well
area of influence
The area covered by the drawdown curves of a given pumping well or combination of wells at a particular time
area of influence
The land surface overlying the cone of depression created by well pumping
area of influence
JP 1-02
area of interest
{i} field of interest, domain of interest, spheres of interest, area or topics that one finds interesting
area of jurisdiction
region in which a judge is authorized to work
area resident
inhabitant of the locality
area rug
A small rug or carpet which covers only part of the floor
area rug
a floor covering that covers only part of the floor
area rug
A rug that covers a limited area of floor space in a room
area studies
disciplines that study different regions
area target
target which covers an entire area rather than a specific point
area unit
a system of units used to measure areas
area villages
regional towns
Broca's area
An area of the frontal lobe of the brain associated with the control of speech
Metropolitan Area Network
Alternative spelling of metropolitan area network
Planck area
The square of the Planck length, thought to be the quantum of area. Symbol is AP
Ruhr Area
an urban area in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany; the largest urban agglomeration in Germany
Schengen Area
The group of European countries that have abolished border controls between each other
Wernicke's area
The posterior section of the superior temporal gyrus in the dominant cerebral hemisphere, one of two parts of the cerebral cortex linked with speech (the other being Broca's area)
combined statistical area
A metropolitan area with one or more other metropolitan and or micropolitan area components defined with it
common area
In a condominium or other cooperative residential facility, an area owned by the organization that oversees the facility, but is not owned by any specific resident
common area
A piece of land or a room that is designed for the use of multiple visitors to or inhabitants of a place

The dorm offered students the choice of retreating to the privacy of their rooms, or mingling in the common area.

danger area
A rectangular protected area of the pitch on which bowlers may not run in their follow through so as to avoid damage
danger area
an airspace within which it is dangerous for aircraft to fly
disaster area
An area that looks like one that has suffered a natural disaster

Your room is a disaster area.

disaster area
An area that has been the site of a natural disaster that receives an official designation entitling residents and organizations within that area to receive relief and benefits

Much of the central Gulf Coast was declared a disaster area after hurricane Katrina.

Of a map, having the property that equal areas on the map represent equal areas on the mapped surface
free trade area
An international region in which obstacles to unrestricted trade have been reduced to a minimum
geographical area
An area of land that can be considered as a unit for the purposes of some geographical classification

The plain of the Ganges is one of the most significant geographical areas in India.

Attributive form of geographical area, noun
goal area
the area of the pitch, extending six yards from the goal, from which a goal kick is taken
gray area
A part that is not clear or certain; something that is open to interpretation

It's a gray area how much the rules permit you to use.

grey area
A topic that is not clearly one thing or the other
grey area
An area intermediate between two mutually exclusive states or categories where the border between the two is fuzzy
lateral area
The sum of the areas of the lateral (vertical) faces of a cylinder, cone, frustum, or the like
lateral area
A particular part of the medulla oblongata
metropolitan area
An area of population usually with a central or core city and surrounding towns or suburbs

The metropolitan area of Lima accounts for 43 per cent of gross domestic product, for four-fifths of bank credit and consumer goods production.

metropolitan area network
a network that covers a large geographical area such as a city
notification area
An area of the taskbar used for icons and alerts

The notification area is configured by default to hide icons when they are not in use.

outside gross area
The area measured from the outside surface of the outer building wall to the outside surface of the opposite outer building wall. Where balconies and mezzanine floors occur within the exterior walls of the building, they are included in this figure
penalty area
An area of a soccer pitch extending 18 yards out of the goal, inside which a penalty is given to the offensive team if a foul is made by the defensive team
protected area
the central, rectangular area of the pitch onto which the bowlers may not run during their follow through
protected area
an area where natural values are protected. The most common definitions of protected areas are those of the IUCN (World Conservation Union)
rest area
A place on the interstate where one can stop to use the restroom, rest or do other things
second moment of area
A measure of a body's resistance to bending; second moment of inertia
service area
A place built alongside a motorway where one can stop to buy fuel, refreshments, and so on

The sign says that the next service area is 12 miles on.

specific leaf area
a measure of leaf thickness, calculated by dividing the area of a portion of a leaf by the dry weight of that same portion of leaf
surface area
The total area on the surface of a three-dimensional figure
terminal control area
a volume of controlled airspace set up at the confluence of airways in the vicinity of one or more major airports to protect traffic climbing out from and descending into the airports
ventral tegmental area
The ventral tegmentum
Controller Area Network
(Antika) Controller Area Network
Controller Area Network
(Antika) A vehicle bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and devices to communicate with each other within a vehicle without a host computer
parabrachial area
In the human brain, the parabrachial area (parabrachial complex) is a horseshoe-shaped strip of gray matter comprising the Kölliker-Fuse nucleus, the lateral parabrachial nucleus and the medial parabrachial nucleus. It is located at the junction of the midbrain and pons in the lateral reticular formation, rostral to the parvocellular reticular nucleus near the superior cerebellar peduncle. It gets its name from its closeness to the superior cerebellar peduncle, which is also known as the "brachia conjunctiva."
{a} pertaining to an area
Relating to or involving an area
Of or pertaining to an area; as, areal interstices (the areas or spaces inclosed by the reticulate vessels of leaves)
of or relating to or involving an area
(as in areal distribution) Refers to the geographic area over which a rock or sediment unit occurs, either buried or exposed at the surface
{s} of area
The measure of a planar region or the surface of a solid
plural of area
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) area
çeşme başı the area around
a fountain
local area network
(Bilgisayar) lan
wide area network
(Bilgisayar) wan