angular velocities

listen to the pronunciation of angular velocities
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von angular velocities im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

angular velocity
açısal sürat
angular velocity
açısal hız
angular velocity
(Askeri) AÇISAL HIZ: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin, yan ve yükseklik bakımından açısal durumundaki değişiklik oranına nazaran, gözetleme noktasında ölçülen hızı
Englisch - Englisch
plural form of angular velocity
angular velocity
The angle turned, in a given time, by a body rotating about an axis; the rate of rotation through an angle
angular velocity
The angular displacement divided by the time over which the displacement occurs; direction given by a right-hand rule
angular velocity
n. The rate of change of angular displacement with respect to time
angular velocity
Spin or revolutions put on the ball by the bowler (See also: Rotational energy)
angular velocity
the rate of turning of a body about an axis expressed in angle turned per unit
angular velocity
A vector quantity whose magnitude is its speed of rotation (radians/second) and whose direction is defined by the axis of rotation
angular velocity
rate of change of angular displacement
angular velocity
angular displacement divided by elapsed time during which the displacement occurs
angular velocity
The rate at which a body rotates as expressed by an angular change of position per unit time
angular velocity
The time rate of change of angular displacement
angular velocity
The change in the central angle with respect to time as an object moves along a circular path (Lesson 7 7)
angular velocity
The rate of rotation of a particle about the axis of rotation, with magnitude equal to the time rate of angular displacement of any point of the body Angular velocity is a vector oriented in accordance with a right-hand rotation (i e , when the fingers of the right hand are curved in the sense of rotation, the thumb points in the direction of the angular velocity vector)
angular velocities


    an·gu·lar velocities

    Türkische aussprache

    änggyılır vıläsıtiz


    /ˈaɴɢgyələr vəˈläsətēz/ /ˈæŋɡjəlɜr vəˈlɑːsətiːz/