a car on a freight train for use of the train crew; usually the last car on the train
A car, usually placed at the end of a freight train, in which the conductor has an office and living quarters With increasing use of computer controls, cabooses are being replaced with ETD (End of Train Device) or FRED (Flashing Rear End Device)See Also: End of train device Flashing rear end device
Car for the brakeman and other crew; office for the conductor at the rear of a freight train
a small railway carriage at the back of a train, usually where the person in charge of it travels British Equivalent: guard's van (cabuis, from kabuse)
abd yük katarında tren memurlarının kullandığı en sona takılı vagon
abd yük ka·ta·rın·da tren me·mur·la·rı·nın kul·lan·dı·ğı en so·na ta·kı·lı va·gon