Definition von aplastic anemia im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
An uncommon disorder characterized by the failure of the bone marrow to produce blood cells It may occur as an inherited condition (see Fanconi's anemia) or, more often, the disease develops later in life This form is called acquired aplastic anemia It leads to a severe shortage of all types of blood cell causing tiredness, susceptibility to infection, and potentially serious problems with bleeding as a result of a deficiency in blood platelets The acquired disease is usually the result of an autoimmune attack of lymphocytes against blood cell progenitors preventing normal blood cell formation
a form of anemia generally unresponsive to antianemia therapy, often accompanied by granulocytopenia or agranulocytosis (decrease in granulocytes) and thrombocytopenia (decrease in thrombocytes), in which the bone marrow may not necessarily be acellular but fails to produce adequate numbers of peripheral blood elements (RBCs, WBCs, and thrombocytes)
one type of anemia that occurs when the bone marrow produces too few of all three types of blood cells: red cells, white cells, and platelets
one type of anemia that occurs when the bone marrow produces too few of all three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets
A form of anemia in which the capacity of the bone marrow to generate red blood cells is defective. This anemia may be caused by bone marrow disease or exposure to toxic agents, such as radiation, chemicals, or drugs. Also called pancytopenia. or anemia of bone-marrow failure Inadequate blood-cell formation by bone marrow. Pancytopenia is the lack of all blood-cell types (erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets), but any combination may be missing. Drug, chemical, or radiation exposure most often causes the disease, but about half of all cases have no known cause. It may occur at any age. Acute disease may be quickly severe, even fatal; chronic disease has symptoms including weakness, shortness of breath, headache, fever, and pounding heart. There is usually a waxy pallor. Hemorrhages occur in mucous membranes, skin, and other organs. Lack of white blood cells lowers resistance to infection and becomes the major cause of death. Very low platelet count may lead to severe bleeding. The treatment of choice is bone-marrow transplantation. Otherwise treatment involves avoiding any known toxic agent and giving fluids, glucose, and proteins (often intravenously) as well as blood components and antibiotics