abgesandter mit geheimem auftrag

listen to the pronunciation of abgesandter mit geheimem auftrag
Deutsch - Englisch
{n} a secret agent, agent, spy, scout
An emissary is a representative sent by one government or leader to another. the President's special emissary to Hanoi. emissaries someone who is sent with an official message or to do official work = envoy
a venous channel in the skull
an agent sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else
An agent employed to advance, in a covert manner, the interests of his employers; one sent out by any power that is at war with another, to create dissatisfaction among the people of the latter
Applied to the veins which pass out of the cranium through apertures in its walls
Exploring; spying
{i} messenger, envoy, delegate, representative
abgesandter mit geheimem auftrag