above and beyond the call of duty

listen to the pronunciation of above and beyond the call of duty
Englisch - Türkisch
(deyim) Much more than should be expected

If your waiter goes beyond the call of duty, leave a bigger tip.

(deyim) Gereğinden fazla, haddinden fazla
above and beyond
yeter de artar
Englisch - Englisch
(deyim) Much more than expected, the extra mile

Her extra work was above and beyond the call of duty.

above and beyond
Far more than

The staff often goes above and beyond what is required.

above and beyond
More than is expected or required

Boy, they sure went above and beyond when they were planning this party!.

above and beyond
more than enough
above and beyond
over and above
above and beyond the call of duty


    a·bove and be·yond the call of du·ty

    Türkische aussprache

    ıbʌv ınd bîônd dhi kôl ıv dyuti


    /əˈbəv ənd bəˈônd ᴛʜē ˈkôl əv ˈdyo͞otē/ /əˈbʌv ənd bɪˈɔːnd ðiː ˈkɔːl əv ˈdjuːtiː/