addition to a worker's salary after a rise in the cost of basic necessities

listen to the pronunciation of addition to a worker's salary after a rise in the cost of basic necessities
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von addition to a worker's salary after a rise in the cost of basic necessities im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

cost of living allowance
Asgari geçim indirimi
cost of living allowance
pahalılık zammı
Englisch - Englisch
cost of living allowance
addition to a worker's salary after a rise in the cost of basic necessities


    ad·di·tion to a worker's sa·la·ry af·ter a rise in the cost of Bas·ic necessities

    Türkische aussprache

    ıdîşın tı ı wırkırz sälıri äftır ı rayz în dhi kôst ıv beysîk nısesîtiz


    /əˈdəsʜən tə ə ˈwərkərz ˈsalərē ˈaftər ə ˈrīz ən ᴛʜē ˈkôst əv ˈbāsək nəˈsesətēz/ /əˈdɪʃən tə ə ˈwɜrkɜrz ˈsælɜriː ˈæftɜr ə ˈraɪz ɪn ðiː ˈkɔːst əv ˈbeɪsɪk nəˈsɛsɪtiːz/