a male given name sometimes given in honor of the french emperor

listen to the pronunciation of a male given name sometimes given in honor of the french emperor
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von a male given name sometimes given in honor of the french emperor im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

(isim) Napolyon altını
{i} Napolyon altını
Englisch - Englisch
a male given name sometimes given in honor of the french emperor


    a male giv·en name some·times giv·en in hon·or of the French em·per·or

    Türkische aussprache

    ı meyl gîvın neym sımtaymz gîvın în änır ıv dhi frenç empırır


    /ə ˈmāl ˈgəvən ˈnām səmˈtīmz ˈgəvən ən ˈänər əv ᴛʜē ˈfrenʧ ˈempərər/ /ə ˈmeɪl ˈɡɪvən ˈneɪm səmˈtaɪmz ˈɡɪvən ɪn ˈɑːnɜr əv ðiː ˈfrɛnʧ ˈɛmpɜrɜr/