
listen to the pronunciation of anthracnose
Englisch - Türkisch
(Tarım) Melanconiales dizisi mantarların fasulye,üzüm, kavun,pamuk,salatalık vb gibi ürünlerde oluşturduğu mantar hastalığı. Üzümde sap ve yapraklarda küçük kahverengi benekler oluşturur
Englisch - Englisch
Any of several fungal diseases that affect many plants and trees
scientific name = Colletotrichum graminicola A fairly common disease of annual meadow grass in compacted fine turf areas
is a fungal disease that may overwinter on infected seed, plant debris, or in soil It shows up as small, water-soaked spots on above-ground plant parts, which turn light brown and drop off Tan cankers appear on stems To avoid spreading the disease, rotate crops, remove and burn diseased plants, and do not cultivate when plants are wet
Any of various plant diseases, particularly those caused by fungi of the Melanconiales, in which discrete, dark-colored, necrotic lesions develop on the leaves, stems, and/or fruits (16)
A disease characterized by ulcer-like leaf or fruit spots and caused by fungi that produce asexual sspores in the type of fruiting body called a acervulus
A disease usually characterized by ulcer-like leaf or fruit spots and caused by fungi that produce asexual spores in the type of fruiting body called an acervulus
adj. Plant disease of warm humid areas, caused by a fungus (usually Colletotrichum or Gloeosporium). It infects various plants, from trees to grasses. Symptoms include sunken spots of various colours in leaves, stems, fruits, or flowers, often leading to wilting and dying of tissues. Dogwood anthracnose, caused by the fungus Discula destructiva, thrives in cool climates; in the U.S. it has caused severe losses to natural stands of dogwoods in mountainous regions. It is controlled by destroying diseased tree tissue, using disease-free seed and disease-resistant varieties, applying fungicides, and controlling insects and mites that spread anthracnose fungi from plant to plant
Any one of several fungus diseases, caused by parasitic species of the series Melanconiales, attacking the bean, grape, melon, cotton, and other plants
In the case of the grape, brown concave spots are formed on the stem and fruit, and the disease is called bird's-eye rot





    [ an-'thrak-"nOs ] (noun.) 1886. French, from Greek anthrak-, anthrax + nosos disease.