adding fluoride to water for increasing the health of teeth

listen to the pronunciation of adding fluoride to water for increasing the health of teeth
Englisch - Englisch
water fluoridation
adding fluoride to water for increasing the health of teeth


    adding flu·o·ride to wa·ter for in·creas·ing the health of teeth

    Türkische aussprache

    ädîng flôrayd tı wôtır fôr înkrisîng dhi helth ıv tith


    /ˈadəɴɢ ˈflôˌrīd tə ˈwôtər ˈfôr ənˈkrēsəɴɢ ᴛʜē ˈhelᴛʜ əv ˈtēᴛʜ/ /ˈædɪŋ ˈflɔːˌraɪd tə ˈwɔːtɜr ˈfɔːr ɪnˈkriːsɪŋ ðiː ˈhɛlθ əv ˈtiːθ/