a very few people are allergic to locusts

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Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von a very few people are allergic to locusts im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

very few people
çok az insan
a very few people are allergic to locusts


    a ve·ry few peo·ple are al·ler·gic to locusts

    Türkische aussprache

    ı veri fyu pipıl ır ılırcîk tı lōkıs


    /ə ˈverē ˈfyo͞o ˈpēpəl ər əˈlərʤək tə ˈlōkəs/ /ə ˈvɛriː ˈfjuː ˈpiːpəl ɜr əˈlɜrʤɪk tə ˈloʊkəs/