The raising of children and all the responsibilities and activities that are involved in it
The concept of managing the growth and delegation of a parent domain into further child domains, which are derived and delegated from the parent name See also child domain; parent domain
The special relationships and strategies pursued at the headquarters of a diversified group of companies
Parenting is the activity of bringing up and looking after your child. Parenting is not fully valued by society. parenting classes. the skill or activity of looking after your own children
The process of creating a hierarchical organization of objects in a scene In parenting, an object (called the parent object) is "parented" to another object (called the child object) Parenting relationships can be nested to any degree, so that one or more objects are the children of another object, which is in turn the child of another See also Hierarchy
anne ve baba tarafından çocuğun yetiştirilmesi
an·ne ve ba·ba ta·ra·fın·dan ço·cu·ğun ye·tiş·ti·ril·me·si