A set of software tools used to manage and access large geographic data sets in a map library A map library is a collection of spatial tiles used to spatially partition large areas and layers used to thematically organize geographic data LIBRARIAN commands create and define a map library, move data in and out of a library, query the data in a map library, and display the results of a query See also map library
Caretaker of the barony's books (both ficition and non-fiction), CD's, periodicals, videos, music books, and garb patterns These are available for check-out by members of the barony
A set of software tools to manage and access large geographic data sets in a map library LIBRARIAN commands create and define a map library, move data in and out of a library, query the data in a map library, and display the results of a query
A person who is a specialist in library work, also "A person who is responsible for a collection of specialized or technical information or materials" So while the library is full of librarians, there is only one University Librarian who is in charge of the whole place
Conducts literature searches, correlates information from many sources, and analyzes information to solve research problems Acquires and organizes (classifies, catalogs, indexes) materials along functional lines consistent with the needs of the agency
A specialist in the care, management, and location of recorded information, and one skilled in the process of helping others locate and use information