alfred blalock

listen to the pronunciation of alfred blalock
Englisch - Englisch
born April 5, 1899, Culloden, Ga., U.S. died Sept. 15, 1964, Baltimore, Md. U.S. surgeon. He received an M.D. from Johns Hopkins University. His research, showing that traumatic and hemorrhagic shock resulted from loss of blood volume, led to volume-replacement treatment, which saved countless lives during World War II. He is remembered for his development, with Helen Brooke Taussig, of a surgical treatment for heart malformations in newborns. In 1944 he performed the first subclavian-pulmonary artery anastomosis operation, which corrected the birth defect
alfred blalock


    Al·fred blalock

    Türkische aussprache

    älfrıd bläläk


    /ˈalfrəd ˈblaläk/ /ˈælfrəd ˈblælɑːk/