
listen to the pronunciation of address
Englisch - Türkisch
{f} hitap etmek

Ona doktor olarak hitap etmek daha iyi olabilir. - It might be better to address her as Doctor.

{i} söylev

Zarfın üstüne yanlış adres yazdım. - I wrote the wrong address on the envelope.

E-posta adresimi unuttum. - I forgot my email address.

{i} hitabe

Bu size hitaben yazılmış bir mektup. - This letter is addressed to you.

Amcasına hitaben bir mektup gönderdi. - He sent a letter addressed to his uncle.

{f} adres yazmak
(Askeri) ADRES (BİLG. ): Bir tutanak yeri, bellek yeri veya bir iletim çevrimi içindeki bir istasyonun yeri gibi diğer herhangi bir verinin kaynağının veya gideceği yerin bir isim, etiket veya numara ile gösterildiği bir tanıtım
{f} nutuk çekmek
address adres yaz/yönelt
{f} adresle

Adreslerini biliyor musun? - Do you know their address?

Polis onların adlarını ve adreslerini istedi. - The policeman demanded their names and addresses.

nutuk söylemek
kendini bir işe adamak
hal ve tavır
söz yöneltmek
{f} söylev vermek
{f} konuşma yapmak
{i} dilekçe
{i} konuşma tarzı
Üzerinde düşünmek, ele almak

This issue needs to be addressed.

{i} hüner
{f} göndermek

Anne, Noel Babanın adresi nedir? Ona bir mektup göndermek istiyorum. - Mummy, what is Santa Claus's address? I want to send him a letter.

{i} konuşma

Başkan ulusa sesleniş konuşması yaptı. - The President made an address to the nation.

Açılış konuşması bir başarıydı. - The opening address was a success.

{i} (veya ä'dres) adres
{i} beceri
{i} tavır
konuşurken takınılan tavır
(Politika, Siyaset) ele almak

It is time to address this problem - Bu problemi ele alma zamanı geld.

(Dilbilim) seslenme
(Ticaret) söylemek

O, ciddi şekilde kalabalığa hitap etti. - He addressed the crowd gravely.

Onlar bana doktor olarak hitap ettiler. - They addressed me as doctor.

address bus
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) adres veri yolu
address line
(Bilgisayar) adres satırı
address ranges
(Bilgisayar) adres aralıkları
address resolution protocol
(Bilgisayar) adres çözümleme protokolü
address to
atıfta bulunmak
address bus
adres anayolu
address computation
adres hesaplaması
address forcefully
zorla söylev ver
address format
adres düzeni
address generation
adres üretme
address mapping
adres dönüştürme
address modification
adres değiştirimi
address part
adres parçası
address register
adres girdisi
address space
adres yüzeyi
address track
adres izi
address above
yukarıdaki adres
address assignment
adres atama
address books
adres defterleri
address bus adres
taşıtı, adres ana yolu
address correction requested
adres düzeltme talep
address definition
adres tanımı
address file
dosya adresi
address index
adres kütüğü
address list
adres listesi
address number
adres sayısı
address the issue of
konuyu ele almak
address the issue of
konuyla ilgilenmek
address a remark to
(birine) bir söz yöneltmek
address a speech
konuşma yapmak
address a speech
beyanat vermek
address band
(Bilgisayar) adres bandı
address block
(Bilgisayar) adres öbeği
address block
(Bilgisayar) adres bloğu
address book
Adres Defterine
address bus
Adres Taşıtı
address call sign
(Askeri) ADRES ÇAĞRI İŞARETİ: Bir telsiz istasyonunu tanımaya yarayan ve haberi gönderen ile alan kimseler birbirleriyle aynı devre üzerinden muhabere ettikleri zaman, haberde adres vazifesi gören bir harf veya rakam grubu veya ikisinin birleştirilmesiyle meydana gelmiş bir tertip
address class
Adres Sınıfı
address description
yol tarifi
address family
Adres Ailesi
address form
(Dilbilim) seslenme biçimi
address generation
(Askeri) ADRES ÜRETİMİ (BİLG. ): Bir seçmeli erişim kütüğündeki bir tutanağın yerini bulup çıkarma işlemi
address group
(Askeri) ADRES GRUBU: Komutanlıkları, yetkili makamları, faaliyet merkezlerini, birlikleri veya coğrafi mevkileri göstermek üzere tahsis edilen ve, esas itibariyle, haberleşmelerde adres olarak kullanılan dört harflik bir grup
address id
(Bilgisayar) adres no
address indicating group
(Askeri) ADRES GÖSTERGE VEYA BİLDİRME GRUBU: Gereği ve bilgi için gönderilen belirli adresler grubu. Yazıyı gönderenin makam ismi de dahil edilebilir
address labels
Adres etiketleri
address layout
(Bilgisayar) adres yerleşimi
address leases
(Bilgisayar) adres kiraları
address message
Adres İletisi
address oneself to
address oneself to
address only
(Bilgisayar) yalnızca adres
address pairs
(Bilgisayar) adres çiftleri
address register
address resolution protocol
(ARP) Adres Çözümleme İletişim Kuralı
address separator
Adres Ayırıcısı
address tag
adres etiketi
address the chair
başkana hitap etmek
address type
(Bilgisayar) adres türü
adapter address
Bağdaştırıcı Adresi
add ip address
(Bilgisayar) ip adresi ekle
abbreviated address calling
kısa numarayla arama
address of
(Bilgisayar) adres alma

Bana mı hitap ediyordunuz? - Were you addressing me?

(Bilgisayar) adres belirle
branch address
(Bilgisayar) dallanma adresi
broadcast address
(Bilgisayar) yayın adresi
choose address book
(Bilgisayar) adres defterini seç
client address
(Bilgisayar) istemci adresi
conditional address
(Bilgisayar) koşullu adres
correspondence address
yazışma adresi
correspondence address
(Kanun) tebligat adresi
discrete address beacon system
(Havacılık) açık tanıtmalı far sistemi
edit address
(Bilgisayar) adres düzenle
event address
(Bilgisayar) olay adresi
extended address
(Bilgisayar) genişletilmiş adres
generated address
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) üretilen adres
host address
makine adresi
host address
(Bilgisayar) ana bilgisayar adresi
host address
bilgisayar adresi
host address
(Bilgisayar) sistem adresi
indexed address
(Bilgisayar) dizinli adres
invalid address
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz adres
ip address
(Bilgisayar) ip adresi
mail address
yazışma adresi
network address
(Bilgisayar) ağ adresi
opening address
açış konuşması
other address
(Bilgisayar) diğer adres
recipient's street address
(Bilgisayar) alıcının caddesi
remote address
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki adres
remote address
(Bilgisayar) uzaktan erişim adresi
reply address
(Bilgisayar) yanıt adresi
source address
(Bilgisayar) kaynak adresi
stored return address
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bellenmiş dönüş adresi
street address
(Bilgisayar) açık adres
sub address
(Bilgisayar) alt adres
this address
(Bilgisayar) bu adres
upload address
(Bilgisayar) yükleme adresi
wrong address
yanlış adres
absolute address
mutlak adres
actual address
gerçek adres
{f} adresle

Korkarım ki koliyi hatalı şekilde adresledim. - I'm afraid I have addressed the parcel wrongly.

Mektup doğru olarak adreslenmiş. - The letter was correctly addressed.

hitap eden kimse
imza eden kimse
{f} adresle
b address
b adresi
byte address
bayt adresi
change of address
adres değiştirme
content address storage
içerik adresli bellek
direct address
dolaysız adres
direct reference address
doğrudan referans adresi
dynamic address translation
dinamik adres çevirisi
effective address
etkin adres
explicit address
açık adres
forwarding address
yeni adres
home address
fiziksel adres
home address
asıl adres
hook address
çengel adres
immediate address
anlık adres
indexed address
indeksli adres
indirect address
dolaylı adres
machine address
makine adresi
mailing address
posta adresi
memory address register
bellek adres yazmacı
çoklu adres
multiple address
çok adres
name and address
isim ve adres
one address instruction
tek adresli komut
physical address
fiziksel adres
postal address
posta adresi
presumptive address
varsayımsal adres
public address system
hoperlör düzeni
real address
gerçek adres
reference address
referans adresi
relative address
göreli adres
return address
dönüş adresi
single address
tek adres
specific address
özel adres
street address
symbolic address
simgesel adres
target system address
hedef sistem adresi
telegraphic address
telgraf adresi
track address
iz adresi
transfer address
aktarma adresi
virtual address
görüntü adresi

Mektup doğru olarak adreslenmiş. - The letter was correctly addressed.

kur yapma

Artık orada yaşamamalarına rağmen, Hem Tom'un hem de Mary'nin Boston adresleri var. - Both Tom and Mary have Boston addresses, even though they don't live there now.

Bu, şehirdeki en özel adreslerden biri. - It's one of the most exclusive addresses in the city.

floating symbolic address
gezen simgesel adres
four address
dört adres
immediate address
(Bilgisayar) Mutlak adres
inaugural address
açılış konuşmasında
three address
üç adres
variable address
değişken adres
dilekçe sahibi
Türkisch - Türkisch
Verinin saklandığı bellek bölgesi
Englisch - Englisch
Manner of speaking to another; delivery; as, a man of pleasing or insinuating address
To prepare one's self; to apply one's skill or energies (to some object); to betake

These men addressed themselves to the task. - Thomas Babington Macaulay.

To handle, discuss about a problem especially to solve it

This meeting hopes to address how to improve sales overseas.

Act of preparing one's self
An Internet address; URL
Attention in the way one's addresses to a lady. Joseph Addison
To direct in writing, as a letter; to superscribe, or to direct and transmit

He addressed a letter.

A location in computer memory
street location
To consign or intrust to the care of another, as agent or factor

The ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore.

Skill; skillful management; dexterity; adroitness
To refer a location in computer memory
Act of addressing one's self to a person; a discourse or speech

Mr. Gregson, who had listened to this address with considerable impatience, could contain himself no longer.

To clothe or array; to dress

Tecla ... addressed herself in man's apparel. - Jewel.

To address one's self to; to prepare one's self for; to apply one's self to; to direct one's speech or discourse to
To prepare one's self

Let us address to tend on Hector's heels. - Shakespeare.

To direct, as words (to any one or any thing); to make, as a speech, petition, etc. (to any one, an audience)

The young hero had addressed his players to him for his assistance. - John Dryden.

Direction or superscription of a letter, or the name, title, and place of residence of the person addressed
To prepare or make ready

The five foolish virgins addressed themselves at the noise of the bridegroom's coming. - Jeremy Taylor.

To aim; to direct

And this good knight his way with me addrest. - Edmund Spenser.

To make suit to as a lover; to court; to woo
To direct speech to; to make a communication to, whether spoken or written; to apply to by words, as by a speech, petition, etc., to speak to; to accost

The representatives of the nation addressed the king. - Jonathan Swift.

To direct speech

Young Turnus to the beauteous maid address. - John Dryden.

{v} to speak or write to, pray, direct to, make love, consign
{n} a speech, prayer, dexterity, direction, manner or speaking
the manner of speaking to another individual; "he failed in his manner of address to the captain"
access or locate by address
A specific location in RAM, generally, the location where a part of a program starts Usually listed in hexadecimal form The individual characters and control codes in a word-processing document occupy consecutive addresses
The unique location of an information site on the Internet, a specific file (for example, a Web page), or an email user
A unique identifier for a computer or site online, usually a URL for a web site or marked with an @ for an email address Literally, it is how your computer finds a location on the information highway
If a letter, envelope, or parcel is addressed to you, your name and address have been written on it. Applications should be addressed to: The business affairs editor
give a speech to; "The chairman addressed the board of trustees"
A formal communication, either written or spoken; a discourse; a speech; a formal application to any one; a petition; a formal statement on some subject or special occasion; as, an address of thanks, an address to the voters
Attention in the way ones addresses to a lady. Addison
Number representing the location of a byte in memory Within CP/M there are two kinds of addresses: logical and physical A physical address refers to an absolute and unique location within the computer's memory space A logical address refers to the offset or displacement of a byte in relation to a base location A standard CP/M program is loaded at address 0100H, the base value; the first instruction of a program has a physical address of 0100H and a relative address or offset of 0H
Internet addresses help you find people or information on the Internet People with e-mail addresses can have mail delivered right to their computer It's a lot like your street address which tells the post office where to deliver letters E-mail addresses usually look like this: wpooh@poohcorner org or bigbird@sesame com
The numerical location of a web site Example: 206 103 179 190 The first six digits are a country location, the next three are a server computer location, and the last three are a location on the server computer The numbers can range from 0 to 255
Act of addressing ones self to a person; verbal application
To prepare ones self
To address ones self to; to prepare ones self for; to apply ones self to; to direct ones speech or discourse to
To prepare ones self; to apply ones skill or energies (to some object); to betake
One or a group of characters specifying the recipient or originator of transmitted data An address car also denote the position of data in computer memory or the data packet itself while in transit through a network IEEE 802 3 and 802 5 recommend having a unique address for each device worldwide
Act of preparing ones self. Jer Taylor
speak to someone put an address on (an envelope, for example) direct a question at someone address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question access or locate by address greet, as with a prescribed form, title, or name; "He always addresses me with `Sir'"; "Call me Mister"; "She calls him by first name
{f} direct to; speak to; direct to a specific destination, mark with an address (as in a letter or package); refer
a sign in front of a house or business carrying the conventional form by which its location is described
The address of a website is its location on the Internet, for example http: //
Reflexively: To prepare one's self; to apply one's skill or energies (to some object); to betake
To direct speech to; to make a communication to, whether spoken or written; to apply to by words, as by a speech, petition, etc
The identification of a physical or virtual distinct entity in a network On the Internet, this network address is called a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) For instance: http: //www gsh org [It is important to type these accurately ]
Attention in the way one's addresses to a lady
If you address a problem or task or if you address yourself to it, you try to understand it or deal with it. Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics. Gettysburg Address IP address Internet Protocol address
Your address is the number of the house, flat, or apartment and the name of the street and the town where you live or work. The address is 2025 M Street, Northwest, Washington, DC, 20036 We require details of your name and address
An address specifies the location of a Web page on the Internet
social skill
If you address a group of people, you give a speech to them. He is due to address a conference on human rights next week. Address is also a noun. The President gave an address to the American people
1 The precise location in memory or on disk where a piece of information is stored Every byte in memory and every sector on a disk have their own unique addresses 2 To reference or manage a storage location
the place where a person or organization can be found or communicated with adjust and aim (a golf ball) at in preparation fo hitting speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window"
There are two separate uses of this term in internet networking: "electronic mail address" and "internet address" An electronic mail address is the string of characters that you must give an electronic mail program to direct a message to a particular person See "internet address" for its definition
{i} location; description of a location; (Computers) number specifying a location in a computers's memory or on a disk; (Computers) unique name or code identifying each computer and user (e.g. URL, email address); lecture; speech
speak to someone
the stance assumed by a golfer in preparation for hitting a golf ball
address or apply oneself to something, direct one's efforts towards something, such as a question
(to the Governor-General or the Queen) a formal message to the Governor-General or the Queen by a house of Parliament stating the view of the house or making a request; the message is often in answer to the Governor-General's speech on the opening of a session of Parliament (address-in-reply), but may also be a message of congratulations, sympathy or farewell, or a request that the Governor-General, as a constituent part of the Parliament, perform a particular action
(1) (n ) A number used by the system software to identify a storage location (2) (n ) In networking, a unique code that identifies a node to the network
speak to; "He addressed the crowd outside the window"
A code or series of letters, numbers and/or symbols by which the Internet identifies you or a location where information is stored Through the use of addresses, people can send you e-mail, look at your Web site, and send or receive files and documents As an e-mail address, it looks like username@hostname com, where the username is a name you have chosen to identify yourself and the hostname is the name of your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or e-mail provider The symbol in the middle is the "at" symbol (@) Your e-mail address is verbalized as "username at hostname dot com " A Web address is the same as a URL or Uniform Resource Locator This address usually starts with http: //www followed by a "dot" and then a domain name Because domain names are international many countries use their name instead of dot com Internet address refers to both of the above, as well as an IP address, which is a number given to a computer terminal where users log on to the Internet
Act of addressing one's self to a person; verbal application
If you address someone or address a remark to them, you say something to them. The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they last met He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria
To consign or intrust to the care of another, as agent or factor; as, the ship was addressed to a merchant in Baltimore
Address Resolution Protocol
The protocol used to translate IP numbers into MAC addresses to support communication on a LAN
address bar
A bar in a web browser that displays the address (uniform resource identifier) of the page or resource being displayed

This trick is quite practical; since almost everyone keeps the address bar visible, being able to search from it doesn't add any gunk to your browser window.

address bars
plural form of address bar
address book
The "Address book" stores contact information (especially e-mail addresses and other data, like postal addresses). It's generally included in Internet suites and operating system customizations
address book
A small book where one writes other people's addresses and phone numbers in
address books
plural form of address book
address message
a message sent in the forward direction that contains (a) address information, (b) the signaling information required to route and connect a call to the called line, (c) service-class information, (d) information relating to user and network facilities, and (e) call-originator identity or call-receiver identity (Accredited Standards Committee on Telecommunications, T1)
address of record
The SIP or SIPS URI that points to a domain with a location service that can map the URI to another URI where the user might be available, frequently thought of as the "public address" of the user
address space
A range of discrete addresses, all the address locations available in a particular, named, subset of a computer's (virtual or real) memory
address verification service
The process of validating a cardholder's given address against the issuer's records, to determine accuracy and deter fraud. This service is provided as part of a credit card authorization for mail order/telephone order transactions. A code is returned with the authorization result that indicates the accuracy of the address match. Abbreviated: AVS
address verification services
plural form of address verification service
Attributive form of address book

address-book entry.

Address Resolution Protocol
protocol which supplies addresses to workstations on a local area network
address a letter
write a person's address on the letter that you want to send him
address an audience
give a speech before a group, lecture before an audience
address bar
The long, thin box near the top of a web browser window which contains the Web address of the Web page currently being viewed
address bar
Place on the Microsoft Internet Explorer where you type the web address of the website you want to visit
address bar
Displays URL for current Web page, and allows entry of a URL to open in the document window
address bar
Is where you are shown the URL (or true location) of the web page you are viewing
address bar
This is the area under the toolbar and menus in Internet Explorer where you type in the address of the web site you want to go to
address bar
shows the URL for the displayed Web page and also, it is used to enter the URL of a Web page in order to display the page browser a software program that allows you to look at the World Wide Web
address bar
browser bar which shows the address of the page displayed
address book
list of nicknames and e-mail addresses used by an e-mail program, enabling a user to designate a recipient or group with only a short word, and not a complicated combination of mailnames and domains Also known as "alias list" or "nicknames" list
address book
A personal directory of E-mail addresses
address book
A collection of names and e-mail addresses within an e-mail program; enables you to send e-mail messages quickly to the people whom you write regularly
address book
Used to keep customer contact and configuration information For example, the Project Administrator may have set up the Address Book to hold a customer's name, email address, phone number, location, etc
address book
A place for storing names, addresses, and phone numbers
address book
A list of email addresses kept by an email program for regular use
address book
One of the most popular native applications on PDA devices
address book
A folder that contains frequently used e-mail addresses Rather than identifying other users by their e-mail addresses, individuals or groups can be given aliases or nicknames E-mail addressed to an alias is automatically sent to the user(s) associated with that name
address book
An address book is a book in which you write people's names and addresses
address book
Software for keeping a convenient collection of contact names, e-mail addresses and other contact details
address book
an area for storing e-mail addresses; allows you to quickly send e-mail without having to remember long addresses; usually has a place to store additional info such as phone numbers, birthdays, nicknames (another quick way to send e-mail)
address book
a small database in which you store email addresses for the individuals and groups that you correspond with, each labeled with an easy to remember nickname Each of the ACCC-upported email clients support address books, but, unfortunately, they all use their own formats for these addressbooks The ACCC Address Book Conversion Utility solves that problem; it converts address books from one format to another
address book
Netscape's built in window that supports the tracking of email addresses Its look and feel is similar to the way Netscape bookmarks work
address book
Your address book is a storage center in your e-mail client where you keep your friend's and family's e-mail addresses You get to your address book by clicking the Addresses button when you are in your e-mail client Back to Top
address book
-folder that contains names of contacts with their Email addresses and other information
address book
Keeps track of all your business, personal, and professional contacts Create as many Address Books as you need
address book
List of names and mail addresses of all registered net-work users The Address book is used by the post office to verify that messages are correctly addressed and to deliver them to the correct recipient The full list of all available users is called the global address book
address book
A set of nicknames makes up an address book Some programs, such as Pine and Eudora, only refer to the "address book "
address book
Input name, address and phone numbers into the pager's memory
address book
{i} notebook where a person keeps names and addresses; (Computers) list of electronic mail addresses
address book
An address book is a computer file which contains a list of e-mail addresses
address book
stores the e-mail addresses of a user's email correspondents
address book
Tool for consumers where they can record address of potential gift recipients and others for access throughout the shopping process
address book
Your universal address book can be accessed any time, from anywhere
address book
Displays recipient names (mailboxes, distribution lists, custom recipients, and public folders) in the directory The Address Book can contain one or more address lists See also global address list
address book
Some e-mail programs let you create an address book for storing information about the people whose e-mail and other information you want to have handy
address book
Software that stores the e-mail addresses of people you contact online
address book
An electronic version of and address book, a book that contains the names and Email addresses of people
address mask
{i} (Internet) bit mask used to identify which bits in an IP address match the network address and subnet parts of the address
address oneself to the audience
direct yourself or speak to the audience
address resolution
conversion of addresses between methods of addressing
address the chair
direct yourself or speak directly to the chairman
address the meeting
speak directly to a gathering of people
address unknown
destination unknown, intended addressee is not known
address verification
A service provided through merchant services in which the merchant verifies the cardholder's address Primarily used by mail/telephone order merchants to combat fraud Not a guarantee that a transaction is valid
address verification
A service in which the merchant verifies the cardmember's address Primarily used by Mail/Telephone order merchants Not a guarantee that a transaction is valid
address verification
Method whereby a 3rd party verifies ordering address matching predetermined criteria
address verification
Security measure using billing information that helps prevent fraud in online credit card transactions
address verification
Process used by a credit card processor or other party to verify that a customer's ordering address matches their records
IP address
(Internet Protocol address) A number assigned to each computer's or other device's network interface(s) which are active on a network supporting the Internet Protocol, in order to distinguish each network interface (and hence each networked device) from every other network interface anywhere on the network. (Normally written out in dotted decimal form,, e.g.
Internet address
Any address used to identify a place or resource on the Internet, such as a URL, an IP address, or a domain name
MAC address
Media Access Control address. An OSI device layer address used by Ethernet, 802.11 wireless, Bluetooth, FDDI, ATM, and Fiber Channel networking technologies, all of which share the same address space, consisting of a globally unique number assigned to each network jack, wireless network radio, or other sort of network interface
NSAP address
An identifying label for network endpoints used in OSI networking
accommodation address
an address on letters, etc., to a person or business that does not wish or is not able to receive post at a permanent or actual address
Simple past tense and past participle of address
Present participle of address
The process of putting a person's name and address on an item of mail
Any of several methods of locating and accessing information within storage
dynamic IP address
An IP address which changes periodically, e.g. each time a user dials into their Internet Service Provider. Contrast static IP address
e-mail address
A unique identifier of the form user name@domain name specifying a virtual location to which e-mail can be sent
forwarding address
An address to which mail should be relayed if sent to the wrong address. Chiefly used after one changes address, and some mail keeps going to the old address
inside address
The delivery address of an addressee, written on the page of a letter
postal address
The address (of a person or business) to which mail is delivered, as distinct from the actual street address
public address system
An electronic voice-amplification apparatus used for broadcasting in public areas
salutatory address
salutatory address
opening or welcoming statement
street address
The assigned numeric identifier which was given to a structure to show the address on the street that the building is located upon. A street address is typically painted on a building, or affixed using house numbers
term of address
A word or phrase used to address or refer to someone or something without using his, her, or its name
terms of address
plural form of term of address
web address
Uniform Resource Locator, URL
billing address
The address where the customer's American Express monthly statement is sent
{n} one who speaks or writes to others
{n} pl attentions of a lover, courtship
Of an envelope: listed with sufficient routing information to reach a destination
{s} marked with an address (as in a letter, parcel, etc.)
past of address
of mail; marked with a destination; "I throw away all mail addressed to `resident'
of mail; marked with a destination; "I throw away all mail addressed to `resident'"
One that gives a speech or address
One that applies an address of a location to an object to be delivered to that location
{i} one who marks with an address, sender; one who files a petition
Most used addresses on the net e-mail address, IP address, and URL
Details of postal addresses along with telephone, fax, ISDN, e-mail and personnel contacts, are given for the publisher's address, followed by similar details for other offices associated with the publication
plural of address
third-person singular of address
1 Because the Post Office scans from the bottom up, the address should appear with the city, state, and zip code on the last line of the address and the street address or P O box on the second to the last line The floor, suite, or room number on an address should appear in one of the following locations
A scheme, determined by network protocols, for identifying the sending device and destination device for any given item of information traveling on a network
A method of identifying a resource (such as a program) or piece of information (such as a file) on a network Methods of addressing vary considerably from network to network Simply-- Addressing is NAMING something so everything else can find it
How computers find each other, and find files and programs within each other, on the Internet - or on any network, for that matter
Printing of the address on a document/letter/label This shows on the outside of the mail piece
{i} method of accessing network resources (Computers)
A network concept that describes the process of assigning unique identification numbers (called addresses) to a networked device
(1) In data communications, the way that the sending or controlling station selects the station to which it is sending data
Indexing using as the pointer set a data type that has arithmetic properties
(1) The assignment of addresses to the instructions of a program
Accessing a particular memory location by its address
Networks have to have some way of uniquely identifying the hosts on the network Like the telephone system, network addressing is usually done with numbers; TCP/IP, for example, uses IP addresses
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