abtreten einer forderung

listen to the pronunciation of abtreten einer forderung
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von abtreten einer forderung im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{i} halefiyet
yerini alma
{i} borçlu iken alacaklı durumuna geçme
Deutsch - Englisch
If your defaulted student loan(s) are not paid back, the United States Department of Education may require the loan(s) to be assigned to them for referral to the Department of Justice for litigation and/or seizure of assets
the substitution of a different person in place of a creditor
It is sometimes most expedient to have your insurance company initially pay to repair your vehicle and let them fight with the offending party's insurance over issues of fault When one insurance company pursues another for payment, it is termed subrogation
The right of the underwriter to step into the shoes of the assured following payment of a claim to recover the payment from another party who was responsible for the loss Limited to the amount paid on the policy
(law) the act of substituting of one creditor for another
The legal process by which an insurance company, after paying a loss, seeks to recover the amount of the loss from another party who is legally liable for it After the April 1992 flood in downtown Chicago, for example, several insurers brought action for subrogation against the city of Chicago and its contractor, which had caused the flood by accidentally piercing an underwater tunnel
{i} substitution of one creditor for another
The process of recovering the amount of claims damages paid out to a policyholder from the legally liable party When a company pursues the legally liable third party, they are required to include the policyholder’s deductible in the recovery process
An agreement by which the primary insurer, usually a health insurance company, can collect funds from a patient's other benefits sources (i e auto insurance) as reimbursement for claim costs Not legal in all states
Subrogation is the right of recovery of one party against another party This refers to the rights of the HMO or provider group to recover additional monies from a second insurance policy In managed care, it refers mostly to an obligation of the provider group to use all legal remedies to repay the reinsurer for any claims paid, and whatever else they can collect
The act of subrogating
The assignment of the right of recovery from one party to another For example, if an individual receives treatment for injuries related to and automobile accident, the individual's insurer may file a claim with the responsible party's automobile insurance company Subrogation differs from coordination of benefits (COB) in that under COB the liability is shared between the parties on a contractual or legal basis, as opposed to subrogation which assigns the responsibility to one party
The substitution of another person in place of the creditor to whose rights he succeeds in relation to the debt The doctrine is often used when one person agrees to stand surety for the performance of a contract by another person
The legal right of an insurance company to pursue the responsible party or their insurance company for the amount the insurance company has paid The insurance company may only pursue the legal party once it has paid its insured for their damages
The legal process by which an insurance company seeks from a third party who may have caused the loss, recovery of the amount paid to the insured
The substitution of one person in the place of another as a creditor, the new creditor succeeding to the rights of the former; the mode by which a third person who pays a creditor succeeds to his rights against the debtor
The insurance company's right to recover payment from a negligent party
A plan's right to protect itself against paying when another party is responsible for a claim The plan may pay benefits, but has the right to demand restitution or recovery of payments if the subscriber receives payment or is eligible for payment from a third party This concept is similar to no-fault auto insurance restriction clauses or Worker's Compensation The theory is that the plan should not pay if another party is responsible, but the subscriber should receive benefits until such time as the third party pays
Once a company has paid a loss for which someone other than the policyholder is responsible, it may have the right to recover this loss from the guilty party This right is called subrogation
Right of the employee benefits institution to demand that a participant or his/her dependants assign their claims against any liable third party or its liability insurer to the employee benefits institution in cases of personal injury to such a participant, provided that this right has been stipulated in the regulations