anusa ait, makadi, anal

listen to the pronunciation of anusa ait, makadi, anal
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp) anal
of the stage in psychosexual development when the child's interest is concentrated on the anal region
abbreviated form of anal sex
(anal-retentive) Psychoanalysis excessively orderly and fussy (supposedly owing to conflict over toilet-training in infancy)
{a} pertaining to the anus
{s} of or pertaining to the anus; located near the anus; (Psychoanalysis) symbolizing a phase of childish psychosexual development in which bowel movement is the main source of sensuous pleasure; self-controlled in an obsessive manner; concentrated on the anal area (in psychosexual development)
Anal means relating to the anus of a person or animal
of, related to, intended for or involving the anus
Pertaining to, or situated near, the anus; as, the anal fin or glands
of or related to the anus; "anal thermometer
of a person, obsessed with neatness, accuracy, compulsiveness and stubbornness, supposedly from not having progressed beyond the anal stage
of the stage in psychosexual development when the childs interest is concentrated on the anal region
anusa ait, makadi, anal