a capability for accomplishing something, for attaining a level of expertise on performance of a task or a set of tasks, or for acquiring knowledge in a given domain or set of domains
An individuals ability to learn or to develop proficiency in an area if provided with appropriate education or training Aptitude tests include tests of general academic (scholastic) ability; tests of special abilities (i e , verbal, numerical, mechanical); tests that assess readiness for learning; and tests that measure ability and previous learning that are used to predict future performance
A combination of abilities and other characteristics, whether native or acquired, known or believed to be indicative of an individual's ability to learn in some particular area Thus, "musical aptitude" would refer broadly to that combination of physical and mental characteristics, motivational factors, and conceivably other characteristics, which is conducive to acquiring proficiency in the musical field
Someone's aptitude for a particular kind of work or activity is their ability to learn it quickly and to do it well. An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree