a trial by judge as opposed to a trial by jury

listen to the pronunciation of a trial by judge as opposed to a trial by jury
Englisch - Englisch
bench trial
a trial by judge as opposed to a trial by jury


    a tri·al by judge as opposed to a tri·al by ju·ry

    Türkische aussprache

    ı trayl bay cʌc äz ıpōzd tı ı trayl bay cûri


    /ə ˈtrīl ˈbī ˈʤəʤ ˈaz əˈpōzd tə ə ˈtrīl ˈbī ˈʤo͝orē/ /ə ˈtraɪl ˈbaɪ ˈʤʌʤ ˈæz əˈpoʊzd tə ə ˈtraɪl ˈbaɪ ˈʤʊriː/