
listen to the pronunciation of all-around
Englisch - Türkisch
çok yetenekli

Tom müthiş çok yetenekli bir atlettir. - Tom is a terrific all-around athlete.

pek çok yeteneği olan
her açıdan
dört yandan
her yer

O, kitaplarını evin her yerine bıraktı. - He left his books all around the house.

Her yerde çiçekler vardı. - There were flowers all around.

her yerinde
her yönden

Rusya'yı çepeçevre seyahat ettim. - I traveled all around Russia.

Tom'u ararken kasabayı çepeçevre gezdim. - I drove all around town looking for Tom.

her şeyi hesaba katarak
her bakımdan
çok yetenekli
Englisch - Englisch
able to do many or all things well
Generally, broadly

an all-around better player than me.

comprehensive in extent
many-sided; "an all-around athlete"; "a well-rounded curriculum"
see all-round. good at doing many different things, especially sports British Equivalent: all-round
many-sided; "an all-around athlete"; "a well-rounded curriculum
all around
encircling example: "all around the earth"
all around
including everything about a topic
all around
blessed with many talents; multi-sided; general, universal, all-inclusive, total; from every direction
all around observation
circumferential observation, vantage point from which the entire surrounding area can be seen