aircraft carriers

listen to the pronunciation of aircraft carriers
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von aircraft carriers im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

aircraft carrier
uçak gemisi
aircraft carrier
(Askeri) UÇAK GEMİSİ; TAYYARE GEMİSİ: Tayyareler için üs vazifesi görmek üzere inşa edilmiş gemi. Kısaca "carrier" de denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "noncapital ship"
aircraft carrier
uçak taşıyıcı
helicopter operations from ships other than aircraft carriers (USN publication)
(Askeri) hava aracı taşıyıcısı olmayan gemilerden yapılan helikopter harekatları (USN yayını)
Englisch - Englisch
plural form of aircraft carrier
aircraft carrier
A warship with a deck on which airplanes can be launched and landed
Aircraft Carrier
Aircraft Carrier
aircraft carrier
a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for take-offs and landings
aircraft carrier
warship with a large and flat deck for carrying aircraft
aircraft carrier
An aircraft carrier is a warship with a long, flat deck where aircraft can take off and land. A large naval vessel designed as a mobile air base, having a long flat deck on which aircraft can take off and land at sea. a type of ship that planes can fly from and land on. Naval vessel equipped with a platform that allows airplanes to take off and land. Takeoffs are facilitated by the use of catapults or by a ramp at the end of the flight deck. For landing, aircraft are fitted with retractable hooks that engage arresting wires on the deck, or they are built with vectored-thrust engines that allow them to be landed vertically. Britain's Royal Navy developed the first true aircraft carrier near the end of World War I, and carriers played leading roles in World War II naval engagements such as the Pearl Harbor attack and the Battles of Midway and the Coral Sea. The largest modern carriers are 1,000-ft (300-m) nuclear-powered vessels of the U.S. Navy, which can carry 100 jet aircraft. Other types include the light carrier, equipped for anti-submarine warfare and ground attack, and the helicopter carrier, intended for conducting amphibious assault
aircraft carrier
{i} flattop
aircraft carrier
{i} aerocarrier
aircraft carrier
aeroplane carrier
aircraft carriers


    air·craft carriers

    Türkische aussprache

    erkräft käriırz


    /ˈerˌkraft ˈkarēərz/ /ˈɛrˌkræft ˈkæriːɜrz/