ablagern lassend

listen to the pronunciation of ablagern lassend
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von ablagern lassend im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(isim) kötü havadan aşınma
{i} kötü havadan aşınma
Deutsch - Englisch
Present participle of weather
The process by which rocks are broken down in place by physical, chemical and biological processes
- The disintegration and breakdown of rocks at or near the earth's surface
The mechanical or chemical disintegration and discoloration of the surface of wood that is caused by exposure to light, the action of dust and sand carried by winds, and the alternate shrinking and swelling of the surface fibers with continual variation in moisture content brought by changes in the weather Weathering does not include decay
{i} effect of weather; process by which exposed rock is disintegrated and decomposed by atmospheric agents or water (Geology); material used for weather strip
any of the chemical or mechanical processes by which rocks exposed to the weather undergo changes in character and break down - BACK>>
The physical break down and chemical modification of the geological materials exposed at the Earth's surface caused by the action of water, plants, microorganisms, physical abrasion and any of a number of other physical and chemical processes As a general rule, weathering reduces fertility by removing nutrients On the other hand, weathering improves a soil's physical properties
The destructive processes by which rocks are changed on exposure to atmospheric agents at the earth's surface
Physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of rocks, minerals, and immature soils at or near the Earth's surface. Physical, chemical, and biological processes induced or modified by wind, water, and climate cause the changes. Weathering is distinguished from erosion in that no transportation of material is involved. A broader application of erosion, however, includes weathering as a component. Weathering is also distinguished from metamorphism, which usually takes place deep in the crust at much higher temperatures and elevated pressures
The group of processes, such as the chemical action of air and rain water and of plants and bacteria and the mechanical action of changes of temperature, whereby rocks, on exposure to the weather, change in character, decay, and finally crumble into soil The disappearance of substances from vegetation or soil through the action of wind and precipitation [S L Brown]
All physical and chemical changes produced by atmospheric agents in rocks or other deposits at or near the earth's surface These changes result in disintegration and decomposition of the material
the chemical and physical breakdown of rack materials during exposure to air and water
The processes by which rocks are chemically altered or physically broken into fragments as a result of exposure to atmospheric agents and the pressures and temperatures at or near Earth's surface, with little or no transportation of the loosened or altered materials
The action of the elements on a rock in altering its color, texture, or composition, or in rounding off its edges
The change in appearance of paint caused by exposure to the elements The physical disintegration and chemical decomposition of materials on exposure to atmospheric agents Also see natural weathering
The break down of rocks due to the action of the weather
the disintegration of rocks on the Earth's surface by the action of rain, frost, heat, wind, etc
Changes on the surface of glass caused by chemical reaction with the environment Weathering usually involves the leaching of alkali from the glass by water, leaving behind siliceous weathering products that are often laminar
The phyical and chemical change of rocks caused by weather
the in situ decomposition of bedrock through mechanical (such as freeze-thaw) and/or chemical (such as solution or hydrolysis) processes Breaking solid rock into small particles