Lestrade and I sat silent for a moment, and then, with a spontaneous impulse, we both broke at clapping, as at the well-wrought crisis of a play. A flush of colour sprang to Holmes's pale cheeks, and he bowed to us like the master dramatist who receives the homage of his audience. It was at such moments that for an instant he ceased to be a reasoning machine, and betrayed his human love for admiration and applause. The same singularly proud and reserved nature which turned away with disdain from popular notoriety was capable of being moved to its depths by spontaneous wonder and praise from a friend.
His speech met with enthusiastic applause.
- Onun konuşması coşkulu alkışlarla karşılandı.
Tom waited for the applause to die down before he announced the next song.
- Tom bir sonraki şarkıyı anos etmeden önce inmek için alkış bekledi.
The crowd cheered again.
- Kalabalık yine alkışladı.
The townspeople cheered.
- Kasaba halkı alkışladı.
Why are people clapping?
- İnsanlar niçin alkışlıyor?
Tom stopped clapping.
- Tom alkışlamayı durdurdu.
All the students clapped their hands.
- Tüm öğrenciler alkışladılar.
Tom clapped his hands together excitedly.
- Tom elleriyle heyecanla alkışladı.
The audience clapped when the concert was over.
- Konser bittiğinde seyirci alkışladı.
Tom clapped his hands.
- Tom ellerini alkışladı.
The audience acclaimed the actors for their performance.
- Seyirci, performansları için oyuncuları alkışladı.
The player was acclaimed by the fans.
- Oyuncu fanatikleri tarafından alkışlandı.
I could hear everybody cheering.
- Herkesin alkışladığını duyabiliyordum.