anlatım, anlatış

listen to the pronunciation of anlatım, anlatış
Türkisch - Englisch
{i} narration
That part of an oration in which the speaker makes his or her statement of facts
{n} an account, relation, history
the act of recounting the particulars of an event in the order of time or occurrence
The act of recounting or relating in order the particulars of some action, occurrence, or affair; a narrating
(rhetoric) the second section of an oration in which the facts are set forth the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events; "his narration was hesitant
The process through which the plot conveys or withholds story information The narration can be more or less restricted to character knowledge and more or less deep in presenting characters’ mental perceptions and thoughts
a pattern of essay development: a story told of a past event in which the teller makes a point clear by relating in detail something that has happened (usually) to him/her
The act of telling or relating the particulars of an event; rehearsal; recital
generally; the means by which plot reveals story; specifically (as a technical term), a voice-over commentary used in news and documentary features; see also exposition, confrontation, commentary, plot, story, voice-over
{i} telling of a story; account of; recounting of events; description of an experience; process of storytelling
That which is related; the relation in words or writing of the particulars of any transaction or event, or of any series of transactions or events; story; history
That part of a discourse which recites the time, manner, or consequences of an action, or simply states the facts connected with the subject
The spoken word from a person not seen on the screen that gives various information
That which is narrated or recounted; an orderly recital of the details and particulars of some transaction or event, or of a series of transactions or events; a story or narrative
the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events; "his narration was hesitant"
Discourse that tells a story
(rhetoric) the second section of an oration in which the facts are set forth
A composition in writing or speech that tells a story or gives an account of something
In rhetoric: that part of an oration in which the speaker makes his statement of facts
anlatım, anlatış