
listen to the pronunciation of aided
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von aided im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Mikroplar sadece bir mikroskop yardımıyla görülebilir. - Germs can only be seen with the aid of a microscope.

Kasırga mağdurları hükümetten mali yardım aldı. - Victims of the hurricane received financial aid from the government.

yardım etmek

Aids'li insanlara yardım etmek amacıyla para toplamak için şarkıcılar birlikte şarkı söylediler. - The singers sang together in order to raise money to help people with AIDS.

aided matching
(Askeri) MEKANİK İNTİKAL SİSTEMİ: Atış esaslarını veya diğer esasları, bir atış esasları intikal hattından bir top atış esasları hesap cihazına veya başka bir cihaza nakleden mekanik sistem. Bu sistemde, alıcı cihazı intikal eden atış esaslarına uydurmak için lüzumlu kudret, sürati tamamen veya kısmen el çarkıyla ayar edilebilen motor vasıtasıyla sağlanır
aided tracking
(Askeri) YARDIMLI TAKİP: Sürati el çarklarıyla ayarlanan mekanik bir tertibatın, kısmen veya tamamen kudret temin ettiği bir hedef takip sistemi
aided tracking mechanism
(Askeri) YARDIMCI TAKİP DÜZENİ: Bir motor ile değişik sürat muharrikinden meydana gelen ve bir komuta aletinden veya diğer bir atış kontrol aletinde arzu edilen takip hızını ayar etmeye yarayan bir tertibat. Böylece, takip işi, el ile değiştirilinceye kadar, otomatik olarak ayarlanmış süratte yapılır
{f} yardımcı olmak

Adam boğulan kadına yardımcı olmak için daldı. - The man dived to the drowning woman's aid.


Onu kendi işinde destekledik. - We aided him in his business.

Sevgili bir arkadaşım tarafından desteklendim. - I was aided by a dear friend.

computer-aided design
Bilgisayar destekli tasarım

Esperanto yabancı dil öğretimi için bir yardımcıdır. - Esperanto is an aid for teaching foreign languages.

Sözlük dil öğrenmede önemli bir yardımcıdır. - A dictionary is an important aid in language learning.

{f} yardım et

Onun kaçmasına yardım ettiğim için tutuklandım. - I was arrested for aiding in his escape.

Onun bize yardım etmeye gelmesini istiyorum. - I expect him to come to our aid.

yardim etmek
el uzatmak
computer aided design
bilgisayar destekli tasarım
computer aided education
bilgisayar destekli eğitim
computer aided engineering
bilgisayar destekli mühendislik
computer aided management
bilgisayar destekli yönetim
computer aided manufacturing
bilgisayar destekli üretim
computer aided
Bilgisayar destekli
bilgisayar destekli
helped by
makine destekli
{i} yardım,yardım
{i} alet
iane vermek
f yardım etmek
first aid ilk yardım
cam (computer aided manufacturing
) BDÜ (Bilgisayar Destekli Üretim)
computer aided animation
bilgisayar destekli canlandirma
computer aided design
Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım (BDT)
computer aided design
(CAD) Bilgisayar Destekli Tasarım (BDT)
computer aided education
(CAE) Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim (BDE)
computer aided education
Bilgisayar Destekli Eğitim (BDE)
computer aided engineering
(CAE) Bilgisayar Destekli Mühendislik (Bdm)
computer aided engineering
Bilgisayar Destekli Mühendislik (BDM)
computer aided instruction
bilgisayar destekli ogretim
computer aided manifacturing
(CAM) Bilgisayar Destekli Üretim
computer aided manufacture
(CAM) bilgisayar destekli imalat
computer aided manufacturing
Bilgisayar Destekli Üretim (BDÜ)
computer aided publishing
(CAP) bilgisayar destekli yayin
computer aided software
(CAS) bilgisayar destekli yazilim
computer aided software engineering
(CASE) Bilgisayar Destekli Yazılım Mühendisliği
computer aided testing
bilgisayar destekli sinama
software aided
yazilim destekli
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von aided im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(Osmanlı Dönemi) Hastayı ziyaret eden
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Geri gelen, dönen. Râci. Dâir
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Bir kimse veya bir şeyle ilgili olan
Ortaçağ Avrupa'sında toplanan bir vergi
Bir hastayı ziyaret eden
Englisch - Englisch
Simple past and past participle of to aid
{s} helped by
having help; often used as a combining form
aided and abetted
Simple past tense and past participle of aid and abet
aided awareness
In advertising research, recognition of a specific brand or product from a list of possible names offered as a prompt

Since respondents were asked specifically if they saw any of the company's ads in the aided awareness question, that score is higher than the one for unaided awareness.

aided recall
Prompting respondents by inducing association of ideas to help recall, particularly of television or cinema viewing
aided recall
Research technique used to test audience memory retention of advertisements. The respondents are prompted by being shown a particular advertisement and then asked to remember their previous exposure to it. Verbal aids are also used to prompt recall. This technique is used by research services to test readership, viewership, and listenership
The person who promotes or helps in something being done; a helper; an assistant
An aide-de-camp, so called by abbreviation
An exchequer loan
Help assistance; succor, relief
Something which helps; a material source of help

The incompetent general's brilliant aid often made priceless suggestions.

A historical subsidy granted to the crown by Parliament for an extraordinary purpose, such as a war effort
To (give) support (to); to further the progress of; to help; to assist
computer-aided design
the process of using drawings made by using a computer to design machines, buildings, etc
{n} help support, subsidy, a helper
{v} to help, assist, succor, support, relieve
computer aided
Computer-assisted; performed with the assistance of a computer
Access identifier The AID [article 331] in a TL1 message uniquely identifies the entity to be acted upon by the input message to the NE
– 1 under the feudal system: a pecuniary contribution by a feudal vassal to his lord (limited by Magna Carta to three special occasions as listed in Article 12) [Articles 12, 14, 15]
Internationally, this refers to net flows of official development assistance ('oda' for countries on Part I of the DAC list) and official assistance ('oa' for countries on Part II of the DAC list) In Britain, it describes gross flows of public expenditure on overseas aid, which includes flows under the aid programme, and self-financed net investment by the Commonwealth Development Corporation, and flows from other government departments for development
help, as in: He rushed to the aid of the victim with no thought for his own safety
Agency for International Development
The flow of finance and capital resources from developing to developed and underdeveloped economies (nations or regions)
Automatic Incident Detection
money and resources which people and governments in richer countries give or loan to people and governments in poorer countries
Access IDentifier
The words "aid" and "assistance" refer to flows which qualify as Official Development Assistance (ODA) or Official Aid (OA)
help provided, usually quickly, in large units and without consideration of institutional strengthening or capacity-building aspects (e g emergency food aid) (see also: Technical Assistance)
Agency for International Development (GNR)
Any signal given to a horse to prompt it to turn, change gaits, or perform some other maneuver See natural aids
the work of caring for or attending to someone or something; "no medical care was required"; "the old car needed constant attention"
Artificial Insemination Donor
give help or assistance; be of service; "Everyone helped out during the earthquake"; "Can you help me carry this table?"; "She never helps around the house"
A device, for example, a walking frame, which assists someone to carry out daily living activities which they would otherwise only be able to do with difficulty or not at all
Application Identifier: the unique code associated with a card application, which allows the terminal to select a suitable application within the card for a given operation
United States Agency for International Development
money given to developing countries by richer ones
improve the condition of; "These pills will help the patient"
Agency for International Development, an agency within the Department of State which carries out U S programs of technical and economic assistance to less-developed countries AID's programs place emphasis on agriculture, health, and education AID denotes the Washington, DC, offices and USAID denotes the AID offices located in foreign countries KCCO supplies most of the food-aid commodities utilized in programs under AID's jurisdiction
Application Identifier: the unique code associated with a smart card application, which allows the terminal to select a suitable application within the card for a given operation
money or resources given or lent on favourable terms to developing countries
Aircraft Identifier; Aircraft Identification
Computer-Aided Quality Assurance
{i} CAQ, computer-aided department in a company that ensures that the products or services are provided in accordance with quality standards
An aide-de-camp, so called by abbreviation; as, a generals aid
A pecuniary tribute paid by a vassal to his feudal lord on special occasions
A subsidy granted to the king by Parliament; also, an exchequer loan
To support; to give support to; to further the progress of; to help; to assist
An activity or event in aid of a particular cause or charity is intended to raise money for that cause or charity. a charity performance in aid of Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital
a gift of money to support a worthy person or cause
A pecuniary tribute paid by a vassal to his lord on special occasions
If something aids a process, it makes it easier or more likely to happen. The export sector will aid the economic recovery Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer. see also Band-Aid, first aid, hearing aid, legal aid
An aid-de-camp, so called by abbreviation; as, a general's aid
To aid someone means to help or assist them. a software system to aid managers in advanced decision-making The hunt for her killer will continue, with police aided by the army and air force. = help, assist Aid is also a noun. He was forced to turn for aid to his former enemy. = assistance
A historical subsidy granted to the crown by Parliament for an extraodinary purpose; also, an exchequer loan
To support, either by furnishing strength or means in coöperation to effect a purpose, or to prevent or to remove evil; to help; to assist
Aid is money, equipment, or services that are provided for people, countries, or organizations who need them but cannot provide them for themselves. regular flights carrying humanitarian aid to Cambodia They have already pledged billions of dollars in aid. food aid convoys
An aid is an object, device, or technique that makes something easier to do. The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature
If you come or go to someone's aid, you try to help them when they are in danger or difficulty. the abbreviation of the Agency for International Development
Help; succor; assistance; relief
{f} help; assist
The person or thing that promotes or helps in something done; a helper; an assistant
a resource; "visual aids in teaching"; "economic assistance to depressed areas"
the activity of contributing to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose; "he gave me an assist with the housework"; "could not walk without assistance"; "rescue party went to their aid"; "offered his help in unloading"
To aid a country, organization, or person means to provide them with money, equipment, or services that they need. US efforts to aid Kurdish refugees. + -aided -aided grant-aided factories. state-aided schools
If you perform a task with the aid of something, you need or use that thing to perform that task. He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered = help
{i} help; assistance; accessory
computer aided design
method of using specialized computers for planning electronic circuit and architectural designs
computer aided design and manufacturing
creating and producing with the help of a computer
computer aided manufacturing
condition in which a manufacturing process is automatically controlled by computers
computer aided programming
programming implemented by computer
with the use of computers
computer-aided design
software used in art and architecture and engineering and manufacturing to assist in precision drawing
computer-aided design
computer-aided design
(Ticaret) (CAD) The use of software and computer hardware in developing engineering drawings and designs and accessing stored product and engineering data and history. CAD systems allow for multiple iterations, views and comparisons of proposed designs
computer-aided engineering
(Ticaret) (CAE) The use of software and computer hardware in creating process and material engineering specifications. CAE systems can access stored specification and cost data, create proposed bills of materials and routings, and can sometimes interface or upload new part numbers, engineering changes, bills and routings to the base ERP system
computer-aided engineering
use of computers during the planning design and analysis of engineering projects, CAE
computer-aided manufacturing
The process of using specialized computers to control, monitor, and adjust tools and machinery in manufacturing. CAM
computer-aided manufacturing
(Ticaret) (CAM) The use of computer systems to program, setup, control, monitor and generate reports for manufacturing equipment and processes
computer-aided practice and diagnosing
training and diagnosis with the aid of a computer