The ability of a substance to reduce swelling or inflammation Ibuprofen is used to used to treat inflammatory problems Although the exact way ibuprofen works is not understood, it is believed that, like other anti-inflammatory drugs, it inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
A drug that reduces inflammation, redness, heat, swelling and increased blood flow found in infections, and some chronic non-infective diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout
medication, such as prednisone, aspirin or steroids, that reduces inflammation and swelling
a substance which soothes inflammation or reduces the inflammatory response of the tissue directly Anti-inflammatories work in a number of different ways, but rarely inhibit the natural inflammatory reaction
(Medicine) family of medications that reduce pain and inflammation by inhibiting prostaglandin production (includes aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and many others), NSAID