
listen to the pronunciation of airways
Englisch - Türkisch
tenek yolları
airways and air communication service
(Askeri) HAVA YOLLARI VE MUHABERE HİZMETİ: Askeri Hava Ulaştırma Hizmetinin bir ast komutanlığı. Bu komutanlık, ABD Hava kuvvetlerinin faaliyetleri için her yerde; donanma pilotlarıyla sivil hava yolları pilotları ve diğer devletlere ait askeri tayyareler içinde bazen seri bir haberleşme ve elektronik uçuş hizmetleri temin etmekle görevlidir
airways sequence report
(Askeri) PERİYODİK METEOROLOJİ RAPORLARI: Hava limanları ve hava meydanları ile hava üslerindeki meteorolojik şartlar hakkında, saatte bir yayınlanan ve telsiz ve teleprimör vasıtasıyla diğer hava liman, meydan ve üsleriyle hava tahmin istasyonlarına bildirilen raporlar. Bu raporlar, saatte bir, aynı zamanda ve aynı sıra ile yayınlanırlar
airways station
(Askeri) HAVA YOLLARI MUHABERE İSTASYONU: Uçakların sürat ve emniyetle hareketini temin amacıyla, uçuş halindeki uçaklar ve diğer belirli hava yolu tesisleriyle muhabere etmek üzere kurulmuş, personel ve malzemeyle teçhiz edilmiş haberleşme tesisleri. Bu istasyonlar, hizmetini gördükleri hava yolları üzerinde veya bunların dışında bulunabilirler
hava yolu
turkish airways
Türk Hava Yolları (THY)
{i} havayolu
hava yol
{i} hava bacası
{i} aydınlık
(Askeri) HAVA YOLU: Radyo seyrüsefer yardımlarıyla belirlenmiş, bir koridor şeklinde tesis edilmiş bir kontrol bölgesi veya kısmı
Englisch - Englisch
British Airways Pan American World Airways Inc. Qantas Airways Limited
plural of airway
A flight path used by aeroplanes
British Airways
An international passenger airline based in London with destinations in more than 80 countries. Its predecessor companies include the nationalized British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and British European Airways (BEA). In 1974 BEA and BOAC combined to form British Airways. The airline was privatized in 1987. It merged with British Caledonian later that year
Inc. Pan American World Airways
known as Pan Am Former U.S. airline. It was founded in 1927 by former World War I pilot Juan Trippe, who secured a contract to fly mail between Key West, Fla., and Havana. In 1929 Pan Am established passenger service to the Caribbean and Central America. It inaugurated the first transpacific flights (San Francisco to Manila) in 1936, the first transatlantic flights (New York City to Lisbon) in 1939, and the first round-the-world flights in 1947, and it pioneered commercial jet travel in the 1950s. Its business declined in the 1960s and '70s, and its acquisition of National Airlines in 1980 failed to improve its position. In 1988 a bomb planted aboard a Pan Am 747 caused the airliner to crash near Lockerbie, Scot., killing 270 people. Despite selling its Asian and South Pacific routes to United Airlines and its transatlantic, European, and Middle Eastern routes to Delta Air Lines, it was forced to declare bankruptcy in 1991. In the late 1990s another group bought the rights to the Pan Am name and began operating flights as Pan American Airways
Qantas Airways Limited
Australian airline, the oldest in the English-speaking world, founded in 1920 as Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Ltd. (later abbreviated as Qantas). By 2002 it had more than 140 destinations in over 30 countries
US Airways
one of the largest airlines in the United States
A space between roof insulation and roof sheathing for movement of air
"Tubes" through which air moves in and out of the lungs
A control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor equipped with radio navigational aids
The space between a ceiling's insulation and the roof boards that allows air movement through the roofing system's vents, allowing moisture and summer heat buildup to escape
A control area in the form of a corridor, the centre line of which is defined by radio navigational aids
An officially designated air route with sectors defined as specific courses to or from directional radio stations
passage for air into the lungs, including the mouth, nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi
Airways means the same as airwaves. The interview went out over the airways
a commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers
any passage through which air is carried
The trachea
a duct that provides ventilation (as in mines)
The airways are all the routes that planes can travel along. How does a private pilot get access to the airways?
The passageway for air from the nose and mouth to the lungs
is a control area or portion thereof established in the form of a corridor equipped with radio navigation aids
A space between roof insulation and roof boards for movement of air
the system of the body that is involved in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide The general term "airway" includes the mouth and nose and goes all the way to the lungs and everything in between
{i} air lane, route through the air travelled by aircraft; passageway through which air travels (Medical); ventilator shaft
The space between roof insulation and roof boards which allows for movement of air
A metal or plastic framework designed to fit the curvature of the mouth and throat to prevent air passageways from closing
Any passage through which air is carried Also known as an air course
A person's airways are the passages from their nose and mouth down to their lungs, through which air enters and leaves their body. an inflammation of the airways
The parts of the body involved in moving air into the lungs
a designated route followed by airplanes in flying from one airport to another
airplanes can follow designated routes, defined by ground-based navigation devices Such routes are termed "airways"

    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈerˌwāz/ /ˈɛrˌweɪz/


    ... becomes margarine to the boxers British Airways ...