
listen to the pronunciation of accretionary
Englisch - Türkisch
accretionary prism
akresyon (eklenir) prizması
accretionary theory
gezegenlerin küçük kozmik toz parçaçıklarının daha büyük kütle oluşturmak üzere yoğunlaşmaları / kondense olmaları sonucu gezegenlerin meydana geldiğini öneren teori
accretionary theory
akresyon teorisi
Englisch - Englisch
Of, pertaining to, or in the form of an accretion
marked or produced by accretion
{s} characterized by accretion, increasing or growing by means of accretion
accretionary wedge
The accumulation of surface sediment formed between a subducting oceanic crustal plate and a continental tectonic plate, as it is scraped from off the top of the oceanic crustal plate