
listen to the pronunciation of access
Englisch - Türkisch

Acil internet girişi olan bir çevre yaratmazsak, bizim şirketimizde geride kalacak. - Our company is going to be left behind too if we don't create an environment in which we can get instant Internet access.

Dosyalarımıza giriş için FTP'nin nasıl kullanılacağına dair bilgileri ekledim. - I have attached instructions on how to use FTP to access our files.

{i} erişim

Onun belgelere erişim hakkı vardı. - He had access to the papers.

Benim onun kitaplığına erişimim var. - I have access to his library.

{i} erişme

Uzak bilgisayarlarıma erişmek için sık sık SSH'ı kullanırım. - I often use SSH to access my computers remotely.

Tabii ki Başbakan'a erişmek zordur. - Of course it's difficult to gain access to the Prime Minister.

{f} bağlamak
{i} bilgisayar sistemine girip bilgi almak izni (bilgisayar)
(Politika, Siyaset) katılıma
(Dilbilim) edinebilirlik
(Kanun) mürur hakkı
kulanma hakkı
(Tıp) akse

Konsol veya aksesuarları yüksek sıcaklık, yüksek nem ya da doğrudan güneş ışığına maruz bırakmayın. (5 °C ile 35 °C veya 41°F ile 95°F aralığında sıcaklığa sahip bir ortamda kullanın) - Do not expose the console or accessories to high temperatures, high humidity or direct sunlight (use in an environment where temperatures range from 5 °C to 35 °C or 41 °F to 95 °F).

Bu ışıltılı aksesuvar senin svetşörtüne uymuyor. Bunu dene! - That glittering accessory doesn't go with your sweatshirt. Try this on!

(Kanun) geçit hakkı

Kablo olmadan internete ulaşmak mümkündür. - It is possible to access the Internet without a wire.

{f} eriş

Tek bir pakette hem bir telefon hem de bir internet erişimi alın! - Get both a phone and internet access in a single package!

Uzak bilgisayarlarıma erişmek için sık sık SSH'ı kullanırım. - I often use SSH to access my computers remotely.

kullanma hakkı

Yere kara yoluyla ulaşılamaz. - The place is not accessible by land.

Piknik alanına kara yolu ile kolayca ulaşılabilir. - The picnic area is easily accessible by road.

nöbet have access yanına girebilmek
{i} yaklaşma
{i} hastalık nöbeti
{i} kullanım
(fiil) bağlamak
erişim erişim, erişmek
{i} yanaşmak
huzura kabul edilmek
{i} to (biriyle) görüşme imkânı; (bir şeyden) faydalanma hakkı/imkânı: He has access to him. İstediğinde onunla
(Tıp) Nöbet, akse
(Politika, Siyaset) girme

Her şahıs memleketin kamu hizmetlerine eşitlikle girme hakkını haizdir. - Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.

(Hukuk) giriş /girme

Günümüzde, kitaplar herkes için erişilebilir. - Nowadays, books are accessible to everyone.

Silahlara Amerikalılar tarafından kolayca erişilebilir. - Guns are readily accessible to Americans.


Bu havaalanına otobüsle kolayca ulaşılabilir. - This airport is easily accessible by bus.

Piknik alanına kara yolu ile kolayca ulaşılabilir. - The picnic area is easily accessible by road.

access point
(Bilgisayar) erişim noktası
access denied
(Bilgisayar) erişim engellendi
access denied
(Bilgisayar) erişim reddedildi
access device
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) erişim cihazı
access door
(Askeri) erişim kapağı
access door
(Bilgisayar) erişim kapısı
access door
(Mimarlık,Teknik) giriş kapısı
access door
ulaşım kapağı
access error
(Bilgisayar) erişim hatası
access key
(Bilgisayar) erişim tuşu
access level
(Bilgisayar) erişim düzeyi
access level
giriş seviyesi
access method
erişim metodu
access number
(Bilgisayar) erişim numarası
access panel
ulaşım paneli
access period
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) erişim dönemi
access point
giriş noktası
access points
ulaşma noktaları
access port
(Telekom) erişim portu
access ramp
(Otomotiv,Teknik) rampa
access record
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) erişim tutanağı
access rights
(Politika, Siyaset) erişim hakları
access road
erişim yolu
access road
bağlantı yolu
access road
(Ticaret) giriş yolu
access screen
(Bilgisayar) ekrana eriş
access time
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) erişme süresi
access token
(Bilgisayar) erişim dizgeciği
access arm
erişim kolu
access gallery
giriş galerisi
access hatchway
ambar ağzı
access ramp
giriş rampası
access shaft
giriş bacası
access time
erişim zamanı
access time
erişim süresi
access authority
erişim yetkisi
access cover
erişim kapağı
access level
(Bilgisayar) Ulaşım düzeyi; belirli bir bilgisayar elemanına ne ölçüde ulaşılabildiğinin ya da diğer bir değişle hangi kod'un bu elemanı okuma ve üzerine yazma iznine sahip olduğunu belirtir
access permission level
Erişim izin düzeyi
access ramp
giriş rampası, rampa
access violation
(Bilgisayar) Erişim ihlali
access aisle
(Askeri) ÖZEL ARA YOL: Merdiven, yangın söndürme tesisatı vesaire gibi sabit tesislere götüren veya malzemenin nakliyat ara yollarından götürülüp getirilmesi için kullanılan ara yollar. Buna, "fire aisle" de denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "aisle"
access arm
(Elektrik, Elektronik) erişme kol
access authorization
erisim yetkisi
access barred
erişim engelli
access bridge
erişim köprüsü
access bridge
geçit köprüsü
access bridge
irtibat köprüsü
access bridge with check
çekli geçit köprüsü
access category
erisim sinifi
access class
(Ticaret) erişim sınıfı
access code
erişim kodu
access coding
erisim kodu
access coding
(Bilgisayar) erişim kodu
access control
Erişim Denetimi
access control entry
Erişim Denetim Girdisi
access control key
erişim denetim anahtarı
access control list
erişim denetim listesi
access control list
(ACL) Erişim Denetim Listesi
access control list; allowable cabin load
(Askeri) erişim kontrol listesi; müsaade edilebilir yük miktarı
access control lock
erişim denetim kilidi
access control methods
erisim kontrol yontemleri
access denied
giriş engellendi
access files
(Bilgisayar) access dosyaları
access flooring system
(Mimarlık) raised flooring system
access gallery
bağlantı galerisi
access gallery
ulaşım galerisi
access hatch
(Çevre) giriş bacası
access hatch
giriş kapısı
access key
Erişim Anahtarı
access list
erişim listesi
access lock
erişim kilidi
access mask
erişim maskesi
access mechanism
Erişim Düzeneği
access mode
(Askeri) giriş modu
access mode
(Bilgisayar) erişim modu
access network
erisim agi
access number
erişim numarsı
access period
erisim donemi
access permission
Erişim İzni
access points
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) ulaşma noktaları (giddens)
access privileges
Erişim Ayrıcalıkları
access privileges
Erişim Öncelikleri
access procedures
(Askeri) Bak. "explosive ordnance disposal procedures"
access random
(Bilgisayar) rastgele erişim
access record
erisim tutanagi
access right
Erişim Hakkı
access road
(Mimarlık) yaklaşım yolu
access roads
irtibat yolları
access roads
yaklaşım yolları
access route
(Ticaret) erişim rotası
access runtime
(Bilgisayar) access çalışma zamanı
access shaft
ulaşım şaftı
access strand
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) erişim halatı
access switch
(Askeri) erişim santrali
access theory
(Fotoğrafçılık) erişilmezlikler kuramı
access time
(Askeri) ERİŞME SÜRESİ: Otomatik bilgi işleminde; bilginin (a) kayıt için istendiği an ile verilmesinin tamamlandığı an arasında geçen süre, yani okuma süresi (read time); (b) kayda hazır olduğu an ile kayıt süresinin tamamlandığı an arasında geçen süre, yani yazma süresi (write time). Buna "latency time" da denir
access to classified information
(Askeri) GİZLİLİK DERECELİ BİLGİYE NÜFUZ ETMEK; SAHİP OLMAK (GÖRMEK): Gizlilik dereceli bilgiyi öğrenme kabiliyeti veya imkanı. Kişiler, eğer bu bilgiyi öğrenmeye yetkiliyseler veya böyle bir bilgiyi öğrenmelerini gerektiren bir yerdeyseler gizlilik dereceli bilgiye nüfuz edebilirler. Kişiler, eğer güvenlik tedbirleri onların bu bilgiyi öğrenmelerine izin vermiyorsa gizlilik dereceli bilgilerin saklandığı yerde olsalar bile gizlilik dereceli bilgiye nüfuz edemezler
access token
Erişim Jetonu
access traffic
erisim trafigi
access tunnel
ulaşım tüneli
access tunnel
erişim tüneli
access type
Erişim Türü
access well
giriş deliği
access well
giriş kuyusu
(Hukuk) elde edilebilir
{i} (tahta) çıkma
{i} katılım
access to
görüşme imkanı (biriyle)
açık olmak
(Kanun) vusul
(Ticaret) istihdam
(Kanun) hukuki tağyir
(Kanun) terfi
(Kanun) tahta oturma
(Ticaret) ilave
allow access
(Bilgisayar) erişime izin ver
cannot access
(Bilgisayar) erişilemiyor
contended access
(Bilgisayar) çekişmeli erişim
convert to access
(Bilgisayar) access'e dönüştür
custom access rights
(Bilgisayar) özel erişim hakları
dedicated access
(Bilgisayar) doğrudan erişim
dedicated access
(Bilgisayar) tam erişim
dedicated access
(Bilgisayar) adanmış erişim
deny access
(Bilgisayar) erişim engelle
deny access
(Bilgisayar) erişimi engelle
deny access on
(Bilgisayar) erişimi engelle açık
easy access to
ulaşımı kolay
equal access
(Telekom) eşit erişim
gain access
erişim sağlamak
global access
(Telekom) küresel erişim
illegal access
(Bilgisayar) yasadışı erişim
indexed access
dizinli erişim
information access
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bilgi erişimi
multiple access
(Bilgisayar) çoklu erişimli
multiple access
(Bilgisayar) çoklu erişim
network access
(Bilgisayar) ağ erişimi
random access memory
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) rasgele erişimli bellek
refuse access
(Bilgisayar) erişimi reddet
remote access
uzaktan erişim
remote data access
(Bilgisayar) uzak veri erişimi
right to access
(Politika, Siyaset) erişim hakkı
roaming access number
(Bilgisayar) gezeleyen abone numarası
secure access
güvenli erişim
special access
(Bilgisayar) özel erişim
specific access code
(Telekom) özel erişim kodu
write access
(Bilgisayar) yazmak için erişim
kolay bulunur
yanına varılabilir
göreve gelme
basic telecommunication access method
temel uzaktan iletişim erişim yöntemi
data access
veri erişimi
data access control
veri erişim denetimi
direct access
doğrudan erişim
direct access devices
doğrudan erişim aygıtı
direct access processing
doğrudan erişimli işleme
direct access storage device
doğrudan erişimli bellek aygıtı
direct memory access
doğrudan bellek erişimi
immediate access
anında erişim
immediate access store
anında erişim belleği
indexed sequential access method
dizinli sıralı erişim yöntemi
memory access
belleğe ulaşım
minimum access code
minimum erişim kodu
Englisch - Englisch
The process of locating data in memory
To have access to (data)
To gain or obtain access to
An onset, attack, or fit of disease; an ague fit
Connection to or communication with a computer program or to the Internet
A way or means of approaching or entering; an entrance; a passage
The right of a non-custodial parent to visit their child
An outburst of an emotion; a paroxysm; a fit of passion; as, an access of fury

It appears that, about the middle of the fourth century of the Christian Era, the Germans in the Roman service started the new practice of retaining their native names; and this change of etiquette, which seems to have been abrupt, points to a sudden access of self-confidence and self-assurance in the souls of the barbarian personnel which had previously been content to 'go Roman' without reservations.

The right or ability of approaching or entering; admittance; admission; accessibility
An increase by addition; accession; as, an access of territory
Admission to sexual intercourse
The act of approaching or entering; an advance
a way of approach or entrance; passage
{n} admission, approach, addition, means of approach, invasion of disease or paroxism
ACCESS courses are designed to give mature students evidence of recent study They may lead to GCSEs and A levels and are run by Colleges of Further Education ACCESS to teaching would offer GCSE mathematics, English and science and appropriate A levels for ITT degree entry Advanced GNVQ - Advanced General National Vocational Qualification - similar to BTEC and the equivalent of 2 A level course subjects offered have a vocational element such as childhood studies AS - Formerly Advanced Supplementary qualifications, now known as Advanced Subsidiary A2 enables the student to continue studying for a second year and achieve a full A level qualification
1) The right to enter or use a system and its resources; to read, write, modify, or delete data; or to use software processes or network bandwidth 2) Opportunity to make use of an information system (IS) resource
When used in its broadest sense, this term encapsulates the purpose of librarianship--enabling people to identify, locate, and use the information that will meet their educational, occupational, and personal needs Librarians espouse principles of free inquiry and intellectual freedom; they oppose barriers to access, such as censorship or restrictions based on age, cost, etc In library organizational structure, access services encompasses functions such as circulation, interlibrary loan, technical services In the context of automated information systems, one talks about the way a computer "accesses" records in a file In cataloging, access points are the names, subject headings, etc , which lead to the bibliographic record
Ability and means to communicate with (i e input to or receive output from), or otherwise make use of any information, resource, or component in an AIS NOTE: An individual does not have "access" if the proper authority or a physical, technical, or procedural measure prevents them from obtaining knowledge or having an opportunity to alter information, material, resources, or components
the ability to read, write or alter data; there can be varying degrees or levels; one can grant access by permissions; see your browser's Help for how to grant permissions to websites to different levels of access to your computer
A specific type of interaction between a subject (i e , person, process, or input device) and an object (i e , an AIS resource such as a record, file, program, output device) that results in the flow of information from one the other
- The ability to obtain desired healthcare Access is more than having insurance coverage or the ability to pay for services It is also determined by the availability, acceptability, cultural appropriateness, location, hours of operation, transportation and cost of services
{i} database software manufactured by Microsoft (Computers)
As defined in the handbook, access is assumed to mean continued, ongoing usability of a digital resource, retaining all qualities of authenticity, accuracy and functionality deemed to be essential for the purposes the digital material was created and/or acquired for
reach or gain access to; "How does one access the attic in this house?"; "I cannot get to the T V antenna, even if I climb on the roof"
The ability or opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified information An individual, in fact, may have access to classified information by being in a place where such information is kept, if the security measures that are in force do not prevent him/her from gaining knowledge of such information
The ability to gain entry to a database or other digital information
1 (COMSEC) Capability and opportunity to gain knowledge of or to alter information or material 2 (AIS) Ability and means to communicate with (i e input to or receive output from), or otherwise make use of any information, resource, or component in an AIS NOTE: An individual does not have "access" if the proper authority or a physical, technical, or procedural measure prevents them from obtaining knowledge or having an opportunity to alter information, material, resources, or components [1]
A means of entering a property or building Ability to reach something
The availability of records of a public body for a person to view or copy The Act provides any person with a right of access to records or to their own personal information that is in the custody or under the control of a public body
A specific type of interaction between a submission and communications or information resources that results in a flow of information, the exercise of control, or the activation of a process
the ability and means to communicate with or otherwise interact with a system: a specific type of interaction between a subject and an object that results in the flow of information from one to the other A subject may access a file object to obtain data, or a subject may access a system resource and give it command information in order to obtain service There is not full agreement on the definition of access: some would insist that the simple ability to receive information is not access unless the subject can also command the object
This privacy requirement is one of the Fair Information Practices Individuals should be able to find out what information is in their files and how the information is being used Individuals must be able to correct information in their records
Rights and means to approach or engage in with understanding Assessments provide for equal access when they include tasks that are shown to be equally appropriate for all students, allow multiple approaches and strategies, and accept multiple justifiable responses See open-ended questions
n , v t 1 v t (a place, or array) to read_1 or write_1 the value of the place or an element of the array 2 n (of a place) an attempt to access_1 the value of the place
Availability of medical care Determined by availability of transportation, location, type of medical services in the area, etc
The right to enter a property Access may be restricted to certain times, to certain persons and to certain purposes (i e access for the purpose of inspection)
the availability of an archival entity for consultation as a result either or both of legal authorization and the existence of finding aids; access may also be affected by the physical state of the materials, or the need to conserve them
The main aim of Access programmes is to prepare adult learners from non-traditional backgrounds and under-represented groups for admission to undergraduate education They often lead to GCSEs and A levels and are run by Colleges of Further Education ACCESS to teaching would offer GCSE Mathematics, English and Science and appropriate A levels for Initial Teacher Training degree entry
(computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information
(n ) In general, the availability of information; ability or privilege to obtain wanted materials such as books Direct access allows one to go directly to the stacks for books or periodicals (v ) To look up, to consult
The ability or the means necessary to read, write, modify, or communicate data/information or otherwise make use of any system resource
A term referring to the means by which a person or computer accesses the Internet Also see Connectivity
the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership)
the right to enter
If you have access to something such as information or equipment, you have the opportunity or right to see it or use it. a Code of Practice that would give patients right of access to their medical records
A coming to, or near approach; admittance; admission; accessibility; as, to gain access to a prince
the act of approaching or entering; "he gained access to the building"
The means, place, or way by which a thing may be approached; passage way; as, the access is by a neck of land
{i} approach; entry; attack of a disease; permission to enter a computer system and/or retrieve data (Computers)
If you have access to a building or other place, you are able or allowed to go into it. The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users Scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area The Mortimer Hotel offers easy access to central London
the act of approaching or entering; "he gained access to the building" a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge" (computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership) reach or gain access to; "How does one access the attic in this house?"; "I cannot get to the T
If you access something, especially information held on a computer, you succeed in finding or obtaining it. You've illegally accessed and misused confidential security files. to find information, especially on a computer
] An onset, attack, or fit of disease
(computer science) the operation of reading or writing stored information the right to obtain or make use of or take advantage of something (as services or membership) reach or gain access to; "How does one access the attic in this house?"; "I cannot get to the T
antenna, even if I climb on the roof"
If you have access to a person, you have the opportunity or right to see them or meet them. He was not allowed access to a lawyer
antenna, even if I climb on the roof" obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer
obtain or retrieve from a storage device; as of information on a computer
A paroxysm; a fit of passion; an outburst; as, an access of fury
a way of entering or leaving; "he took a wrong turn on the access to the bridge"
Increase by something added; addition; as, an access of territory
[In this sense accession is more generally used
{f} gain entrance to; get at, reach
access code
an alphanumeric sequence that permits access to a secure service or network
access codes
plural form of access code
access control
The practice of restricting entrance to a property, a building, or a room to authorized persons
access control
In technology, permitting or denying the use of a particular resource
access control list
A security scheme for file level security (as opposed to traditional user, group levels, or the somewhat stricter role levels.) Abbreviated ACL

The hackers broke through the B security model, so no more role level security; all critical data must use access control lists from now on.

access control lists
plural form of access control list
access controls
plural form of access control
access modifier
An access specifier
access modifiers
plural form of access modifier
access point
A device, such as a WLAN or Internet modem, that permits wireless devices to connect to a network
access points
plural form of access point
access road
a road giving entry to a region or, esp., a motorway
access specifier
A keyword applied to a variable, method, etc. that indicates which other parts of the program are permitted to access it
access specifiers
plural form of access specifier
access time
The time interval between the issuing of a request to read data from or write data to a storage device and the completion of this action

Random access files have a fast access time, but they cannot easily produce sequential lists.

access time
An item of metadata indicating when a file was last accessed

It is difficult to monitor both the access time and the change time, because monitoring the file attributes resets the access time.

access times
plural form of access time
access token
an object that describes the security context of a process or thread, such as the user's identity and privileges (DB2 Universal Database) (TheFreeDictionary)
access tokens
plural form of access token
access broker
A former political figure with close ties to an incumbent administration who parlays those ties into a lucrative public relations or lobbying venture
access code
Numeric or alphanumeric data which, when entered correctly, authorizes entry into a secure area
access code
A sequence of dialed digits that allows a user to gain access to a facility, service, feature, or function of a network or system
access code
(n ) A series of numbers, letters, and special characters that act as a password
access code
Preliminary digits a user is required to dial to be connected to a particular trunk group, channel or line (2) A short sequence of digits allowing a user to access a specific facility, service, feature or function of a telecommunications network or computer system
access code
The number that your dealer will supply you with, once you have registered, to 'unlock' your program (Back to top)
access code
A digit or digits presented to telecommunications equipment that permits the user to connect to a given service In private branch exchange (PBX) operation, access code is the digits that are dialed connecting a telephone user to a specific trunk group or to a special service such as paging or dictation The term is also frequently applied to the "1" dialed in many local telephone company areas for the completion of an interexchange toll call
access code
access code
An alphanumeric sequence that permits access to an electronic network, such as a telephone network or an automated teller machine
access code
A five-digit number that the BBSM software generates for access to the Internet
access code
  The preliminary digits that a user must dial to be connected to a particular outgoing trunk group or line   (188)
access code
Password to gain entry into a computer or a computer file
access code
A password giving users access to a computer, a network or a particular application/file Often called a 'User ID'
access code
An access code is the digit, or digits, that a user must dial to be connected to an outgoing trunk facility
access code
The four digit number used to access Island State's Telephone Banking service Access Line or our Internet Banking service
access code
A string of characters that enables a user to register for a website that accompanies a textbook This access code can be made up of multiple words, a combination of letters and numbers Oftentimes an access code comes with a textbook, other times you will need to order it seperately from your textbook publisher This access code allows a text book owner to register for a password protected website
access code
The password, which the user must type in to get access into a computer system
access code
Number dialed to place a call outside of a PBX network
access code
Your access code is a four- to ten-digit number printed on the label sheet included in your income tax package This access code can be used as a telephone access code if you have been invited to use the TELEFILE service It can also be used as your Internet access code if you decide to use the NETFILE service
access code
A five- or seven-digit code that, when dialed, gives access to a desired network
access code
is a unique combination of characters, usually letters or numbers, used in communications as identification for gaining access to a computer The access code is generally referred to as Username or user ID and password
access code
A password or code that enables a user to obtain access to a service; established by the service provider
access control
Network managers define access control by requiring authentication of the user's identity before permitting or limiting entry to a computer network or server
access control
Restrictions of a Subject access to a resource See Also Access Controller, Subject
access control
all RDBMS provide some mechanism for internal access control; each connecting process has a "user id" and not all user id's are able to see all tables or all fields of a given table Privileges are similar to file protection bits in a file system but more elaborate: read, write, update, delete are the basic set, and there are many more in some RDBMS
access control
limiting of access to a system or files
access control
The restriction of access to network realms In Apache context usually the restriction of access to certain URLs
access control
The restriction of access to resources to prevent its unauthorized use
access control
The process of preventing unauthorized access to the resources of an IT product, programs, processes, systems, or other IT products Some suppliers consider preventing unauthorized users from logging on to the system to be access control In reality, access control should also stop logged on users accessing objects (files, devices, etc) for which they have no authorization
access control
Process of limiting access to the resources of an AIS only to authorized users, programs, processes, or other systems [1]
access control
The methods by which interactions with resources are limited to collections of users or programs for the purpose of enforcing integrity, confidentiality, or availability constraints
access control
1) Limiting access to information system resources to authorized users, programs, processes, or other systems only 2) Procedures and controls that limit or detect access to MEI Resource Elements (People, Technology, Applications, Data and/or Facilities) thereby protecting these resources against loss of Integrity, Confidentiality Accountability and/or Availability
access control
provides mechanisms for granting access to authorized and authenticated users only
access control
The enforcement of specified authorization rules based on positive identification of users and the systems or data they are permitted to access
access control
the process of limiting access to the resources of a system only to authorized programs, processes, or other systems (in a network) Synonymous with controlled access and limited access Access control may be an administrative, physical, or technical control, but is most commonly considered a technical control limiting access to information or resources on a system Access control is generally a preventive control
access control
a means for establishing the rights an authenticated party has to access and control a set of resources Thanks
access control
Within NT you can set who can get to what files or directories, this controls the access to resources
access control
(1) Restrictions controlling a subject's access to an object [ANDE72, NCSC87] (2) The ability and the means necessary to store or retrieve data to communicate with or to make use of any resource of an ADP system [NCSC87] (3) Protection of system resources against unauthorized access; a process by which use of system resources is regulated according to a security policy and is permitted by only authorized entities (users, programs, processes, or other systems) according to that policy [IETF99]
access control
The mechanisms for limiting access to resources based on users' identities and their membership in various predefined groups Access control is used typically to control user access to network resources such as servers, directories, and files
access control
The restriction of access to network realms In an Apache context usually the restriction of access to certain URLs See: Authentication, Authorization, and Access Control
access control
Protection of resources against unauthorized access; a process by which use of resources is regulated according to a security policy and is permitted by only authorized system entities according to that policy
access control
The management of permissions and restrictions for logging onto a computer or network Systems typically employ individual profiles that specify which network-attached resources are available to which users The profiles are maintained in a database, such as RADIUS
access control
In IWR, a property that grants a user class access to a report, URL, or report folder, and defines a scope See also, scope In PowerPlay Web, the mechanisms that limit user access to information or controls based on users identity and membership in predefined groups Access control is typically used by system administrators to control user access to network resources, such as servers, directories, and files In Upfront, the mechanisms for limiting access to certain items of information or to certain controls based on users' identity and their membership in various predefined groups Access control is typically used by system administrators to control user access to network resources such as servers, directories, and files See also, access privileges IWR, PowerPlay Web, Upfront
access control
A method of restricting access to resources, allowing only privileged entities access (PGP, Inc ) Types of access control include, among others, mandatory access control, discretionary access control, time-of-day, classification, and subject-object separation
access control
The collection of all controls used to assure that persons will have access only to information or information processing facilities for which they are authorized [X949] The collection of all controls used to assure that persons would have access only to information processing facilities for which they are authorized [x949] (includes credential, data separation)
access control
Indicates the degree access to an adjoining roadway is controlled by public authority If there is, No access control (unlimited access); Full access control (ramp entry & exit only); or Other (partial access control) NOTE: Access is controlled by roadway configuration, not traffic control devices such as, No Left Turn signs, etc
access control
A method of restricting access to resources, allowing only privileged entities access
access control
The prevention of unauthorized entry into a specific area by using road barriers and traffic control The access-controlled area may be established to control and monitor a restricted area that may have undergone agent contamination
access course
An access course is an educational course which prepares adults with few or no qualifications for study at a university or other place of higher education. an educational course for adults which prepares them for study at a university or college
access denied
(Computers) entry refused (message informing a user that he is not authorized to use or enter a particular program or resource)
access key
{i} (Internet, Computers) key which permits the user of a computer to jump right away to a specific section of a webpage using the keyboard
access level
In computer security, the level of authority a user has while accessing a secured file or library
access level
A numeric value ranging from 0 to 1000 Every workflow user operates at a specific access level The access level defines whether the user can modify certain workflow data You can only modify data that is protected at a level equal to or higher than your access level
access level
A permission given to a user controlling which Perforce commands can be used Access levels are assigned with p4 protect The five access levels are list, read, write, review, and super
access level
(obs ) In Cyc-9, the access level of an assertion determines whether inferencing involving that assertion occurs at assert time or at ask time Access level is replaced in Cyc-10 by direction Only two access level values were commonly used in Cyc-9: 0, which corresponds to the Cyc-10 direction forward, and 4, which corresponds to the Cyc-10 direction backward For more information on direction, click here
access level
A level associated with an individual who may be accessing information (for example, a clearance level) or with the information which may be accessed (for example, a classification level) (NRC, 1991, as cited in HISB, DRAFT GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATED TO INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS draft Glossary of Terms Related to Information Security in Health Care Information Systems)
access level
Hierarchical portion of the security level used to identify the sensitivity of AIS data and the clearance or authorization of users NOTE: Access level, in conjunction with the non-hierarchical categories, forms the sensitivity label of an object See category [1]
access level
The level of programs and data to which a given terminal and/or operator are granted access
access level
A level associated with an individual who may be accessing information (for example, a clearance level) or with the information, which may be accessed (for example, a classification level) (NRC, 1991, as cited in HISB, DRAFT GLOSSARY OF TERMS RELATED TO INFORMATION SECURITY IN HEALTH CARE INFORMATION SYSTEMS draft Glossary of Terms Related to Information Security in Health Care Information Systems)
access level
Controls who can access information about your Entry or Task There are four different levels: Normal, Confidential, Personal and Public
access level
A security measure used to check the sensitivity of data and then to permit or authorize a user
access level
the hierarchical portion of the security level used to identify the sensitivity of data and the clearance or authorization of users Note: The access level, in conjunction with the nonhierarchical categories, forms the sensitivity label of an object See category, security level, and sensitivity label
access level
The hierarchical portion of the security level used to identify the sensitivity of data and the clearance or authorization of users Access level, in conjunction with the nonhierarchical categories, forms the sensitivity label of an object [NSTISSC] The hierarchical portion of the security level used to identify the sensitivity of data and the clearance or authorization of users Note: The access level, in conjunction with the non-hierarchical categories, forms the sensitivity label of an object [AJP][NCSC/TG004][SRV] (see also access control, security level)
access list
A listing of names used to designate those persons authorized to enter a controlled area or to have access to a particular classified document
access list
In a router, a list of which addresses are allowed access to which services An access list is used to control traffic both to and from the router
access list
A list of users, programs, and/or processes and the level of access allowed to each See also ACL
access list
A list kept by routers to control access to or from the router for a number of services (for example, to prevent packets with a certain IP address from leaving a particular interface on the router)
access list
A list of users, programs, and/or processes and the specifications of access categories to which each is assigned
access list
List kept by routers to control access to or from the router for a number of services (for example, to prevent packets with a certain IP address from leaving a particular interface on the router)
access list
A list of address spaces that are available to a program operating in access-register mode For XC virtual machines, access lists are managed by CP and are formally called host access lists See also host access list
access list
(IS) Compilation of users, programs, or processes and the access levels and types to which each is authorized (COMSEC) Roster of persons authorized admittance to a controlled area [NSTISSC] A list of users, programs, and/or processes and the specifications of access categories to which each is assigned [NCSC/TG004][SRV] (see access control list)
access list
1 (COMSEC) Roster of persons authorized admittance to a controlled area 2 (AIS) Compilation of users, programs, and/or processes and the access levels and types to which each is authorized [1]
access list
A list of users, programs, and/or processes and the specifications of access categories to which each is assigned [NCSC/TG004] (see access control list)
access list
A list of permit/deny criteria used by cisco routers to filter traffic, usually for security reasons
access list
List kept by routers to control access to or from the router for a number of services For example, the list can prevent packets with a certain IP address from leaving a particular interface on the router
access mode
(I) A distinct type of data processing operation-- e g read, write, append, or execute--that a subject can potentially perform on an object in a system [RFC2828] (see also access control, automated information system)
access mode
When a process creates or opens a file, it specifies the access and share modes of the file The access mode specifies whether the file is for reading, writing or both
access mode
The manner in which records are to be operated upon within a file
access mode
A designation that determines the accessibility of the variables in a class by other functions
access mode
The method by which the GroupWise® client accesses the post office See also client/server access mode and direct access mode
access mode
An access mode is a form of access permitted to a file Each implementation provides separate read, write, and execute/search access modes
access mode
The condition in which all access parameters have been met, allowing an access control system to grant access
access mode
The locking specified when opening a file: exclusive, readers only, or shared with any
access mode
An attribute of a storage pool or a storage volume that specifies whether the server can write to or read from the storage pool or storage volume The access mode can be read/write, read-only, or unavailable Volumes in primary storage pools can also have an access mode of destroyed Volumes in copy storage pools can also have an access mode of offsite
access mode
A method VM/ESA uses to control user access to data files Access modes let the user read and write data to a file, or only read data from a file See file mode
access mode
An attribute of a storage pool or a storage volume attribute that specifies whether TSM can write to or read from the storage pool or storage volume The access mode can be read/write, read-only, or unavailable Volumes in primary storage pools can also have an access mode of destroyed Volumes in copy storage pools can also have an access mode of offsite
access mode
An attribute of a file or directory, which determines what operations a user may perform on the file or directory
access mode
(I) A distinct type of data processing operation-- e g , read, write, append, or execute--that a subject can potentially perform on an object in a computer system [RFC2828] (see also access control)
access mode
the scope of actions available to the user of a collection There are three modes: read-only - user can only view the collection learn-only - user can view the collection, learn new material and make repetitions full-access - user can freely change the contents of a collection
access number
{i} (Internet, Computers) telephone number that connects a personal computer to an Internet service provider
access period
The amount of time that you have access to a network
access period
A segment of time, generally expressed on a daily or weekly basis, during which access rights prevail [AJP][NCSC/TG004] (see also access control)
access period
A segment of time, generally expressed in days or weeks, during which access rights prevail [NSTISSC] A segment of time, generally expressed on a daily or weekly basis, during which access rights prevail [AJP][NCSC/TG004][SRV] (see also access control)
access period
Segment of time, generally expressed in days or weeks, during which access rights prevail [1]
access period
The amount of time allowed for access privileges
access period
a segment of time, generally expressed on a daily or weekly basis, during which access rights prevail
access permission
A group of designations that determine who can access a particular file and how the user can access the file See also permission code
access permission
This allows you to read, write, or execute various files depending on the permissions that are set on the file that you are trying to access
access permission
The right of a user to read, write, or execute a file or directory See also discretionary access control and mandatory access control
access permissions
a set of permissions associated with every file and directory that determine who can read it, write to it, or execute it Only the owner of the file (or the super-user) can change these permissions
access permissions
Control access to sharing in Windows NT Server Permissions can be set for the following access levels
access permissions
Access authorization permitting authors and editors, reviewers, and users the right to create, edit, view content
access permissions
A set of permissions associated with every file and directory that determines who can read it, write to it, or execute it Only the owner of the file (or the super-user) can change these permissions
access permissions
These determine user access to individual elements The permissions are stored in access control lists (ACLs), along with user and state information See also access control list
access permissions
There are two sets of access permissions: permissions that apply to an entire object and permissions that apply to attribute access classes
access privileges
ability to access or change data
access provider
a company that provides the technical services that allow people to use the Internet, usually in exchange for a monthly payment = Internet Service Provider
access right
A right to carry out specified fishing activities
access right
A right to ingress and egress to and from one's property   May be express or implied
access right
The right of an owner to have ingress and egress to and from his property
access right
The right of entrance to and exit from one's property
access right
A right to ingress and egress to and from one's property May be express or implied
access right
The right of a property owner to go to and return from an adjoining street without interference
access right
The operation of reading, writing or updating information on some storage medium, such as a disk
access right
A permission that is granted to a process
access road
A temporary or permanent road over which timber is transported from a loading site to a public road Also known as a haul road
access road
Leading from a main or regional road to a certain point within a locality
access road
a short road giving access to an expressway; "in England they call an access road a slip road"
access road
Any roadway such as a maintenance, delivery, service, emergency or other special limited use road that is necessary for the operation of a building or structure
access road
road that affords access into and out of an area; short road giving access to an expressway
access road
a short road giving access to an expressway; "in England they call an access road a slip road
access road
An access road is a road which enables traffic to reach a particular place or area. the access road to the airport. A road that affords access into and out of an area. a road which allows traffic to reach a particular place
access time
A) the amount of time it takes a storage device to actually read or write information B) Time spent connected to the Internet or to an on-line service
access time
The amount of time, including seek time, latency, and controller time, needed for a storage device to retrieve information
access time
(n ) The time required to reach information or data
access time
The time it takes a computer to retrieve stored data Technically speaking, access time is the time interval between the instant a computer calls for data from a storage medium (such as a hard disk, CD-ROM, or the Internet) and the instant the data is delivered If you leave your computer and your browser stays idle for too long, your ISP may automatically "cut your time off" and you will need to dial-up to regain access
access time
The time taken from a computer's request for DATA stored on disk or in memory to the data being delivered Usually measured in nanoseconds for memory or milleseconds for disks
access time
A measure of the time interval between the instant that the data are called from storage and the instant that delivery is complete
access time
Access time is the time that is needed to get information that is stored in a computer. This system helps speed up access times. The average time lag between a request for information stored on a particular component, such as the hard drive or RAM, and its delivery. the time taken by a computer to find and use a piece of information in its memory
access time
The length of time required for a binary WORD in the memory section of a computer to be read by the CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU), or the time to read data from a peripheral data storage area
access time
The period of time which elapses between a request for information from disk or memory and the information arriving at the requesting device Memory (RAM) may have an access time of 80 nanoseconds or less, while hard disk access time could be 18 milliseconds or less
access time
period of time it takes a computer to provide data that has been requested
access time
The period of time that elapses between a request for information from disk or memory and the information arriving at the requesting device Memory access time refers to the time it takes to transfer a character from memory to or from the processor, while disk access time refers to the time it takes to place the read/write heads over the requested data
access time
The time interval between the request for imformation and the instant that this information is available This is often the time taken for one complete access of a peripheral by the central processing unit
access time
The period between the time the computer requests data from a secondary storage device and the time the transfer of data is completed
access time
The average time (in nanoseconds) for RAM to complete one access Access Time is composed of address setup time and latency (the time it takes to initiate a Request for data and prepare access)
access time
– Elapsed time between the receipt and completion of a read or write command by a storage device
access time
The time required to retrieve data from a storage device and transmit it to a specified location